Chapter Nineteen

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Louis and Harry got home early in the morning with Harry's hand wrapped up in a white bandage. Liam walked into the kitchen and stretched his arms over his head, yawning softly.

"So? How bad was it?" Liam asked as he leaned against the counter. Louis handed Harry a glass of water as he sat at the kitchen table.

"He has twelve stitches but he'll be fine. The doctor just said for him to take pain medicine when it starts to hurt." Louis explained and Liam nodded. He disappeared into the living room and walked back in with two pieces of paper.

"Here. Adaley made these for you while you were gone. The folded one is for you, Louis. The one covered in sparkles, stickers, and rainbows is for Harry." Liam said with a chuckle but his laughter was interrupted by a yawn. "I'm gonna head home though. Adaley's dead to the world and her clothes are already picked out. She set her own alarm too." He said proudly and gave both boys a hug before leaving the apartment. Louis picked up the pieces of paper and handed Harry his.

"What's yours say, babe?" Louis asked as he sat down across from him. Harry laughed softly and smiled fondly at the piece of paper.

"She wrote me a poem." Harry said with a grin and Louis chuckled.

"Well read it!" Louis pushed and Harry nodded, looking back down at the paper.

"Harry Styles is my daddy

And he's cool laddy

He's got a pretty smile

And fabulous style

But today he got hurt

And it made him ruin his favourite shirt

But my daddy is tough

He's buff

And I love him a lot

In my heart he's always got a special spot." Harry read and smiled at Louis who was smiling lovingly at the paper in his fiancé's hand.

"We've got such a talented little girl." Louis commented and Harry nodded in agreement, handing the paper to Louis. "But she's been spending too much time with Niall. Laddy?" he said with a laugh and Harry nodded, chuckling with him

"Do you mind hanging it on the fridge?" Harry asked and Louis nodded, getting up and attaching it to the cold metal with a magnet. He sat back down at the table and looked at the folded up paper with 'Only for Papa's eyes' written on the front. Harry cocked an eyebrow. "What did she give you?" he asked and Louis showed him the front. Harry nodded and stood up, stretching his body.

"Where are you going?" Louis asked as Harry walked out of the kitchen after he had given Louis a small peck on the cheek. Harry smiled sleepily and nodded towards the bedroom.

"I'm going to bed. I've had a hell of a day and you've got a letter to read." He explained and closed the door to their room after he had disappeared inside. Louis sighed heavily and looked down at the paper in his hand. He opened it and started to read it, a frown forming on his lips.

Dear Papa,

I'm very sorry for having an attitude tonight when Daddy got hurt. I'm sorry for not doing what I was supposed to and for arguing with you. It was very wrong of me and I see that now. I wanted to go with you because I was scared. I saw all the blood and I got scared that I would lose Daddy like I lost Mommy. I know it was wrong to yell at you like I did. You know what's best and I should listen to you. To make up for what I did, I promise to keep my room clean, my chores done, and make sure that all my homework is done without being asked to do it. You and Daddy are my best friends and I don't like making you upset so I'm really sorry. I love you a lot Papa. More than Mickey loves Minnie.

Your princess,


P.S. Uncle Liam taught me how to write this letter.

P.P.S. I love you a lot Papa. You're the best papa I could ever ask for.

Louis wiped away the tears that had started to fall from his eyes and he folded up the letter, holding it close to his heart. Adaley's face when he had yelled at her never left his mind. He hated reprimanding her but he knew that she needed it that night. It was a rare occurrence that he had to punish her but each time hurt more than the last. He took a deep breath before he walked into his and Harry room. He glanced at the time and groaned when it showed that Adaley would be getting up for lessons in only an hour. Ali had texted during dinner explaining that Adaley had lessons earlier because they had a field trip that day. Louis shuffled to the bathroom and turned on the shower. He climbed into the tub and hissed as the burning water hit his back. He arched away from the water until his body had grown used to it. He took his time as he washed his hair and body. When he was done and dressed he glanced at the clock and noticed that he had enough time to make Adaley breakfast and a lunch. He shuffled into the kitchen and groaned when he realized that he'd be serving her toaster waffles. He moved around the kitchen silently as he grabbed her lunch box from the pantry and her favourite Packers plate. He put the waffle he had just pulled out of the toaster. He put peanut butter on the top and he filled the matching Packers bowl with fresh fruits. As he was pouring her a glass of milk his little girl appeared in the kitchen doorway.

"Papa? You're back?" Adaley asked in shock and Louis nodded with a smile.

"We got back about two hours ago." Louis explained and nodded at the table. "I made you breakfast and I'm packing you a lunch right now." He said with a smile and Adaley nodded, walking over to the table. She sat down and pour some syrup on her waffle before digging into the food hungrily. Louis chuckled softly and sat across from her, sipping on a cup of Yorkshire tea. Adaley looked up at him and wiped her mouth with her napkin. She nervously played with her fork before speaking.

"Did you get my note?" She asked timidly and Louis nodded, smiling gently at her.

"Thank you for it. I really appreciate you apologizing for how you acted. I'm very proud of you for doing a very adult thing." Louis said proudly and Adaley blushed slightly, popping a grape into her mouth. The rest of breakfast was spent in silence as Adaley ate and Louis packed her lunch into the Star Wars lunch box Josh had gotten her for her birthday. When they heard a knock at the door they both jumped. Louis walked over and pulled it open to show a smiling Ali. Adaley squealed and jumped up, running to her and hugging her tightly. Ali smiled and hugged the little girl.

"Go get your stuff and we'll be off." Ali instructed and Adaley nodded, taking off down the hallway. Ali looked back at Louis and gave him a sad smile. "How is he? Liam texted us when he got home." Louis sighed and leaned against the counter.

"He's exhausted and in pain but he'll be fine. He'll have one hell of a scar though." Louis reported and Ali nodded, letting out a sigh of relief.

"What made him hold the piece so tightly that it cut him?" Ali asked in a low voice and Louis shrugged, rubbing his hands over his face.

"I have no clue. He'd been acting weird almost the entire night." Louis mumbled and Ali nodded slowly.

"Daddy started acting weird after he got the phone call." Adaley said from the hall and Louis turned around with a frown.

"Phone call? What phone call?" Louis asked quickly and Adaley shrugged.

"I don't know. I don't think he knew I was there but he answered a phone call, got really pale, and started to act weird." Adaley explained and Louis nodded. He hugged both of the girls goodbye and started to clean the dishes up from Adaley's breakfast. As he cleaned his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

Who could've called him and what did they say that made Harry react that way? Louis asked himself and gasped softly when only one person came to mind.


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