Chapter 15 (Mari's POV)

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It took us just over 20 minutes to get here to the watchtower, which isn't too bad considering we've been trudging through the forest.  I am, however, cold, tired, and terrified that something will jump out at us. So far, though, we've been okay.

            "Guys, hurry up!" I hear Amra call out from up ahead of me.  He's already waiting at the watchtower, searching for a way in.  I jog to catch up with him, just as he enters through a narrow doorway.

            "Damn, that's a lot of stairs." Shayne grumbles as we begin to make our way up.  Halfway to the top, Ian gives out a shout.

            "Hey Mari, is the totem thing you found like this one?" he calls from higher up above me.  I take two stairs at a time to catch up to him and see the carved wooden log he's holding.

            "Yeah, that's it." I say.  Ian flips it over, and his stare goes empty, eyes locked on the brown butterfly painted on the back.  Mine had a black butterfly, and I remember it showed my potential death.  Wait, didn't David's have a yellow butterfly?  And it's showed him what to do to survive, like it guided him.  This is like Until Dawn.  A brown totem would be a loss totem.

            "Ian?" Shayne gives him a shake.  "What is it?"

            Ian shakes his head, as if clearing it.  "It was you, Mari." he says after a moment's hesitation.  "A killed you.  You were standing on a snowy path and it killed you."

            "Guys, listen." I say, shaken, but I need to explain this theory to them.  "Doesn't this feel like Until Dawn come to life?"  I explain my theory to them, and even though it's totally ridiculous, everyone nods in approval.

            "It makes sense." Amra agrees.  "But the totems don't have to be true, right?"

            "Right, but we have to careful." Ian adds.  We continue up the stairs to the top of the tower.  When we reach the top, I head straight for the fuse box.  We need electricity if we want the radio or cell phone reception to work.

            "Mari, stop.  We don't know if that psycho tampered with the wiring in this building, too." Shayne grabs my wrist.  I recall what Olivia said about the videos, and retract my hand from the fuse box.

            "Right." I say.  "Let's get the kit and go."

            Amra finds the First Aid kit, complete with sutures, and we head back down to the path.  When I walk out the door, I swear I see something moving in the trees, but then all is still again.  "It's just your imagination." I mutter to myself.  I'm just paranoid.

            "Come on." Amra says, passing me with the First Aid kit.  "If we hurry, we can be back by one fifteen."  One fifteen?  Wow, I'd forgotten it was so late.  We scramble through the snow as quickly as possible.  My foot suddenly catches on something, and I fall facedown into a drift.

            "Ow." I mutter, sitting up.  Another totem thingy is lying in the snow, which I must have tripped over.  "Guys, look!" I call.  I pick it up and flip it over revealing a white butterfly.  And then the vision starts.

            I see me, standing on a snowy path.  And I see the Wendigo leaping at me.  Other me curls away from the Wendigo, when the shadowy shape of another person shoves me out of the way.  And then as soon as the vision had begun, it was over.

            "White means fortune, right?" Ian asks.  I nod.

            "The totem you found showed my possible death, right?" I ask.  "And this one showed someone shoving me out of the way of the Wendigo and probably dying him-or-herself.  So I either have to die or someone dies for me?!"  I don't want this to happen.

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