
3.7K 138 26

821. Is there a "very single" option on Facebook?

822. Unless life hands you water and sugar, your lemonade is gonna suck.

823. I propose we add a new day to the week and call it "Someday," just think of all the awesome stuff that would happen on it.

824. I hate it when I'm wearing my apple bottom jeans and I can't find my boots with the fur.

825. That awkward moment when you realize that your child has left the room and you've been watching Sesame Street by yourself. For 25 minutes.

826. How weird is it to have pets? Like a random animal just lives in your house and you can't communicate with it but you both just accept it.

827. How come packages that say "easy open" always take a light saber to open?

828. I'm really glad we don't have to hunt our own food anymore.... I don't even know where sandwiches live.

829. Shout out to bees, willing to kill themselves just to inconvenience a hater.

830. Eventually the entire written English language will be taken over by emoticons. Teenage girls will bring us back to Egyptian hieroglyphs.

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