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121. I may be asking too much of this coffee.

122. The person trying hardest to get into my pants is me. Damn Easter candy.

123. Nothing can destroy your self-esteem quicker than when someone points out someone they think looks like you.

124. Our kids will never know the terror of calling a crush and having a parent answer the phone.

125. The awkward moment when you’re actually telling the truth but you either laugh or smile and everybody thinks you’re lying.

126. Sometimes, I’ll start a text with “lol” if it might be a sensitive subject. Like, “lol it’d be cool if you moved out kyle.”

127. Guys if you ever want to imagine what a woman’s mind feels like imagine a browser with 2,859 tabs open. All. The. Damn. Time.

128. Some women need to learn that being attractive is not an excuse for being a bitch.

129. LIKE if your parents ask you to do something and you tell them you’ll do it in ten minutes then you never do it.

130. Don’t die a virgin…terrorists are up there waiting for you.

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