Chapter Fifteen

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When the young couple and Adaley got back home from England they were exhausted. Harry groaned softly as he rubbed his eyes, plopping down on the couch.

"Hey Lou?" Harry called out and smiled when his fiancé walked into the living room.

"Yeah babe?" Louis asked, leaning against the wall. Harry smiled as he gestured for Louis to join him on the couch. Louis plopped down next to him and curled into his side, enjoying the silence while they had it.

"Since Adaley's over at Ali's I thought we could talk." Harry said softly as he wrapped his arm around Louis. Louis frowned slightly.

"Talk about what?" Louis asked, confusion in his voice. Harry smiled as he looked down at his ring.

"About where we're going to live and where we're thinking about getting married." Harry explained slightly and Louis nodded, snuggling into Harry's side.

"Where do you want to live?" Louis asked in a soft voice as he played with Harry's fingers.

"Well, I don't want to live in a big city but I don't want to be secluded. I was talking to Ali while we were at home and she was talking about going home for a while. She said that she moved from a small town called Bayville and it's on Long Island. She told me she loved it there and that it's the best place to raise a family." Harry said and Louis nodded slowly, looking up at Harry.

"Are you wanting to go explore it?" Louis asked as he sat up straighter. Harry nodded slightly and chewed on his lip slightly.

"If that's okay? I mean just the two of us can go. We can make it a little celebratory vacation." Harry said quickly and Louis chuckled softly, nodding at him.

"When do you want to go?" Louis asked smiling at his lover and Harry smiled happily at his fiancé.

"What about next weekend? We could ask Ali if she and Zayn could take care of Adaley while we're gone. I would say we could ask Terrance but he's over in Australia with Troye." Harry suggested and Louis nodded, standing up and stretching his arms.

"That's fine. Do you wanna call Ali or do you want me to?" Louis asked as he ran a hand through his messy hair. Harry stared at him lovingly before responding.

"Actually I'm going out with Ali and Emma for lunch. Ali said that Zayn was taking Adaley to his art studio." Harry said with a smile and stood up, stretch his arms and yawning softly. "Speaking of the girls I need to get ready. I'm meeting them at twelve at a little café." He said and started off to the bedroom, Louis following behind him closely.

"What am I gonna do while you're gone?" Louis pouted as Harry started to pick out clothes to put on after his shower. Harry shrugged and smirked at Louis.

"You can start on the laundry that piled up while we were gone." He suggested and Louis groaned, stomping down the hall and grumbling as he went. Harry laughed loudly and climbed into the shower, singing to himself as he scrubbed at his hair and body. After he rinsed the conditioner out of his hair he shut off the water and climbed out, wrapping the towel around his waist. He hummed as he pulled on his skinny jeans and slipped on one of his favourite shirts, a simple grey short sleeve shirt. He pulled his wet hair up into a quick bun and pulled on his old worn down boots. He walked back to their laundry room and quickly pecked Louis' cheek.

"What time will you and Ada be home?" Louis asked with a smile and Harry shrugged.

"I don't know yet but I'll let you know, okay?" Harry hummed as he hugged Louis to his side. "We're going to lunch then most likely going shopping. Emma and Ali apparently have to get fitted for dresses. Apparently they're going to be in their friend's wedding." He said with a chuckle and gently pecked Louis' lips. "I love you baby and I'll be back later." He said and slipped through the front door, making the short drive to his favourite café on Sunset Boulevard. He climbed out of the car and took a deep breath, taking in the entrance of the small restaurant/bookstore. He walked in and up to the counter, smiling at the girl at the register.

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