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Harry's pov
I look over at Raelynn then at Kassie. Kassie must of noticed me because she smiled and waved, I waved back and looked at Raelynn again. Niall was like all over her, I know they are dating but jeez he was all over her, more than normal. "Is it just me or is it hot in here?" I ask. "Yeah, it is" Zayn and Liam both say. "Its because im in here!" Louis said. Kassie chuckled, and reached over me, and pushed the button on the door to put the widow down. I looked at Kassie again, She was fiddling with her fingers. Her broken arm sits on her lap with her left hand sitting there. I decide to grab her hand, She dosent seem to mind. She looks up at me and smiles I smile back. Before I could say anything she layed her head on my shoulder, I look up at Louis because I know he likes Kassie alot and Kassie likes Louis too. He just glares at me and I smile, "Don't Harry she's mine!" He mouthed. "Not anymore!" I mouthed back. "Well see about that Styles" He mouthed.

Niall's pov
I don't know what's going to happen tonight but I hope it goes well because I don't want to hear or be a part of any drama or fights. All I know right now is that we are getting alcohol, and going to the lake. Plus its going to be even better with two hot girls running around in there bras and underwear, because no one brought any swimming trunks or bathing suits/ bikini's. "Hey guys you do realize that none of us brought any thing to wear in the water right?" I ask everyone. "Shit!" Harry screamed. "We either wear our boxers/ bra and underwear or go naked" Louis said as he raised his eyebrows up and down. "Its okay im willing to run around in my bra and underwear", Raelynn said and looked at me. "Me too I guess" Kassie said and Harry did the thing with his eyebrows that Louis just did as he looked at Kassie. "Good, then I get to see your sexy body..." I whispered to Raelynn and kissed her neck. Raelynn looked at me rolled her eyes and smiled as she shook her head.

Louis' pov
I pulled into the party store and parked the car. "Okay guys i'll be right back". "Okay.... go....shoo!" Liam said. I got out of the car and went into the party store, I walked to the refrigerator and grabbed some buds lite, some coolers lite, and some jack daniels. I walked up to the register and put the alcohol on the counter. The lady looked at me, "May I see your ID?" she asked. "Oh, Uhh yeah' I said and pulled out my ID from my pocket. "Okay she handed me my ID back your total is $23.45" I paid the woman, and walked out to the car. I put the beer in the trunk and got back in the car. "What did I miss?" I asked. "Nothing we just sat here..." Kassie said. "What kind of alcohol did you get?" Niall asked. "Uhh... buds lite, coolers lite, and jack daniels..." I answered his question. "Oh..." he said. I backed out of the party store parking lot and pulled out into traffic. "So what lake are we going to?" I asked. "Uhh how about Lake Rosa?" Liam said. "Okay why not?" I said. I stopped at a stop sign and went straight then stopped at an intersection and turned left. "Are we almost there?" Harry whinned. 'Yes, Harry we are like 2 minutes away". I then took a right and pulled into Rosa Lake parking lot. No one else was there except for the seven of us. I parked in a random parking space and parked the car, pulled out the key and opened the door. "Are we ready loves?" I asked. "Yeeeeesssss!!!!" Everyone screams. I get out and go to the trunk and grab the drinks while everyone is piling out of the car.

Liams pov
Raelynn and Kassie took off running to the lake, While Niall, Louis, Harry, Zayn, and me walk to the lake. We finally got down to the girls, "Took you guys long enough Raelynn" said. "Yeah, you guys are slow pokes!" Kassie said. I sat across from Kassie, Zayn sat next to me and Louis sat next to Kassie. Niall sat behind Raelynn so she was sitting in between his legs and he held her. Harry came up behind Kassie and did the same thing as Niall did to Raelynn. Okay wait a minute that's supposes to be Louis and Kassie what the hell!?!?! I thought to myself. Louis face expression right now told me he was pissed. "Hey lou wanna hand me a drink?" Zayn asked. "What do you want?" Louis asked. "Don't care..." Zayn responded. Louis tossed him a drink, Zayn opened it and took a sip. "Me too..." Harry said and Louis gave him one. "Gimme one!" Niall said. Louis took one out and tosses it to him. "Liam do you want one?" Louis asked me. "Yeah, sure" I shrugged my shoulders. He handed me a drink, I opened it and took a drink.

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