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531. “I’m a ninja!” “Dude no you’re not!” “Did you see me do that?” “Do what?” “Exactly.”

532. Tombstone request: Born a virgin, lived a virgin, died a virgin. The engraver shortened it to: ” Returned unopened.”

533. I hate it when I plan a conversation in my head and the other person doesn’t follow the script.

534. We all know a douche bag named Kyle.

535. I bet Waldo’s parents are worried sick.

536. A ghost could be humping you right now and you would never know.

537. They should make Jack Daniels chap stick.

538. I don’t need a stable relationship, all I need is a stable internet connection.

539. Dating sites should have a section for people to leave a review for the person they went out with.

540. Happiness is using an ATM and finding a receipt left by someone with an account balance lower than yours.

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