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Kassie's pov
I pull into the parking lot and immediately see Raelynn sitting on the sidewalk. I sigh and pull into a parking space shutting the car off and getting out. I walk over to her and sit down, "What did he do?" I ask and she looks at me with watery eyes. "Nothing" she says and looks at the ground picking out the grass in between the cracks in the sidewalk. "Raelynn" I push, "Nothing, it's not a big deal don't worry about it" Raelynn sighs and lays her head in her knees. "Tell me or I will go up there and ask myself" I say starting to get up. "No, Kassie don't." She grabs my arm stopping me.
"I will if you don't tell me"

"Fine, he ran into me when he was coming out of his room and he yelled at me for hearing some of his conversation with Louis on the phone. Then, he called me a slut and said that I was a whore." She explains. My anger builds up, it makes me angry that someone would call her those things, especially Niall. I turn away from her heading up the stairs, I slam the door open and stride over to Niall on the couch. "Who the fuck do you think you are calling her names and yelling at her!?" I yell at Niall and he glares at me. "You Can glare all you want that doesn't make you a big tough boy, and neither does calling her names" I say and someone grabs my arm pulling me towards to door, "This is not over Horan!" I yell as I get dragged down the stairs. "Raelynn let go of me" she lets go and I walk to my car getting in and sitting in the driver's side waiting for her. She opens the door and sits down in the seat, "I already put my stuff in the trunk" she says buckling her seat belt. "Kassie why did you do that?" She asks. "Because Raelynn, no one and I mean no one calls my sister those types of names." I say and start the engine, it roars to life and I back up pulling out of the parking lot and speed down the road.

Niall's pov
Um ok first of all this is my house. I don't know why Kassie thought she had the right to just barge in here like she owned the place. That made me a little pissed off. I pick up my phone checking the time, three O'clock. I stand up from the couch shutting the telly off and grabbing my keys off the table.


"Yeah man. She's a... Well she's... Listen Niall I know that this is going to be hard for you. Well for both of you but that doesn't mean that you needed to call her such... Names. There is going to be ups and downs and that's part of a relationship, if you can't handle that with out hurting her then I guess you don't need to be in a relationship with anyone, I'm not saying that every relationship in the world has all rainbows and butterflies. What I'm trying to say is that you should think before you say" My brother Greg says.

"Greg I know that it wasn't the best choice but it accidentally slipped out. Like I told you earlier she's the one who was- well we both did but her mostly. And with Liam. I just-"

"I know dude I know but you can't blame her for all of this you were caught with another girl an-"

"I was dru-"

"Let me finish" he cuts me off, "you were caught with another girl. How do you think she felt then? Its even worse now because now she is thinking about what she did and how she thinks you feel."

"But how do you know what-"

"Just trust me I have had many girlfriends before okay" he laughs, "Now if you really love her I would call her or find out where she is and fix this whole thing"

"I can't do that. She hates me. I know she does and besides I know that she won't want to talk to me. At all."

"What's this little lady's name again?" He asks.

"Raelynn" I say and sigh. Her name. Ugh.

"Well if I were Raelynn then I surely wouldn't want to talk to you either you jerk. And you never know until you try"

"I guess. And of she doesn't want to?"

"Then give it a rest and try again tomorrow and the next day keep on going until you feel like its a game then when she says no turn it around and say what you have to say."

"Okay I guess... Hey sorry for pushing this all on you. And whatever you do DON'T tell mom." I say and hear Greg laughing. "I promise I won't tell mom" he says waving his hands around, "And don't worry about it. Just remember if you can't do it and she won't break send her to me"

"No not ever in a million years. She doesn't even know you exist" I say and laugh.

"Well thanks. What's wrong with me? You gotta tell her about me I'm awesome!"
"No you aren't" I say.
Greg pushes me off the couch and jumps on top of me, wrestling with me. Just like old times. I laugh and try to beat him up before he kills me.

"Yeah... Louis I said that-"

"I know. Jesus can I just- I'm coming over." I say and end my phone call with Louis. I just left Greg's house and am on my way to Louis house to have a good time and to try and forget about her for the moment. I'm sure she's doing the same thing, and besides Louis is the best person for this type of thing he's always to happy and funny. Tell me who else is a better person than Louis to hang out with when your looking for a good time? My phone goes off and I pick it up looking at the screen the car swerves and I look up getting back in the right lane. It was just Louis saying that he loves me, What a dork. I text back "I love you too" with laughing emojis. For a split second I actually thought it was Raelynn, I don't know why I thought that because why would she text me after what happened? I really shouldn't have flipped out like that especially since it was just a phone call. I guess I still had anger from when I found out back at the hotel that never got "released".

Minutes later I arrive at Louis house and shut my car off stepping out onto the gravel drive way. I walk up to the door and before I can even put my hand on the door knob Louis opens the door and I laugh,"Every time" I walk in and take my shoes off setting my phone on the table. "I knew you loved me back" he says and shuts the door coming to stand in front of me. "What?... Oh yeah. Well if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have almost drove off the road. So thank you." I say and give him a fake smile, Louis' smirk turns into a frown, "I ALMOST GOT MY NIALLER IN AN ACCIDENT???" He yells and runs at me with open arms squeezing the guts out of me. "Louis" I barley say, "come on I can't breathe" he finally lets go and I catch my breath, "Damn."

"So what are we going to do?"

"Don't worry I have a plan" Louis smirks, "Oh no" I mumble under my breath and follow him to the kitchen.

Louis goes to the fridge and grabs two beers. He hands me one and I willingly take it, "What the exactly hell is your plan?" I ask. "Shut up and drink that. Then we'll go."


"You'll find out" he smirks and opens up the bottle taking a drink.


"Aw come on...Babe" I watch Louis talk to a skimpy bleach blonde girl. His 'plan' was to go to the bar and find some girls. He set me up with a very... Interesting looking girl. Her name is Ryan and she has a lot of piercings and tattoos all over. She leans over and whispers in my ear, "how about we get out of here and I'll show you where one of my favorite piercings is" I can smell the alcohol on her breath. She starts to kiss my neck and her hand meets my the button on my jeans. I grab her hand and set it in her lap scooting away from her. Ryan falls face first on the leather seat we're all sitting on. I had a few drinks but not many I didn't want something... To happen. Louis keeps trying to get this girl to kiss him but she won't. I want to go home I'm board and tired, I want to go home and go to sleep. Maybe I can even call Raelynn... Never mind she won't answer me it's way to late. I could still try... "Louis can we get out of here?"

"Why? You not feeling it?" He laughs and I roll my eyes, "Come on. I want to go home"
"Fine" he rolls his eyes, "I'm driving there is no way in hell I'm letting your drunk ass drive"
We get up and leave the two girls walking out of the pub and to the car.

I pace around my living room, trying to decide if I want to call her. If I do she could or couldn't answer. If I don't she might wonder why I didn't, then again if she wanted to talk to me she would call. It should be the other way around... If she called I would ignore her but it's not. If she called me I would answer to see what she wanted. I still love her, I do I'm just... Mad. If she thinks otherwise she's wrong how could anyone stop loving her? Especially me?

Niall Horan Is My Neighbor???? (Horan A/U)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon