Chapter Thirty-Three

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Everyone sat in the living room of Louis and Harry's apartment but no one spoke. No one knew what to say after the scene made at the restaurant. Ashton looked around before sighing heavily.

"I think it's time for the boys and me to go home. It's been a hell of a day and I think we're exhausted." Ashton spoke up and everyone else nodded. They softly said their goodbyes before Ashton, Calum, and Luke were all exiting the apartment. Michael stayed around to be with Tayler. Harry sighed softly and looked down at Adaley who was silently curled up on his lap.

"Princess, why don't you take Emery into your room and go play? The adults need to talk." Harry asked softly and Adaley nodded, taking Emery's hand and leading her down the hallway. When her door shut all hell broke loose. All of the guys were shouting about the paparazzi and what the man had said about their girlfriends. One voice in the hysteria calmed all of them.

"Enough." Ali said sternly and everyone fell silent as they turned to look at her. "Just because Adaley's door is closed doesn't mean the children can't hear us. We need to approach this calmly and like the adults we all are." She said and everyone instantly felt bad when she mentioned the children. "The incident before has us all stressed out but that doesn't mean that we can act like uncivilized heathens. Now. Each one of us has something to say regarding what happened but how are we supposed to hear anything when everyone is talking over one another. I think we need to take turns talking about how it affected each of us. I believe Tayler and I should go first." She said and everyone nodded. Ali turned to Tayler and smiled softly. "Go ahead." She murmured and Tayler nodded, taking a deep breath.

"What happened earlier scared me. I have never seen any of you so mad. I know that what he said hit a nerve in each of you but I was honestly scared of you." Tayler said softly and Ali nodded in agreement. Each man looked down to the ground in shame.

"You did what you all swore never to do. You let them get inside your head and look what happened. I was told that Adaley and Emery were sobbing on the way here because they were scared of all of you. Do you really want those children to be scared of the men who swore to protect them? If they fear you how will you protect them?" Ali asked and Harry sighed softly, realizing that she was right. He ran a hand through his long hair and tugged through the tangles.

"The girls are right. We need to learn how to control ourselves. Being in this environment isn't healthy for any of our relationships with the children." Harry said and took a deep breath, gently squeezing Louis' thigh. "We have news. We didn't want to share it like this but we think now is as good of time as ever." He said and everyone frowned as they looked at him. Under their intense looks Harry lost his words and his mouth went dry. As everyone looked at him anxiously for him to continue the soft footsteps behind them went unnoticed.

"Daddy and Papa found a house in Bayville. We're moving there in the next few weeks." Adaley said softly and everyone turned suddenly to look at her. Harry and Louis looked at her in shock.

"How did you find out?" Louis asked nervously and Adaley sighed softly, kicking at the carpet underfoot.

"You and Daddy aren't quiet in your discussions. I hear you talking at night after you think I've gone to sleep." Adaley said quietly and Harry's heart broke at the look on her face. He held open his arms and she ran into them, instantly cuddling into his chest. Harry kissed the top of her head before looking back up at his friends.

"We will need all of your help to get everything packed and moved to the house. We were hoping that Adaley could stay with Zayn and Ali while we got everything settled." Harry said in a soft voice and Ali nodded.

"Of course." Ali said with a small smile. "Actually, Zayn and I are going back to Bayville this week. We're staying at my childhood home so Adaley can stay there with us. This way she's still close to you guys but you can get everything moved. How does that sound?" she asked and Harry nodded, smiling slightly.

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