
3.6K 130 22

831. Dear Nickelodeon, how did CatDog poop?

832. I walk the streets with a smile on my face while looking up. Just in case the cameras of Google Maps are filming.

833. I don't always correct someone's spelling, but when I do, I google it first so I don't make an ass out of myself.

834. Yelling someone's name in different voices until they hear you.

835. Our society has some work to do seeing how as we still can't teleport, time travel, drive flying car, and nothing has replaced Dippin' Dots as the ice cream of the future.

836. I'm the type of person who looks at the menu for five minutes but ends up ordering the same exact thing every time.

837. An automatic toilet prematurely flushing is like a waiter pulling your plate before you've

finished your fries.

838. I'm better at remembering people who have bad breath than important historical facts.

839. Don't sweat the small stuff. Don't sweat the medium or large stuff either. Stop perspiring on everything. Take your sweaty ass elsewhere.

840. This lady in front of me has more coupons than groceries!

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