Chapter Two

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Louis groaned softly when he heard his phone ringing beside him. He rolled over and answered it, voice still thick with sleep.

"Hello?" He asked in a gravelly voice and the person on the other end laughed.

"Well good morning to you too, Boo." His mother said happily and Louis groaned loudly, glancing at the clock.

"Mum. It's 10 am. What do you need?" He asked, sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes. Jay snorted on the other end of the phone.

"Here it's 6 at night and I assumed you wanted to know what Anne and I decided." Jay said, sighing heavily. "But if you don't want to plan the party I completely understand." She said forlornly and Louis perked right up, checking to make sure Harry and Adaley weren't anywhere close. He closed and locked the bedroom door before responding.

"What did you decide?" He asked in a low voice and Jay smirked, laughing to herself.

"We decided that it'd be best if we had the party here in the UK. It'd be hard to fly everyone out to LA. If you come here then not only all of Harry's family can come but so can yours. How's that sound?" Jay asked, switching the phone to her other ear. Louis thought for a moment before nodding.

"That sounds good. Katie passed away yesterday so Harry and Terrance are planning the funeral. Why don't we set it for the first weekend in February? I know it's after their birthdays but that way we have an entire weekend for it instead of only one day." He suggested and Jay hummed in agreement.

"I think that's a good idea. Don't worry about planning things right now. Just be there for Harry and Adaley. Anne and I will take care of things until the funeral is over. Your first priority right now should be those too." Jay said softly and Louis nodded sadly.

"Thank you so much Mum. After the funeral is over I'll call you and we can set everything up." Louis said softly and heard Harry's voice coming down the hall. "I've gotta go. I'll talk to you later." He said quickly and hung up. He rushed for the door, unlocked it, and opened it quickly. Harry stood there with a confused look on his face and Louis smiled at him.

"Ada wanted to know if we could go see Kung Fu Panda 3 this afternoon. She wants to have a family day." Harry said as he leaned against the doorframe. Louis thought for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah that sounds nice. Do you wanna call Paul or try to go out without anyone?" Louis asked as he started to rummage through the dresser drawers. Harry thought carefully as he watched Louis move around, eyes growing hungry as he watched his boyfriend starting to get undressed. Louis cleared his throat and smirked when Harry turned a bright pink.

"I-I... I think we can go out by ourselves. The fans have really died down since we've been on break. I went shopping last week and..." Harry started to ramble and Louis silenced him with a kiss. Harry hummed into the kiss and quickly wrapped his arms around Louis' frame, gripping his ass. Louis moaned into the kiss and pulled away quickly, making Harry whine.

"We can't just get sexual whenever we want anymore, babe. We've got a little girl in the house, remember?" Louis reminded him and Harry nodded, groaning softly. He pulled away with Louis with one last kiss.

"I'll go get Ada ready while you shower." Harry hummed and walked into the living room. Adaley looked up when he walked in and gave him a hopeful eyes.

"What did Papa say?" she asked as Harry sat down next to her. He gave her sad eyes and sighed heavily. Adaley pouted and looked down at her hands. "He said no, didn't he?" she asked sadly and Harry sighed again, trying to hide his smile.

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