Chapter Forty-Seven

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The next morning was filled with whining and complaining but it wasn't from Adaley. No, it was from Louis.

"But why do we have to go shopping this early, Harry? I just wanna sleep." Louis whined and slammed his fist down on the kitchen table. Harry's jaw tensed and he turned around, glaring at Louis.

"Louis William Tomlinson." Harry warned but Louis ignored him as he continued to whine.

"You woke me up at eight to go shopping! Why couldn't we go shopping later today? We could just sit around and relax. No one says that the shopping has to be done before noon. Why couldn't we be like normal people?" Louis ranted and Harry felt his patience wearing thin as he listened to Louis. He did love Louis to death but he hated when Louis whined like a small child. Louis continued to whine until Harry whirled around and slammed his hand down on the counter, a fire in his eyes. He was so glad that Adaley was still upstairs getting ready.

"Knock it off!" Harry nearly shouted and Louis jumped from the volume of Harry's voice and the sound of Harry's large hand making contact with their granite countertop. "I'm tired of hearing you whine about getting up early. I know that you hate it but you're going to have to get used to it because we have a child that has to get up early to go to school and I don't want to be the only one up when she leaves. I truly believe that we should both be up and starting our day when she is. Just because we're on a hiatus doesn't mean our life calms down. Yes we're not performing or doing interviews but we still have responsibilities. You have your record label that you have to run and we have duties as fathers." He snapped and Louis sunk down in his seat as Harry continued to rant. "And I don't want Adaley picking up your habit of whining when she doesn't want to do something." He said and ran his hands over his face. Louis opened his mouth to reply but stopped himself when he saw Adaley walking down the stairs. As soon as Adaley walked into the kitchen she could feel the tension in the air. She looked over at a red faced Harry and then over at Louis who looked like he was about to cry. She nervously swallowed and played with her fingers behind her back.

"Is everything okay?" She asked in a quiet voice and Louis gave her a weak smile.

"Yes it is Princess. Go ahead and sit down for some breakfast while I go get ready." Louis told her and she nodded, taking her seat at the table. Louis got up and walked out of the room without sparing a glance at Harry. Harry groaned and set a plate of food in front of Adaley before walking back over to the stove to put the kettle on to boil for tea.

"Did you and Papa have a fight?" Adaley asked timidly and Harry frowned, turning to look at her.

"No! Why would you think that?" Harry asked with furrowed eyebrows and Adaley sighed heavily, moving to sit on her knees so that she could better reach her plate.

"Papa looked like he was about to cry and the only thing that makes him cry is when you two fight and those weird romance movies you two watched while we were on tour." Adaley mumbled and Harry sighed, leaning against the counter and running a hand through his long locks. They sat in silence and the only thing that made a noise was the kettle when it whistled loudly. He poured the boiling water into the awaiting cup and made Louis' tea just the way he liked it. Harry picked up the mug and started for the stairs.

"Finish your breakfast while I go talk to Papa." Harry told her and disappeared up the stairs. He gently pushed the door open and the first sound that greeted him were sniffles coming from the lump under their comforter. He sat the tea down on Louis' bedside table and sat next to his fiancé, gently laying a hand on Louis' hip. "Boo." He murmured.

"I don't feel well. Go ahead and go shopping without me." Louis sniffled and Harry sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry about what I said down in the kitchen. I completely regret it." Harry said softly and Louis peeked his head out from his hiding spot. Harry's heart broke when he saw his lover's red rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks.

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