Chapter Forty-Two

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The rest of the shopping trip passed without incident but Adaley's comment weighed heavily on Louis' mind and Harry could tell something was up with Louis. After they had put the groceries away Harry turned to Adaley with a warm smile.

"Hey princess. Why don't you go up to your room and read for a while? Papa and I need to talk." Harry suggested and Adaley nodded, skipping out of the kitchen. Louis gave Harry a funny look.

"What do we need to talk about?" he asked and Harry gave him a look.

"Louis. I've known you for six years and I've dated you almost the same amount of time. I know when something's wrong with you so spill it." Harry said and Louis sighed heavily. Normally he'd try to brush Harry off but he knew that it wouldn't work this time.

"When we were at the store Ada told me that she wants to take our last name when we get married." Louis said softly and Harry's jaw dropped.

"She really said that?" He asked in a squeaky voice and Louis nodded.

"She said that she doesn't want to be a Cane anymore. She wants to be a Styles-Tomlinson." Louis said quietly and Harry roughly ran his hand through his hair.

"We need to discuss this with Terrance because it's his blood niece." Harry said and Louis instantly felt bad because he could tell that the information he'd just shared with his fiancé was stressing him out. Louis gently laid his hand over Harry's and squeezed it.

"Harry. Breathe. We have a while until we get married so we will see how she feels about taking our last name after we get married. It's not something we need to discuss today." Louis said gently and Harry nodded, breathing deeply. He stood up and made his way back to the stove. Louis watched Harry as he moved around the kitchen expertly and he admired the way Harry seemed at home as he cooked. "Why don't we just have a family night tonight? We can play games, watch movies, and eat whatever the hell we want." He suggested. Harry thought for a moment before he nodded and that's what they did. They spent the rest of their day enjoying each other's company. Adaley played soccer with Louis in their backyard while Harry and Elsa cuddled on the front porch while Harry read his favourite author's newest book. After the sun had set they spent the rest of the night watching Disney movies as they cuddled on the couch with a bowl of popcorn on Adaley's lap.

The next morning Harry arose early so he could begin to prepare the food that was going to be available at their house warming party later that day. Harry was bustling through the kitchen singing happily when Louis walked in, tiredly rubbing his eyes.

"I honestly don't know how you're so chipper in the morning." Louis grumbled, giving Harry a thank you peck when Harry handed him his morning tea. Harry chuckled softly at the way Louis was nodding off on the stool across the counter from him.

"I didn't always used to be a morning person. I hated getting up in the morning." Harry said as he whisked away at whatever was in the silver bowl in his hands.

"What changed?" Louis asked around a yawn and Harry smiled fondly at his sleepy fiancé.

"I have a reason to wake up happy now." Harry said and Louis smiled slightly.

"And what's that reason?" Louis asked absentmindedly and Harry chuckled softly.

"You and Adaley. I know that my real life is finally better than my dreams." Harry told his fiancé and Louis' heart swelled with love when he heard Harry's words. He couldn't believe how lucky he got with his sap of a fiancé. Louis stood up and walked around the island, wrapping Harry in a tight hug.

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