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Kassie's pov
I haven't seen Louis since last time we hung out, haven't even heard anything not one single word from him. Should I text him or not? I don't want him to think that I am too clingy or anything, but i want to see him and hang out. He hasn't even posted anything on Twitter,Instagram, or the Facebook page that was made for the band. I think maybe I should talk to Raelynn and see if she has heard anything from him.

Louis pov
Ughh. Im so god damn board! I wonder what Kas is up to? Im going to text her.

To: Kassie
Hey, Kas! whats up? where have you been?

From: Kassie
Hey Lou, I was just about to text you. Im not doing anything, and ive been sitting at home.

To: Kassie
oh, im sorry... do you want to come over?

From: Kassie
its fine not ur fault, and hell yeah i want to come over! be over in about 30? bye

To: Kassie
sounds good love see you soon! bye

great now all I have to do is wait.... what in the hell am i supposed to do? I guess i'll just sit here and watch some, whatever is on the telly...

Kassie's pov
I was driving to Louis flat, and to answer your qestion yes, I did text Raelynn and she said she has not heard anything from Louis. I was about half way there when some idiot drove out in front of me and almost hit me, its kind of hard to drive with one hand. "WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING, YOU ALMOST HIT ME YOU DUMBASS!!!!!!" I screamed at the person angrily. "Ugh! People around here need to learn how to drive!" I say. Anyways I was saying I was driving to Louis flat and I was kind of nervous because I haven't seen him since we kissed.

Louis pov
It was about 20 minutes ago that I texted Kassie, that meant that she was going to be here in like 10 minutes. would it be akaward, or would it be normal? I really didn't know but I hope it will be normal and not akaward because, I don't know what would happen if we just sat here in silence and didn't talk to each other at all. I like Kassie alot and I don't want to make things akaward between us, When I said that I liked Kassie I mean I love her, like I love Raelynn. I don't even think that Raelynn still knows that I like her, because I haven't really talked to her at all since I met Kassie. A knock at the door interupted my thoughts, "Come in Kas!" I yelled. The door opened and in walked Kassie, "How'd you know it was me?" she asked. "Because your the only one I invited over..." I told her. "Well what if I was a burglar, or a cereal killer?" she asked. "Umm... Kassie I don't think any burglar, or cereal killer that I know of will knock on your door, before they take your things, or brutally kill you" I said with a small chuckle. "Just be quiet!" she said. "Hey, you started it!" I said. "Whatever!" She smiles.

Kassie's pov
I sat down on the couch and looked at Louis, "So boobear what should we do tonight?" I asked. "I don't know do you want to go to the park, or take a ride in the car, or we-". "could do this?" I cut Louis off by kissing him. I pulled back and smiled at him, "Yeah...... okay...... whatever...." he trailed off an his voice souded as if he was mesmorized, or under a spell. "Lou?" I waved my hand in front of his face. "Huh? What?" He asked. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Oh, yeah sorry I'm fine, so what do you want to do love?" He asked. "How about that car ride?" I asked. "Yeah, if that's what you want to do' he said. "Louis...can we bring a few blankets and pillows?' I asked him. 'Why?..." He asked. "So we can 'camp out' under the stars!" I said in a dramatic and sarcastic voice. "Really?" He asked me. "No, not really just in case I get cold or something..." I said. "Yeah okay I'll grab the blankets and pillows ok?" He said. "Yup...." I said.

Louis' pov
Kassie ran out the door, and stopped so I could catch up to her. "Coming Tommo?" She asked. "Yeah I'm coming" I said. I watched her walk to the truck, and damn she looked good! When we got to the truck she hopped up in the truck, and I did the same. "So where you want to drive to?" I asked her. "How about we drive to the middle of a corn field..." she answered. "Again love, why?" I asked. "Because it will be fun..." She said. "Okay, why not?' I said. "Kassie what did you do on the way to my flat?" I asked. "Why?" She asked. "I don't know I'm just trying to start a conversation..." I said. "Oh well to answer your question I almost died". She said. "How did you almost do that?" I asked. "Well I was going across an intersection and some dumbass pulled out in front of me and almost hit me' she explained. "Well that wasn't very nice of that dumbass!" I said and she laughed. "No, no it wasn't" She said. We came across a dirt road and I turned down it, there was an empty corn field. "Is this corn field ok?" I asked Kassie. "Yeah, but you know that any empty corn field would have been fine..." she laughed. I pulled into the corn field and pulled the key out of the truck and we just sat there in silence. Kassie got out of the truck grabbing the blankets and pillows, and went to the back of the truck without saying a word. I followed her, "What are you doing?" I asked her. "What I came here to do..."she said. She put the tailgate down, and spread the blankets down in the back of the truck and then put the pillows down. Then, she hopped up into the back of the truck and layed down. I sat on the tailgate, I slowly layed down meeting Kassie as she looked at the stars. "So, what now?" I asked her. "Whatever you want" she looked at me, and I looked at her. "Well I dont know thats why I asked you, duh!" I said. "lets just lay here together and chill, talk, hang out" she said.

Kassie's pov
I got the chills and Louis must've seen me shiver because he said "are you cold love?". "Um yeah, just a litttle", I said. He scooted closer to me and grabbed the extra blanket and put it over me. "better?" he asked. "Yeah shanks" I said, and he laughed. "Isn't the sky beautiful?" I asked. "Not as beautiful as you are", Louis said as he starred at me. I blushed a little bit, "Oh stop it Lou" I said. "Well its true", he said. He was just laying there alone so I decided I'd pay him a vist. I scotted closer to him and layed on his stomach listing to his soft breathing. Louis just smiled at me, and started to play with my hair. I sat up beside him and looked at him, he looked back. He leaned in, our foreheads almost touching. He leaned in even closer and our lips met, and I wish this moment would last forever, He pulled back and smiled. With butterflies still in my stomach I smiled back. and layed back down on Louis stomach, starting to drift off to sleep because his breathing made me tired and it was like amost 1:00 in the morning.

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