
4.7K 165 36

621.The longer I sit in this drive-thru, the more pennies I'm going to pay with.

622.If someone describe something as "better than sex," everything they say from then on is a lie.

623.if you knock on my door and I say "yeah" it doesn't mean "come on in!" it means "stay where you are and state your business."

624.If I don't answer my phone the first time you call, calling 5 more times isn't going to make me answer.

625.Do not touch MY iPhone. It's not an usPhone, it's not a wePhone, it's not an ourPhone, it's an iPhone.

626.The generation of today are so allergic to everything, future wars will be fought by throwing bags of peanuts and cat hair at each other.

627.The only thing that appears correct on my paycheck is the amount I got paid is "gross."

628.Who remembers going on the computer just to go on paint and space pinball?

629.Spilling a full beer you paid for is the adult equivalent of letting go of a balloon.

630.It's getting more and more difficult to tell the difference between hipsters and homeless people.

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