Chapter 12 (Wes's POV)

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"David???" I say incredulously as he emerges from around the corner. "What are you doing down here?" He's looking pretty beat up, bleeding from the side of his head, and his pants torn at the bottom. "Where are the others?"

"I could ask you the same thing! Why are you two down here?" he asks back.

"We wanted to try calling you guys." Shayne explains. "So Wes, Josh, and I all went to the watchtower Courtney told us about. When we turned on the power though, the place exploded and the collapsed over the side the cliff. Wes and I hung on and made it in an opening in the cliff face, but Josh..." he trails off.

"Anthony." David bursts out. "He fell down the mineshaft, but it wasn't an accident. Someone tried to kill all of us. Then when we were returning to the house, I got separated from Amra and Keith. I found some stuff you guys should now about, but I'll wait until we get back to the lodge to share that. Then some...thing chased me. I slid down the cliff and caught a gap in the cliff face. I've been following your footsteps, but I didn't know it was you. I just hoped whoever it was would lead me out."

"Well then we'd better get moving." Shayne says, leading the way. We walk for a short while, always trying to press upwards, before something occurs to me.

"Why'd you slide down the cliff?" I ask. "There was no way you could know about the mines, right?"

David takes a deep breath. "You're going to call me crazy, but I had a vision. Anthony and Amra said they did, too. I found this thick log with carvings in it, like a totem pole. On the back there was a white butterfly. When I picked it up, I saw myself jump off the cliff. And since Anthony's came true, I figured it might be my best bet.  Though, I in retrospect, I could've died." he admits. I wonder what Anthony's vision was, but I feel like now's not the time to ask.

"Wes?" Shayne pauses. "Josh warned us not to flip the switch for the fuse box. Do you think he found one of those things, too?"

I hadn't thought of that. If we'd listened to him, if we hadn't flipped the switch, he'd still be alive. He told us not to, and he's dead because we didn't listen to him. As if he's reading my thoughts, David turns to face me.

"It might not be true, and even if it is, it's not your fault." he says. I nod, but only so we can keep moving. I'll never be able to get rid of the guilt. I basically killed my best friend.

Not much later, I notice we can see without the help of the phone light. We follow the light and find a narrow path, just wide enough to squeeze through. Once we make it, we're back out in the open. Careful to stick to the path, we head in the direction of the lodge.

A/N: So surprise numero uno, Lasercorn is alive! I know there's not much happening in this chapter, but bear with me.
Anyways, thanks for reading this far :)


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