Chapter Forty-Nine

Start from the beginning

"What do the tweets say?" Harry asked nervously and Louis looked back down, smiling at what their fans had to say.

"Victoria said 'Happy birthday to the mother of not only our sunshine but Harry and Louis' sunshine. You are loved and missed. #KatiesDay.' Ash said 'Happy birthday to my favourite 1D girl. Thank you for bringing my heroes back together. We love you. #KatiesDay.'" Louis read and he looked through more of the tweets. "Everyone is just saying thank you and happy birthday to Katie. There's a lot of fan edits of her with wings and watching over us. A lot of people have changed their names on here to 'Angel Katie' or 'Mommy Katie'." He explained and Harry smiled softly, looking down at his plate.

"That's amazing. I knew our fans were amazing but I had no idea that they knew Katie's birthday or still remembered her." Harry said softly and Louis gently laid his hand over Harry's and squeezed it, making Harry smile up at him.

"Can we tweet something about Mommy?" Adaley asked softly and Harry nodded, handing his phone over to Adaley. She opened up Twitter and typed slowly. She looked back up and smiled shyly. "How does this sound: Happy birthday Mommy. Thanks everyone for your nice messages for her. I know she's smiling and saying she loves all of you too. –Ada #KatiesDay.?" She asked and Harry smiled, nodding at her.

"That sounds perfect." Harry said proudly and she nodded, hitting the tweet button. She gave Harry his phone back and Harry looked back at Louis. "What's the other hashtag about?" he asked and Louis chuckled softly.

"People are tweeting about Adaley having a good first day at school. Apparently Michael tweeted about Adaley starting her first day of school today and wishing her luck. People picked up on it and started a trend about it." Louis said with a grin and Adaley giggled softly, shyly looking down at her plate.

"Our fans are really invested in our lives still, aren't they? I figured they'd die down after a while of us being on break but they're still going strong. I'm just happy that they're not invading our privacy." Harry said with a fond smile and Louis nodded in agreement. "Do you want to take a picture of you on your first day and post it on Twitter?" he asked Adaley and she nodded, grinning at him.

"Yes! Let me grab my sweater too. I want it in the picture. It's one that Miss Tayler ordered for me." Adaley said, jumping up and running up to her room. Harry chuckled softly and he and Louis started to clean off the table. Soon Adaley came back downstairs holding a pink sweatshirt with white writing on it. She held it up and on the front it said 'cool'. Harry chuckled softly and grabbed his phone.

"Ready?" He asked and Adaley nodded. She posed with the sweatshirt in one hand and the other hand was doing her papa's signature Westside sign. Louis laughed loudly as Harry snapped the picture. "Do you want me to post it on Twitter or Instagram?" he asked and she thought for a moment.

"Both! And can I take on with Papa and then one with you?" She asked and Harry nodded, gesturing for Louis to get into the picture. Louis crouched down and they both threw up the Westside sign which made Harry smile fondly and shake his head. He snapped the picture and he and Louis switched spots. Harry crouched down and smiled widely, dimples creating craters in his cheeks. Adaley leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek as Louis snapped the picture. He opened his Instagram and posted it with the caption 'Hazza and our baby on her first day of school!'. Harry opened his own Instagram and posted his photo of Louis and Adaley with the caption 'My king and our princess on her first day. They grow up too fast.' Harry then posted the picture of Adaley standing alone on his Twitter and soon it was blowing up. People were tweeting a girl named Colleen about the sweatshirt that Adaley was holding up. Harry glanced at the time and his eyes widened.

"We gotta get going if you hope to get there on time. Grab your bag and meet us in the car." Harry said and soon the family was rushing to get their shoes on and get on the road to Adaley's school. Eventually they pulled up in front of the building as students filled into the building.

"Do you want us to go in with you?" Louis asked and Adaley shook her head as they all climbed out of the car. She hugged them both tightly and kissed both of their cheeks.

"I love you!" She called behind her as she ran up to Emery who was walking slowly into the school with her head down. The two men heard both girls squealing and giggling about how Adaley was wearing her cool sweatshirt while Emery was wearing her flop sweatshirt. Harry sadly looked after her as Louis cuddled into his side. Harry kissed the top of his head as Adaley disappeared into the school building.

"There she goes." Harry whispered and Louis nodded sadly.

"Now what? This is our first day without her and we don't have anything we have to do." Louis asked with a frown and Harry chuckled softly.

"We could be domestic. We could go home, make a grocery list, and do grocery shopping together. We could also plan our wedding since we haven't gotten much done on that." Harry suggested and Louis nodded, smiling up at Harry.

"Let's go fiancé." Louis said and Harry leaned down, gently pecking Louis' lips.


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