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(Hey everyone! I wanted to give you guys a small Christmas present so here it is. I wrote a bonus Christmas chapter for y'all. It's while they're still living in LA, before Louis proposed, and after Katie had already died. This doesn't fit with the current position of the story but I don't care. I think you guys deserve a Christmas present for being such amazing readers so here is you Larry family Christmas chapter. I hope y'all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Disclaimer: There might be more to come later but right now I like how it is. Keep your eyes peeled for a possible update of this bonus chapter :))

Harry, Louis, and Adaley had only been an official family for a short while when the topic of Christmas had arisen. Terrance was unfortunately going to be on a business trip in Australia from December 20th until after the New Year so Louis and Harry both decided to keep Adaley with them. Harry and Adaley were both in the kitchen preparing dinner while Louis was running some errands with Lottie, his sister. Adaley looked up at Harry from her spot at the table and cocked her head to the side.

"Daddy? When's Papa's birthday?" She asked and Harry chuckled softly.

"Your papa's birthday is Christmas Eve, actually." Harry answered and Adaley gasped softly.

"Really? Does he like being a Christmas baby?" Adaley asked and Harry shrugged slightly.

"He doesn't complain about it but I think he kinda gets annoyed by the fact that he's never really gotten a birthday party because all his friends were gone for Christmas vacation." Harry explained and Adaley nodded sadly. The kitchen was quiet for a few minutes while Adaley thought hard.

"We should throw Papa a birthday party." Adaley suddenly said. "I think that Christmas Eve we should have a party for Papa. Christmas morning is meant for presents anyway. We could get Gamma Jo, Aunt Lottie, Aunt Daisy, Aunt Fiz, Aunt Phoebs, Uncle Ernest, Aunt Doris, and Grandpa Dan to come!" she said, gasping softly. Harry shook his head sadly.

"We can't get them all the way to LA because all the flights are booked. We do have plans to see them after the start of the year." Harry said and Adaley frowned as she went back to thinking.

"Maybe we could have Uncle Niall, Uncle Liam, Uncle Zayn, Aunt Ali, Miss Emma, Miss Breana, Uncle Josh, Aunt Lottie, Mr. Michael, Miss Tayler, Uncle Paul, and Emery come?" Adaley suggested and Harry thought for a moment before shrugging.

"I think we can do that." Harry said, nodding slightly. "I can call everyone later while Papa takes you Christmas shopping." He suggested and Adaley nodded furiously.

"We could video chat Gamma Jo and everyone to surprise Papa too!" Adaley said excitedly and Harry chuckled softly, nodding at her. Harry heard the dead bolt turning and he shushed the little girl quickly.

"This plan stays between you and me, got it?" Harry said with a grin and Adaley nodded, making the sign of zipping her lips. Louis walked into the kitchen moments later.

"Hello my beautiful family!" Louis said happily and Adaley giggled, jumping off the chair and running into her father's arms.

"Hi Papa! Did you have fun with Aunt Lottie?" She asked and Louis nodded, kissing the top of the little girl's head.

"We sure did. Lotts and I got some great ornaments for the apartment. I was thinking that after dinner we could decorate the tree." Louis suggested and Harry nodded, gently pecking Louis' lips.

"Sounds great to me. Ada doesn't have to be in bed early tonight. Ali called me today and said that Adaley's lessons will resume at the beginning of the year." Harry explained and Adaley cheered, hugging Harry's leg tightly.

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