
4.5K 160 22

681.Yesterday: tired

Today: tired

Tomorrow: tired

Next week: tired

Next month: tired

Next year: tired

Next life: tired

682. I'm literally my own best friend. I have inside jokes with myself, and sometimes I'll start laughing out loud at how funny I am.

683. I really don't understand how my room gets so messy when I literally sit in one spot with my laptop all day.

684. I got 99 problems and I can't remember any of them so I guess that makes a hundred.

685. "Message sent failed. Would you like to retry?" Well, OBVIOUSLY, I was sending it for a reason.

686. Dear life, when I said "Can my day get any worse" it was a rhetorical question not a challenge!

687. Forever wondering what my language sounds like to people who can't speak it.

688. When I see you, I am happy, I love you not for what you look like, I love you for what you have inside. -Me to my fridge

689. Isn't it odd how people kill flys just because they're annoying? If people killed people for being annoying I would've died like 15 years ago.

690. I just read last year 4,153,237 ppl got married. I don't want to start any trouble, but shouldn't that be an even number?

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