Chapter Forty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"Then why did you say it?" Louis asked and looked over at the tea.

"I made it the way you like it." Harry murmured and Louis nodded, picking the mug up and taking a sip from it.

"Answer the question, Harry. Why did you say it?" Louis pushed and Harry fiddled with his fingers, a nervous habit of his.

"I'm stressed out, honestly. I'm nervous about Adaley starting school, our wedding, planning the wedding, inviting our guests, making sure we have everything perfect for the wedding, the band, our fans, our move out here, Ali's pregnancy, Adaley being able to make friends, and just so much more. Its put me on edge and I guess this morning was what made me snap. I did mean what I said about getting up early and our responsibilities but I should've found a better way of expressing myself besides yelling at you." Harry explained and Louis frowned, looking down at his steaming tea.

"Are you having regrets?" Louis asked nervously and Harry cocked an eyebrow.

"Regrets about what?" Harry asked in confusion.

"Regrets about our upcoming marriage? Are you getting cold feet?" Louis asked and Harry gasped.

"No! Of course not! I can't wait to marry you and continue the rest of our lives as husbands. It's a day that I'm looking forward to." Harry insisted and Louis looked up at him through his eyelashes.

"Then what is making you so nervous about it?" Louis asked, chewing on his lip.

"I'm worried about it not being good enough for you. I want everything to be perfect for you, for us, but I'm so scared that something will go wrong and it won't be the wedding of your dreams." Harry rambled and Louis chuckled softly.

"We could get married at a city dump and it'd still be the wedding of my dreams because I'll be marrying you." Louis said and Harry blushed slightly. Louis reached up and gently cupped Harry's cheek. "You've been my best friend for six years, my boyfriend for four years, and my fiancé for only a few months. I can't wait to call you my husband." He murmured and Harry nuzzled his face into Louis' palm, kissing the heel of his hand.

"I love you." Harry murmured and Louis' eyes softened.

"And I love you. Now, why don't we finish getting ready and go get our little princess some school supplies? Maybe we can buy her some new clothes too." Louis suggested and Harry chuckled, standing up from the bed and walking to their dresser.

"Don't you think she has enough clothes? Her closet is nearly bursting at the seams." Harry said through his laughter and Louis rolled his eyes, playfully smacking Harry's butt as he walked to their closet. Harry rolled his eyes, a habit which he had picked up from Louis, and started to put his hair into a bun.

"She needs more things Adidas. No daughter of mine will be wearing Nike. That's just treason at the highest level." Louis cried dramatically and Harry scoffed at his lover's antics. He pulled on his favourite lavender sweater and his old worn down boots before plopping down on their bed. As Louis got ready Harry opened up his Instagram and decided to upload the picture he'd snapped of Louis and Adaley the night before, making sure to make the picture black and white to fit with his theme. He captioned it 'My king sleeping peacefully with our princess.' and tagged Louis in it, posting it with a wide smile. He watched as the comments poured in. Some were saying that Larry was just a publicity stunt but most of them were positive. There were people asking how they were, saying how cute Louis and Adaley were, asking for another YouTube video, and asking for a follow. Harry closed Instagram and locked his phone, looking over his shoulder and watching as Louis decided between doing a quiff or letting his hair stay in his typical lazy day fringe style. Louis ended up deciding on just letting his hair lay flat and slipped on his favourite Adidas sneakers. The couple walked downstairs hand in hand and Adaley smiled from her seat in the kitchen.

"And everything is right in the world of Larry once again." She said proudly and Harry laughed loudly, picking her up from her seat and spinning her around which made her squeal loudly. Louis pulled his phone out and recorded the scene in front of him with hearts in his eyes. After Harry and Adaley regained their breath they were on their way to pick up school supplies and new school clothes, against Harry's wishes. Their entire day was spent picking up things for Adaley with occasional stops for food and when Louis would see something that he liked. When they were shopping for backpacks Louis kept showing Adaley Adidas ones but she wanted nothing to do with them.

"C'mon Ada! This ones pink! It's your favourite color!" Louis insisted and Adaley groaned.

"No Papa! I like wearing Adidas clothes but I don't want an Adidas backpack. That's just way too much. I'm not in a secret relationship with them like you are." Adaley sassed and Louis' jaw dropped as Harry laughed loudly, clutching his stomach and doubling over as tears filled his eyes.

"How did you get so sassy?" Louis asked in an offended tone and Adaley rolled her eyes.

"I learned it from you, Papa. As everyone says, you're the queen of sass." She reminded him before she wandered over to look at book bags that were more her style. Louis scoffed and looked at Harry.

"Excuse them but last time I checked I'm a man. A manly man." Louis said, flipping his hair and Harry snorted.

"Sorry to break it to you baby but a lot of people think you're very feminine." Harry said and Louis pouted.

"I'm not feminine, am I?" Louis asked and Harry stood up straighter. He nervously looked around before coming up with an excuse to leave the conversation.

"I think I hear Ada calling for Daddy!" Harry said and sped walked away from Louis. Louis glared at his fiancé's back.

"Harry Edward Styles, answer me!" Louis yelled as he ran to keep up with Harry's long strides. He finally caught up to him and saw him kneeling on the ground, helping Adaley choose between backpacks.

"Which one Daddy? I could go with the plain pink one or I could have the one with princesses on it." Adaley said and you could tell by her face that she was completely torn.

"If you get the plain pink one then you could decorate it however you want. You could put buttons on it, decorate it with marker, or do whatever else you want with it." Louis mentioned and Adaley's eyes lit up.

"I wanna get the plain pink one! I could put buttons on it for my favourite bands!" Adaley said excitedly and Louis chuckled as they walked up to the check out with a cart full of things.

"What bands would you want to put on there?" Harry asked as he started to put things on the belt.

"Well obviously One Direction." She said and Louis snickered softly. Adaley thought deeply before she named off a few bands. "Fall Out Boy, The Fray, The 1975, Troye Sivan, 5 Seconds Of Summer, Twenty-One Pilots, Little Mix, Cher Lloyd, Rascal Flatts, and there's more but I can't think of them right now." She said and Harry cocked an eyebrow.

"And where did you listen to Fall Out Boy at?" Harry asked and Adaley smiled innocently up at her fathers.

"At Emery's house. Tayler was playing it very loudly and she and Michael were nearly screaming the lyrics." Adaley giggled and Harry groaned as he imagined Tayler and Michael dancing like idiots around their living room while listening to FOB. They paid for their items before putting their bags in the nearly full trunk.

"Are we ready to go home? Tonight is your last night before your first day of school so you get to decide what we do for the rest of the day and what's for dinner." Harry said as they climbed into their car. Adaley thought intensely for a moment before she responded.

"I wanna go to McDonalds for dinner." She said much to Harry's dismay.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked as he cringed and Adaley giggled.

"Positive. Now onwards!" She yelled and Harry groaned but put the car in drive and started for McDonalds. They spent the rest of their day eating at McDonalds and playing mini golf; and when they finally got home they agreed to watch Frozen for the hundredth time that week but if Harry was being honest, he didn't mind it one bit. He'd always been a sucker for a good princess movie.

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