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Raelynn's pov
I woke up to the sound of Niall's soft snoring ( it was like 8:00 pm). I rolled over and looked at Niall he was still sleeping,so I decided to take a shower. When I was finished and dressed I went to the kitchen and ate some cereal and waited for Niall to get up. I got on my phone to check my kik,facebook,twitter,instagram, and my messenger accounts. When I got up to put my cereal bowl in the sink I heard a soft knock from the door. I walked over to the door and opened it, Louis was standing there.

Louis pov
I knocked on the door, and Raelynn answered it. "Just the person I needed to talk to!" I said. "What's up Lou?" Raelynn asked. "Ummm well I need to talk to you about something important................. "I told her.

Raelynn's pov
_Well be my guest! Niall is still sleeping!" (By now it was like 11:00 pm) "still!?!?" Louis asked. "Yeah!" I said. "Before we talk Im going to go check on him ok?".  "Ok...." Louis said. I walked into the bedroom and Niall was still sleeping. "Ok lou!!?? What up?"
Louis pov
"Well I've been thinking lately and I- I well" I hesitated. "I think that um... Im in love with you?................" I stood there in silence with out any words coming out if my mouth, regretting and wishing I could take back the words I said to Raelynn.

Raelynn's pov
Louis! I ran to the bathroom and started to worry and breakdown into tears. What am I gonna do!!! I  thought to myself I have a perfectly happy and healthy relationship with Niall. Their was a soft knock at the door, "Raelynn im sorry goodbye" It had came from Louis. I heard the door open and then slam and I came out of the bathroom, and went to Niall's and my room and sat on the bed and fell asleep. When I woke, Niall wasn't beside me. "Ni!!!! Niall!!!!! Nialler!!!!!! Babe!!!!!!!!??????????" I yelled.

Niall's pov
I heard yelling from the bedroom so I ran back to see what the hell Raelynn was yelling about. "What!?!?".  "Oh ok your here I thought you left me!" She said. "No baby im here and I wont ever leave you even when me and the boys get off brake". "YAY!" she said. I just smiled.

Raelynn's pov
"I won't ever leave you even when me and the boys get off brake", when Niall said that it reminded me of what Louis had said earlier. I started to feel sick not because Louis liked me but because I don't know how to tell Niall, and I definitely don't want him hurting or yelling at Lou for having a love life. "Niall?".  "What???" He questioned. "I have to tell you something but I don't want you hurting or yelling at anyone......." "okay, what is it?".  "Well its Louis h-he said that he thinks he is in l-love with me, and I  don't know how to handle this". Niall's face expression was bad. His mouth was open and he looked like he was going to cry or do something horrible to Louis.

Niall's pov
"Oh my chicken sandwich! What's new!" I yelled. First it was Harry then Louis, next thing I knew Liam and Zayn were gonna be all over my girlfriend! I thought in my head.
"Ummm I think I should text lou..... ok?" I said. "Okay," Raelynn said in a shakily kind of voice.

To: Tommo;)
Hey, carrot face.....

Hey Nialler what's up mate?

Ummm well I've been thinking and maybe you,I, and Raelynn should talk somewhere just us three?

Louis pov
Oh shit.... I was in deep deep shit.does Niall know about my conversation with Raelynn? Is he going to go all, Angry Gorilla on me or something?!?!?!

To: Nialler
Uhhhh.... yeah sounds great mate when?

From: Nialler
How about 8:00 tonight at the culliver park on 67th street?

Ok sounds good see you then!!!!! ;* love you mate! Xxx

omg lou. I lou you too ( Hahaha see what I did there no? ok not funny.... -kala)
Bye Xxx

Niall's pov
I looked up from my phone to see the sight of nothing. "Raelynn!?".  "Wha?"  She answered back. "Where are you love???" I asked. "In the telly room!!!" she said. "okay im comming!" I told her.

Raelynn's pov
I felt the couch sink next to me, it was Niall.
"Nialler jesus what have you been eating your so fat!" I joked.
"Oh your... just shut up!" He said very adorably.

Niall's pov
I scooted closer to Rae and she looked at me very confused... "what do you want?" She said in a sarcastic manner. "Tonight at 8:00 we are meeting Tommo at the culliver park on 67th street ok?". "Yeah sounds great!". "Okay lazy go get ready!!" "Awwe but I want you!......" She said uhhhhhh...... (Raelynn's thoughts on what she just said:omg did I just really say that out loud??? Omfg im such an idiot...) "Ok fine smelly you can have me but your going to have to catch me first!" I said. "Hey im not smelly and it's on Horan!!!" She yelled.
I ran through the house and Rae was chasing after me I looked back and she wasn't behind me, I stopped and yelled for her I got no answer. I soon felt her fingers digging into my sides. "You gotta dig with the shovel!" She whispered. I started to laugh and I  turned around and pecked her lips. "Now go get ready!".  "Only if you love, come with?" She smiled really big. "Just go take a shower!!" I told her. "Awwwe baby you need one too what's the point on wasting water on two showers, when we can have two in one??" She said. She trailed off into the bathroom... I follwedr. "wow nice view!" I said looking at her bum. "I know right!" she answered.

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