Chapter Sixteen

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As they pulled up in front of the mall Emma looked up from her phone in shock.

"We're here already?" She asked and Harry nodded, putting the car in park.

"Yep and if you would take a break from texting your boyfriend you would've noticed that." Harry teased and Emma blushed but waved him off.

"Actually I wasn't texting Niall. He's with Josh. I was texting Breana and she said that while Josh is off with Niall she had asked him to drop her off at the mall. She wants to know if we're okay with her tagging along today." Emma asked as they climbed out and harry shrugged, wrapping an arm around Ali's shoulders and kissing her temple. Couple like behavior between the two was normal and all their friends overlooked their actions.

"I don't see why not. She's a lovely girl and I think she'd be great company on our shopping escapade." Harry said with a chuckle and Emma nodded, waving at someone by the entrance of the mall. The three of them walked over and were greeted warmly by a small girl with chocolate brown hair.

"Hi." She said shyly and Harry chuckled, slinging an arm around her shoulders.

"Hello Breana. What are you shopping for today?" he asked and Breana smiled, looking over at Ali and Emma.

"We're all shopping for the same thing. Our friend Jo is getting married to her girlfriend of five years." Breana said happily and Harry nodded, smiling at the thought of the unknown couple. They walked into the large mall and started their expedition. As Harry and Breana sat waiting for Ali and Emma to show off their dresses they started to talk.

"I'm sorry that we didn't really get to talk all that much at the party. Louis and Ada just had me running around like crazy." Harry apologized and Breana just smiled fondly.

"Don't worry about it. You were caught up with your family." Breana said kindly and Harry nodded slowly, smiling at the girl next to him.

"When Lou and I get back we'll have to go on a group date. You and Josh, Ali and Zayn, Emma and Niall, and me and Louis. I believe it'll be great fun." Harry said with a grin and Breana nodded, looking over at Emma when she heard the girl's voice ring throughout the small store.

"Prepared to be amazed." Emma nearly yelled and the workers in the store sent her glares. She giggled softly and struck a pose, wiggling her eyebrows at Harry and Breana. "So? What do you think?" she asked and Harry nodded in approval.

"I think it looks lovely." Harry commented and Breana nodded in agreement. Emma grinned and disappeared into the dressing room with a shout of how she found the one. Harry chuckled softly and glanced over at Ali's dressing room door. "Ali? You almost ready?" he asked.

"Yeah." Ali called shyly and when she walked out Harry's jaw dropped. Ali shyly smiled at the two on the couch. "So?" she asked nervously and Breana smiled.

"That looks great! Get it!" Breana said happily and Ali turned to Harry. She was nervously awaiting her best friend's opinion.

"Harry?" She asked worriedly and Harry snapped out of his trance. He smiled warmly at the girl in front of him.

"You look absolutely amazing, Ali. I have never seen a dress look so perfect on someone. It honestly looks like it was made for you. If you don't get it then you're insane. The colour gives you a warm glow and it accentuates your natural beauty. The length is just right. You look like you belong on a runway or the red carpet." Harry praised and Ali turned bright red, looking shyly down at the dress.

"You really think so?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Harry nodded and smiled lovingly at the girl he called his sister.

"I know so. Get it." Harry said in approval and Ali nodded, disappearing into the dressing room again. Harry smiled as he stood up from the chair, holding a hand out for Breana. She took it and Harry lifted her up, hugging her gently to his side. Breana squeaked in surprise before giving him a side hug in return. After Emma and Ali bought their dresses the quartet made their way to Harry's car. The ride back to each of their houses was silent until Breana spoke up.

"Hey Harry." Breana called from the backseat and Harry glanced in the review mirror at her for a quick second.

"Yeah?" He asked and Breana glanced down at her phone once more.

"Do you think we could go to the LA Galaxy Soccer Center? Apparently all the guys are there." Breana said and Harry frowned but nodded.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he merged onto the highway to go towards Torrance. Breana sent a text to Josh telling him that they were on their way.

"Apparently Louis and Zayn met up and now everyone's there. Josh, Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Adaley are all there." Breana explained and Harry nodded, setting the GPS in his car for their destination. Within a half hour they were pulling up in front of the building. Harry put his car in park and everyone climbed out, slowing making their way out to the field. When they got there they saw the boys kicking the ball around but Harry frowned when he couldn't find Adaley on the sidelines. He opened his mouth to call for her when he heard a loud yell from a female.

"C'MON PAPA. I'M OPEN." The voice called loudly and Harry looked over to see Louis kicking the ball to Adaley who slid through Niall's legs and she took off down the field, juggling the ball between her small feet. Harry, Ali, Emma, and Breana all watched on with shock as Adaley ran down the field with ease, looking as if she belonged on the field. She gave the ball a hard kick and from across the field you could hear the shout from her small lungs when the ball hit the back of the net. She jumped around happily and tackled Louis into a hug. Harry smiled proudly and walked onto the field with the girls following him. Adaley looked up and gasped, a huge smile growing on her face. Louis looked at her in confusion.

"What's that smile for?" Louis asked, not noticing the four approaching figures.

"Daddy!" Adaley shrieked and jumped up, running at Harry. The tall man scooped her up and hugged her tightly. His dimples made an appearance when he felt Adaley pressing a kiss to his cheek. While Adaley and Harry exchanged hellos Louis stood up and slowly walked his way over to the pair, gently pressing a chaste kiss to Harry's free cheek. Harry smiled down at his fiancé.

"Hi Boo." Harry said softly and pressed a sweet kiss to Louis' sweaty hair, wiping his lips off seconds later. Louis laughed and wiped his face off with his tank top.

"Hey. How was lunch and shopping?" Louis asked and took long gulps of his water, handing it to Adaley when he was done. Harry smiled and shrugged slightly.

"It was pretty good. We went to Stories. That little café I told you about on Sunset Blvd." Harry mentioned and Louis nodded. "Then we went to Beverly Center and Emma and Ali both got some beautiful dresses." He said, smiling when he thought back to Ali in her stunning pink dress. Louis smiled fondly at his lover and nodded again, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. He motioned for Harry to put Adaley down and the tall man did so, watching their daughter take off running to see Ali. Louis gently grabbed Harry's hand.

"Walk with me?" Louis asked in a low and serious voice. Harry frowned but nodded, falling in step with his fiancé. When they were far enough away from the others Harry opened his mouth.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked in a whisper and Louis frowned, forehead creasing deeply.

"I got a call while you were out." Louis said nervously and Harry nodded slowly.

"From who?" Harry asked, stomach tying in knots. Louis nervously licked his lips before answering.

"From Belle." Louis said and Harry's breath caught in his throat.

"And what did she want?" Harry asked but he already knew the answer.

"She wants Adaley and she said that she'll do anything she has to do to get her." Louis whispered and Harry's breath caught in his throat.


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