Chapter Twenty-Eight

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When Adaley arrived home the next day Harry and Louis sat her down, smiling like maniacs.

"What's going on?" Adaley asked hesitantly and Harry chuckled, nudging Louis gently.

"You wanna tell her or me?" Harry asked in a soft voice and Louis shrugged.

"Tell me what?" Adaley pushed, getting impatient. Her very low patience level was something she had picked up from Louis in a short time. Harry chuckled and sat up straighter, looking like he was presenting an idea to a business mogul.

"As you know when we were in X-Factor we did video diaries with the entire band. Well, we were thinking that we could start something like that again. Instead of us and the other boys sitting on the stairs answering questions from Twitter we would just film our lives." Harry explained and Adaley slowly nodded.

"So we'd be making family video blogs for your fans?" Adaley asked and Louis shrugged as he nodded.

"Pretty much." He said simply and Adaley smiled.

"When do we get started?" She asked and Louis chuckled, standing up and holding a hand out for her.

"Actually we were hoping to film the first video today when you got home." Louis explained and Adaley nodded, bouncing on her toes as she followed Louis and Harry to their room. "We set the camera up in here because there's enough room for all three of us and this way they can't see our basically bare living room." He said with a nervous chuckle and Adaley shrugged, jumping onto the bed. Harry and Louis sat on each side of her and Harry let out a long breath.

"So what are we going to say?" Harry asked and Louis shrugged.

"I figured we'd just talk to the camera and just say whatever we wanted. Troye is in town with Terrance and I already asked him if he'd come over and teach me how to edit." Louis said and Harry nodded, watching Louis turn on the camera. He gestured for Harry to speak.

"Hi. Harry Styles here and this is my fiancé Louis Tomlinson and our daughter Adaley. As most, if not all, of you know we are part of the band One Direction. We're on our two year break right now and we've seen a lot of people complaining that we're going to be gone. Last night Louis came up with an idea. Boo, would you like to share?" Harry asked, laughing when Louis playfully glared at him.

"When we were in the X-Factor we did video diaries and while on tour we did tour diaries. All the fans seemed to love them and were begging for us to start them again. Since the entire band is off doing their own thing right now we decided to do our own little version of them. Our videos will be about our little family and our adventures. The rest of the band will be seen in our videos but they are mainly about Harry, Adaley, and myself. I think I'm going to pass it on to our little angel and see what she wants to say. Princess?" Louis said, looking down at her and she smiled up at him before looking back at the camera.

"Hi. I'm Adaley Jaylyn and I just recently turned six. Daddy and Papa adopted me after my mommy died. Since then I've been living with them and they've been the best dads in the world. I'm just like every other six year old in the world. I play with toys and hang out with my best friend Emery. Ali, my teacher and my uncle Zayn's girlfriend, said that I'm technically a genius. Right now I'm currently reading 'The Developing Mind' by Daniel J. Siegel. It's a very interesting read and I think everyone should try it." Adaley rambled and stopped for a moment as she thought. "I do like watching TV. I love all the Disney movies and I absolutely love watching Ellen! She's so funny and nice." She giggled and leaned into Harry's side. "So yeah. That's about me." She said and looked up at Harry who nodded in approval.

"This is our family and we hope you enjoy our videos. We will be doing questions occasionally though." Harry said and smiled lovingly at his fiancé. "And now to sign off. Louis, will you start our send off?" he asked and Louis nodded.

"I'm Louis."

"I'm Adaley."

"And I'm Harry and welcome to our little Larry Family." Harry said and Louis ended the video with a small remote he had linked up with their video camera. As soon as the red light turned off the family flopped back onto the bed, all laughing softly.

"That was really fun." Adaley giggled and snuggled into Harry's side. He nodded slightly and gently rubbed her back. Harry laid there in silence for a few moments before he spoke up.

"I think we should go back to Bayville and look at houses again." Harry said softly and sat up, looking back at Louis and Adaley. "As a family this time." He murmured and Louis nodded excitedly, jumping up. Harry laughed softly at his excitement, looking down at Adaley. "What do you think? Do you wanna go to Bayville and look at houses?" he asked and Adaley thought for a moment.

"Isn't that where Aunt Ali grew up?" She asked and Harry nodded. "Then yes." She said simply and walked off to her room without another word. Harry frowned as he watched her go.

"Do you really think she wants to move?" Harry asked softly and Louis sighed, setting his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"I don't think so. Not only will we be moving her away from the only town she's known but we'll be moving her away from all of the people she's grown to love and call family. That's hard for anyone but especially someone who just lost their mother." Louis said softly, sitting next to Harry. "This will be hard on her but she will adjust. She's proved that she can adjust to anything the world throws at her." He murmured and Harry nodded in agreement, standing up and stretching his back.

"I think I'm gonna make us some lunch." Harry mumbled and shuffled out to the kitchen, Louis looking after him sadly. He stood there for a moment before walking into Adaley's room and sitting next to her on the bed.

"Hey princess." Louis said softly but Adaley didn't look up from the picture in her hands.

"Hi Papa." She mumbled and Louis frowned, looking at the picture in her hands.

"Where was that taken?" Louis asked softly, gesturing to the picture.

"Daddy took it of Mommy and me when we went to the zoo before we went out to get ice cream. She was holding me up to look at the monkeys because they're my favourites." Adaley whispered and hugged the picture to her chest. Louis sat back on the bed with his back against the headboard and pulled Adaley onto his lap. She cuddled into his chest and sniffled softly.

"Daddy and I both noticed that you got very quiet after the video. What's going on in your head?" Louis asked softly and Adaley let out a soft whimper.

"I just really miss my mommy. She was my best friend and she made everything seem less scary. Even breaking my arm wasn't that bad because she was there with me. Moving to Bayville is a really scary thought and I don't have her here to make it okay." Adaley said before breaking down into tears. "Why did she have to die, Papa? She was a great person!" she sobbed and gripped his shirt tightly. Louis gently rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head.

"There's always a plan for our lives that's set before we're born. Each thing we go through makes us stronger and leads us to something new." Louis said softly. "Tell me what losing her led you to." He asked gently and Adaley sniffled.

"You and Daddy became my parents and you both have showed me a lot of new things and taught me so much." Adaley recalled and Louis smiled softly.

"I know losing your mummy hurts but trust me. She's up in heaven looking down on you and telling all the other angels that you're her baby and she couldn't be more proud of you." Louis told her and a small smile grew on Adaley's face.

"You really think Mommy's proud of me?" Adaley asked shyly and Louis laughed.

"I know she's proud of you. I can bet every time she sees a good mark on your school work she does a dance in the clouds. She's as proud of you as Daddy and I are." Louis murmured and Adaley hugged his neck tightly.

"Thank you Papa. I love you so much." Adaley mumbled into his neck and Louis' heart swelled with love.

"I love you too princess. Now, how about we go help Daddy with lunch?" he asked and the little girl nodded furiously, jumping off the bed and dragging Louis to the kitchen eagerly.

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