Chapter 11 (David/Lasercorn's POV)

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How did I get so lost?  I've been stumbling around in these dark woods for about forty-five minutes, but I can't find any trace of the others.  I got separated from Keith and Amra about ten minutes ago, when we heard a noise in the woods, panicked, and ran.  I hope they made it back to the lodge.

            I finally spot a break in the trees up ahead.  I reach the large clearing and see that several of the trees almost look as if they'd been burned away.  In the middle of the clearing is a huge patch of semi-burnt wood which looks as though it's been there for years.  I cautiously approach the rubble and spy something glinting in the pile.  I pick my way towards it and pick it up.  It's what used to be a bronze or brass plate, now severely rusted.  It reads Green Valley Sanatorium, along with some other rubbed-off, indistinguishable words. Okay, this is weird.

            I drop the plate and look around.  Nearby is a hastily constructed wooden shack of some type.  It's cold out here, so it can't hurt to step inside for a moment.  I enter the little shack and find it has the appearance of a place that was abandoned at a moment's notice.  There's a laptop open and plugged in on a desk in the corner, next to a half-eaten sandwich and an old stack of newspapers on the floor.  I go and run my finger over the touchpad of the laptop, and surprisingly, it turns on.  It has 5% battery left.  I guess it's been plugged into some power source since it was abandoned.

            It doesn't have a password, so it opens easily.  Whoever was using it was in their email before they left.  There are three email chains here.  I click on the first one, from ten years ago.  This guy really needs to empty his email.  The first email is from Marcel Finley.  Courtney's grandfather, if I remember correctly.

Marcel Finley: Are you sure we can't clear out that burnt up sanatorium?  Not only does it get in the way, but it freaks me out.

Jack Davidson: It cost enough to clear out that old burnt up lodge and then rebuild it for you.  It would cost a fortune to get rid of that thing.  Not to mention that our company doesn't want to deal with whoever built that place.  Someone technically still owns it, though I don't know who.  Sorry.

            I click on the next link.  It's from only nine months ago.

Marcel Finley: Did you find anything out about that guy building higher up on the mountain?

Jack Davidson: Sorry.  He's not on the property I sold you.  That area of the mountain is unowned.  It's not like he can build anything huge up there.  I can't do anything about him, though.  I'm also sorry that the Green Valley Mine is reopening.  The area surrounding the lodge is still technically theirs, so we can't kick them out.

Marcel Finley: Stupid miners.  Shouldn't they have learned better after that first cave-in in like, the 1970s?  And then second one like 10 years ago or something?  How'd you get the property after that incident?

Jack Davidson: After the old lodge burnt down, the family that owned it sold the land.  Some kind of tragic event happened there.  I didn't have an upper role in the company back then, so all I really know is that the son didn't want to sell the place.  I'm not really sure he was mentally stable.

            I open up the third and final link, from six months ago.

Marcel Finley: It was bound to happen eventually.  Those idiots.  Were any of them ever rescued from the cave-in?

Jack Davidson: Yeah I know.  They sold the property to you at least.  I don't think any of them survived.  But here's the weird thing.  They asked me to come up here to check out the area, since I'm the one the lodge property was originally sold to.  I swear I saw something.  I'm going to stay up here for a few days.  There's something wrong with this place.

Marcel Finley: Ok.  Thanks for getting me the land.  I just wish we could get the other creep off the mountain.  Can you do anything?

Marcel Finley: Jack?  You still haven't replied.  It's been a month.  You there?

Marcel Finley: Hello?  I tried emailing your business account, and calling you a bunch.  I even called your company, and they said you never came back from the mountain.  What happened?

            The chain stops there.  Something happened to Jack Davidson on this mountain.  I exit the email, and the laptop dies.  Dammit.  I wanted to show the others.  I kneel down to unplug the charger so I can hopefully charge it back at the lodge, and I spot something shoved way back to the wall under the desk.  I pull out my phone as a flashlight, and wish I hadn't.

            It's a body.  It's been here for a long time by the looks of it.

            I back away, no longer caring about the laptop.  I have to get out of here.  That man has to be Jack Davidson.  And something, or someone, killed him.  I turn around and run from the hut.  I run into the woods, not caring about which way I'm going.  I finally come to a stop, completely and utterly lost.  Then I hear it.  A snapping twig.  A flash of white in the trees.

            The human-shaped thing jumps at me, and I turn and run.  I don't look back.  I hop over a log and duck branches, but the thing is much more agile.  It's catching up fast.

            I break through the trees and finding I'm standing on the edge of a cliff.  The one from my vision, I realize.  In the vision, I jumped off the cliff.  Which would be crazy, of course, but at this point I don't think I have a choice.  As the thing breaks through the trees, I sit down and begin to slide towards the ground two hundred feet below me.

A/N: I know this chapter might be a bit confusing, but it should become clear later on, or maybe you already understand if you've played/watched a playthrough of the game.

Otherwise, I'm currently stuck with a brace on my wrist, which makes typing a pain in the neck :( I've either fractured or sprained it, which sucks. Typing this A/N took over 5 mins. Oh well.

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