
3.8K 135 44

791. There's gotta be a better use for the part of my brain that remembers every word to "Baby Got Back."

792. The awkward moment when you only know one part to a song so you just keep singing the same line for the whole day.

793. I wanna be skinny but I also want to have pizza for breakfast lunch and dinner, you feel me?

794. Are there actually people out there who make their beds every morning or is that just a myth?

795. What do you mean you can't hang out I showered for this!

796. My love life will never be satisfactory until someone runs through an airport to stop me from getting on a flight.

797. I automatically say "Shit" when something wrong happens.

798. I've finally figured out what homeless people spend their money on. It's not clothes. It's not booze. It's not food. It's sharpies and cardboard.

799. How are girls hard to understand? We like Taco Bell, Starbucks, cuddling, compliments, naps, disney movies, yoga pants,and shopping.

800. That awkward moment when you make a Harry Potter reference and none of your Muggle friends get it.

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