Chapter Eight

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(I dedicated this chapter to my friend Breana who actually got the pun I made in the last chapter that referenced Little Things by the boys. Congrats and good catch honey. :))

Louis, after they got home, told Harry to take Adaley and Terrance out for lunch. When Harry tried to argue with him Louis silenced him with a kiss.

"Go. After today you need some time with them. I would go but I have some things I need to take care of and I want you to spend this time with them. Just the three of you. Go." Louis ordered gently and Harry sighed heavily but nodded, collecting Adaley and disappearing out the door after giving Louis a goodbye kiss. As soon as he heard the door click shut he went to work. He yanked his phone out of his pocket and quickly dialed his mother's number.

"Hello BooBear." Jay said happily and Louis smiled, sighing contently.

"Hey Mum. I was wondering if you're with Anne. Harry and Ada are out so I wanted to get the final details of the party ironed out." Louis rushed out and Jay laughed at her son's urgency.

"Yes she is. Would you like to just video chat instead? I'd be a lot easier than her and I trying to share the phone." Jay asked and Louis smiled, pulling up Skype on his laptop.

"That's a great idea. I'll call you there instead." Louis said quickly and hung up, grinning when he saw his mother status change to online. He clicked on the video chat button and anxiously bounced in his seat as he waited for the video to come up. When he saw his mother's face his smile widened.

"Hi" his mother said happily and Louis giggled softly.

"Hi Mummy" he nearly yelled and Jay laughed, shaking her head fondly. "So I was thinking that we could do the party at the Rockwell House in London. Their workshop is big enough to hold everyone that I'm planning on inviting. Of course everyone will need somewhere to stay so I was thinking we could have everyone stay at the Citadines Holborn-Covent Garden. It's a really nice hotel and I'd be paying for everyone's stay there. I know I'm spending a lot of money on this party but I want everything to be perfect." Louis rambled and Anne and Jay both gave him loving smiles.

"Anne and I discussed things with our husbands and we agreed that we plan on helping you pay for everything. You can argue all you want but it won't do any good. This is what we want to do." Jay said with a smirk and Louis groaned loudly.

"But..." Louis started but shut his mouth quickly when he saw the look on his mother's face. "Yes ma'am." He mumbled and Jay gave him an approving nod.

"Anne and I will pay for the decorations, food, and drinks. You can pay for the other things. I will call tomorrow and get things arraigned at the hotel and the Rockwell House. Just come up with a menu and how many guests you plan on having." Jay informed him and Louis nodded begrudgingly. "We're absolutely thrilled with this party and what you're doing for Harry and Adaley." She said lovingly and Louis blushed slightly, hiding his face from the camera. His head snapped up when he heard the deadbolt sliding in the door and he looked down in a panic.

"Harry's home." Louis whispered and Jay opened her moth to bid Louis a goodbye but stopped when she heard Adaley's voice.

"Papa!" She yelled and ran to him, jumping in his lap and squealing with joy when she saw Anne on the computer screen. "Nonna!" she giggled and Anne smiled lovingly at the little girl.

"Hi sunshine. How are you?" Anne asked and Adaley smiled.

"I'm really good! Who's that?" Adaley asked, pointing at Jay. Louis mentally slapped himself for never introducing Adaley to his mother. Jay smiled softly at the lovely little girl that Louis held tightly on his lap.

"I'm Johanna. I'm Louis' mum." Jay said with a grin and Adaley nodded, studying the woman carefully.

"You look like Papa, Miss Johanna. You're very pretty." Adaley said and looked up at Louis, earning a kiss on her forehead. Jay blushed slightly and looked at the pair with love filled eyes.

"You can call me Jay, sweetheart." She told the little girl gently and Adaley shook her head, earning a frown from Jay.

"Nonna has a special name and you will too. You'll be Gamma Jo." Adaley decided and Jay's smile widened, loving the name her new granddaughter gave to her. "Do you like it?"

"Of course! I love it!" Jay said happily and Adaley squealed in happiness, looking over at Harry when he sat down.

"Daddy! I met Papa's mommy and I called her Gamma Jo." Adaley said happily and leaned back into Louis' chest, yawning softly. Harry chuckled softly and gently kissed Louis' cheek.

"Hi Mum. Hi Jay." Harry said, nodding at the women. Both murmured soft hellos. Anne looked over the computer screen and gasped softly. "What's wrong?" Harry asked and Anne gave him a sheepish smile.

"Jay and I are running late. We're going out to dinner tonight with Dan and Robin and we're supposed to meet them at the restaurant at 7 and it's nearly 6:30 now. We have to run! It was lovely seeing all of you! I hope we can do this soon." Anne rushed out and everyone said quick goodbyes before Jay hung up. Louis and Adaley smiled mischievously at each other which caused Harry to give them weird looks.

"What-" he started but was soon cut off by the rolls of laughter coming from his mouth. He looked down to see Adaley tickling his sides while Louis went for his neck. He twitched and flailed as he begged them to stop but to no avail. The pair tickled him until he was red in the face from laughter. Adaley and Louis high fived before they jumped off the couch and started to run. Harry groaned, too tired to run after them. He climbed off the couch and sulked into the kitchen, starting to make dinner. As he stared into the fridge for ideas a small voice came from the kitchen entrance.

"Daddy." Adaley said softly and Harry looked over, noting her small frown and watering eyes. He walked over and kneeled in front of her, brushing some hair off her forehead.

"What's wrong princess?" Harry asked gently and she sniffled, rubbing at her eyes cutely. Louis, who was around the corner and out of Harry's sight, gave her a thumbs up. She let the tears run down her cheeks and Harry looked at her in alarm.

"Today was a bad day, Daddy. I don't want healthy stuffs." Adaley mumbled and Harry nodded, looking at her intensely.

"What do you want then baby?" Harry asked gently, concern growing in his eyes.

"I want..." Adaley trailed off and sniffled again. Harry nodded furiously.

"Anything you want." Harry said sweetly and Adaley nodded slowly.

"Can we have McDonald's?" She asked, knowing Harry was 100% against the processed food and the grease. Harry fought and internal battle before sighing heavily.

"Yeah. We can have McDonald's." He said in defeat and Adaley perked right up, grinning from ear to ear.

"It worked Papa! You were right! He does fall for it." Adaley giggled and Louis came around the corner, crossing his arms and standing behind Adaley with a triumphant grin on his face. Harry looked up at him in horror.

"You used our daughter to get me to agree to that nasty place?" Harry asked with a frown and Louis nodded with a smirk.

"Yup." Louis said, popping the 'p'. "I knew you'd say no to me so I had to bring out the big guns." He said with a shrug and pat Adaley's head as he watched Harry stand up, towering over both of them.

"You're such a little shit." Harry grumbled and Louis laughed. Adaley crossed her arms and glared up at Harry.

"Not nice Daddy. Say you're sorry, put a dollar in the swear jar, and sit in the corner." Adaley ordered and Harry looked down at her with a frown, not making a move. Adaley stomped her foot and pointed at the corner. "Go!" she told him forcefully. Harry groaned but did as he was told, sitting in the small time-out chair that they had gotten for Adaley when she got in trouble. Louis snickered softly and pulled out his phone, aiming the camera at Harry.

"This is so going on Instagram." Louis said with a smirk and Harry groaned when he heard the camera shutter.

"No noises, Harold." Adaley snapped and looked at the photo Louis took, grinning up at him. "Post it." She said with a snicker and chastised Harry when he groaned again. "That's ten more minutes, young man."

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