Chapter 28 (Noah's POV)

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I'd given up hope that anyone would find me.  Yet here are Courtney and Amra, looking like hell.  I wonder how they found me.  Hell, even I don't have a clue where I am.

         "Holy shit." Courtney whispers.  "You're alive!  We all thought you were dead!"

         "Umm..." I don't really have an answer to that.  "How'd you find me?  What happened?" I ask nervously.

         Courtney and Amra share a worried glance.  After a moment, Amra sighs and turns to face me.  "It's a bit of a long story." he says.  "But...  The reason we thought you were dead is because there's a madman trying to kill us all.  And we're trapped here until dawn at best."

         "Wait...what...Hold on, can you untie me first?" I ask.  Courtney rushes over and uses and arrow, which I'm not going to bother asking where she got, and cuts me free.  The ropes sting like hell against the slashes on my body, but I'm too confused and relieved to care.  "Who'd he kill?  How do you know?" I ask once I'm on my feet again.

         "Honestly, the more accurate question is 'Who didn't he kill?'" Courtney says sadly.  My mouth opens in shock.

         "Then who?" I can barely speak above a whisper, because a ton of my friends are apparently dead.

         "Me, Courtney, Wes, Ian, and Keith." Amra replies.  "And you, apparently.  How did this," he gestures to the cuts, "happen, and why?  And how are you still alive?"

         "The guy in the mask said he wanted the cable car key." I said.  "But I haven't seen him in a few hours.  I don't know why he wanted it, but I didn't give it to him. I must've dropped it when he was bringing me here. When I didn't give it to him, he sent this...thing in for a few seconds.  That's how all this happened." I show the cuts.

         "Those things are Wendigos." Courtney explains.  "Remember that stupid horror game, Until Dawn?  The one on the mountain, with teenagers?"

         "Yes...?" I venture.  I vaguely remember some of the Smosh Games crew playing it, though I didn't pay much attention.

         "It was all real, and now that's where we are, with no way off this damned mountain." Amra says.  "The only hope we have is if Olivia's message was received through the radio."

         This is all weird, and it's screwing with my brain.  I take a moment to backtrack and think about everything Courtney and Amra have said.  My mind focuses on one sentence, and it takes a moment for the meaning to sink in.  "What do you mean when you say only you two, Wes, Ian, and Keith are left?" I ask, hoping she doesn't mean what I think she means.

         "The same guys who kidnapped you, Washington," Courtney explained, "has been controlling the Wendigos through his sister, and he's been trying to kill us all.  And he's been succeeding."

         Wait, so Anthony and Olivia and Mari and...everyone.  My mind is reeling from this information.  "They're all dead?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper, and Courtney and Amra nod.

         "But right now, we need to get out of here." Amra says.  We all head to the door and Amra looks around the corner cautiously.  Apparently nothing's there, because we leave the room and start down the hall.

         After a few short minutes, we come across another unlocked door.  This time, Courtney checks the room first before pulling open the door, letting us in, and shutting it behind her.  The room is mostly bare except for a few empty shelves and a trapdoor in the corner.

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