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Kassie's pov
We were driving to Louis flat and i just starred at him, it was akaward. He looked over then put his eyes back in the road, then looked at me again. "Hey", he smiled and said. "Hi" I said back. Wow he was so hot, and I think I liked him. I starred out the window and then I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked over and Louis was not paying attention to the road, he was just starring at me like I was the road.
"LOUIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. "Watch out! You dumbass we almost just got in an accident! Watch the god damn fucking road!" I said. "Im sorry, I was just distracted by your beautiful face" he said while his hand still sits on my thigh. I snapped him a glare and gave my evil eyes. "Alright,alright i'll stop before you claw my eyes out if my head" he said.

Louis pov
When me and Kassie got to my flat, we just sat there. She was on the floor indian style and I was on the couch, she was facing me playing with her nails and her broken arm layed on her legs. "What do you want to do?" I asked her. "Ummm... I dont care I mean its your flat....." she trailed off. "Well you are the guest". I told her. "Well whatever you want to do im fine with". She said. "Anything?" I asked. "Except that! Lou!" She said. "I wasn't talking about sex! Smart one!" I said. "Oh well then what are you talking about?" She asked. "Do you want to go swimming at the lake?" I asked. "Ummm my arm..." she said raisng her arm in the air. "Just tie a plastic bag over it, it will be fine". I told her. "Alright let's go!" She said. "Ok, but don't you have to like wear a bathing suit?". "Yeah, but I don't have to... don't you have to like wear swimming trunks?" She asked. "Yeah, but what are you supposed to wear?" I asked. "Ummm my skin". She answered. My face turned red. "But I'll probably just wear my bra and underwear". She said. "Ok, well I'll grab the towels".

Kassie's pov
Wow I think I might of went a little too far, I just refered that I would go swimming naked.... and Louis wasn't going to stop me! Louis came out if the bathroom and held two towels in his hands. "Ready?" He asked me. "Yeah where are your trunks?" I asked him. "Where is your bathing suit?" He asked. "At home but im not going in naked!" I said to him.
We got to the car and the ride to the lake was filled with laughter. Me and lou walked down to the pier and sat down at the edge of it. I tried to tie the bag to my cast but I couldn't get it. Louis started laughing. "Do you need help, love?" He asked. "Yeah, just a little" I said while laughing. He tied the bag to my arm so my cast wouldn't get wet. Next thing I knew, he took off his shirt and his pants. Which then reveled his swimming trunks. "Ahhhh so that's where your trunks are". I must have said this aloud because Louis was laughing and said "yes, that's where they are". I laughed and he caught me starring at him. "Do you like the view?" He asked me. "No, not really..." I said. "Wow, thanks love" he said. "Your welcome" I said to him. Louis walked to where the pier started and then began running toward the water. Uh oh... I thought to myself. He then jumped into the lake and I became soaked with water. "Oh my god!" I screamed. Louis popped his head out of the water and smiled, "you should come in love, the water is nice". He said. "Oh I've already been in the water, you just made me get soaked!" I yelled at him. I decided to take my shirt and shorts off and I slid into the water. Burr it was freezing. I waded out to where lou was, and he just stood there. "You lied to me" I said. "What?" "Yeah you told me the water was nice, but its not its freezing!" I protested. He just laughed at me. He went under the water, and I could not see him. Something touched my right leg, I just stood there hoping it wasn't something gross. I felt it again, this time it was both my legs and the thing that touched me before was 'huging' my legs. It was Louis and I could tell because, I can see some of his hair. "Lou?" I asked poking him in the back. He poked his head out of the water. "Wha?". "Im cold....". "I'm sorry, love". I started to shiver, Louis walked over to me and held his arms out. I hugged him with the one arm i didn't have a cast on. He grabbed my waist and smiled at me. I didn't notice it but he was asking for a kiss? He leaned in and so did I. Our lips met and began moving in sync............

Raelynn's pov
"So, what should we do Nialler?" I asked Niall. "Oh... I have a great idea... and you'll love it!" He answered. "And what's that?" I asked. 'Let's eat!!" He said, not surprising me at all. "Niall I think your the main reason that there is world hunger.... "I said to him. "Well you know". He said.
I got a text from Kassie it said:

Hey, you gonna tell me what you needed to tell me about the boys?

Oh! Yeah I totally forgot about that!

So...spill it what happened

Ok this is going to be long so please read this carefully lol, Alright so a few days after Niall asked me out, the boys came over and we were just hanging out. I got up to go to the Kitchen and Harry followed me he put his arms around me and did some other stuff. I thought it was Niall so I said."Keep you horny Horan" to yourself...
When I turned around it wasn't Niall it was Harry.I told Niall what happened and He Beat up Harry...
Then, after we met up with Harry and we talked about it and he apologized for what he did, we went home and Louis came over like a couple days later and told me that he might love me. I went to the bathroom and started to cry because I didn't know what to do... I told Niall what happened and then we all went to the park and hung out for a while. Louis and I were play fighting on the ground and he was laughing. I just starred at him and I think I fell in love again. And i dont why Niall didn't beat up Louis but he beat up Harry, well maybe its because Harry touched me and Louis didn't? But I don't know what to tell a Niall I love him alot but I don't know what to tell him. And when you came along Louis hasn't said a word about him "loving" me.

Wow, Rae you got Quite a story! And dont tell Niall about anything about you and Louis and DELETE THESE MESSAGES WHEN WE ARE DONE TALKING SO HE DON'T LOOK THROUGH YOUR PHONE AND FIND OUT THAT YOU MIGHT like/love.LOUIS!!!!

Ok well I gtg bye!

Whoo it felt good to get that off my chest. "What are you doing?" Niall asked but I didn't answer. "Uh hello earth to RAELYNN!" He waved his hand in front of my face. "What?" I said. "What are you doing?" He asked again. "Oh just texting Kassie". "Oh.....he answered". "So Simon called and told me that our tour starts in a month..." Niall exclaimed. "what????? No don't leave me!!!"
I told him. "Babe,Don't worry! I have a surprise for you..."he said."what is it?". "Well I talked to Simon and he said that you and Kassie could come on tour with us!". "Oh my god are you cereal right now!?!?!" I asked. "Yes I am cereal...." Niall said as he laughed.

"KASSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
"what!?!?!?!?!?" She asked confused. (We are on the phone) "Guess what??' I said. "What?" She asked. "Niall got a call from Simon and he said that the boys are going on tour next month and we are invited to come with!" "That's awesome!! Raelynn!!" She screamed. "I know right!". "Where are they going??" She asked. "New York... I think"I said. "Oh! I've never been there! Now when people ask where I have traveled I can say I went to New York! With ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed at me in an excited tone. "Oh my god Yasss!!" I said. "Well I have to go rae" she said. "Okay bye I love you!" I said. "Bye Rae"

Kassie's pov
I didn't bother to tell Raelynn that me and Louis kissed, because she would probably freak out over it. When Raelynn told me that I get to go on tour with one direction, I was super excited. I mean its awesome, and I want to go but I think it would be a little akaward between me and Louis. After we kissed last night he took me home and the ride was completely silent all the way to my flat.

Niall Horan Is My Neighbor???? (Horan A/U)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz