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571. “Do you want to try a bite of mine?” “Nope. I ordered what I like.”

572. A house isn’t a home unless there’s wifi.

573. Showers: never want to get in, then never wanting to get out.

574. Facebook etiquette: Thou shall not hold a conversation under someone’s status post.

575. An “ear of corn” looks nothing like an ear.

576. Does anyone else get bothered by that last inch the shower curtain wont cover?

577. In my next life, I’d like to come back as someone who has a life.

578. I hate it when you drink water and the ice attacks your face.

579. My neighbor knocked on my door at three in the morning! Can you believe that? Lucky for him I was still up playing my drums.

580. “I wish I knew how to quit you.” -Me, eating chips and salsa.

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