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Niall's pov
"Ring! Ring! Ring!" I jump up from my sleep, My phone is ringing. It's Simon.
"Hello?" I answer.

"Yeah, Niall I already talked to the other boys, I'm just reminding you that the tour starts in three days, and we are leaving tomorrow so you guys will be well rested before your show". He says.

"Oh, yeah I know... Thank you" I say.
"Yup, no problem I'll uh I'll let you go ok? Bye" he says.
"Bye". I hang up the phone, and stretch my arms out. I walk out in the kitchen, and make myself a bowl of cereal. Someone wraps there arms around my shoulders, "Hey baby" she whispers. I turn around and smile it's Raelynn, of course who else would it be? I think to myself. "Damn it!" I yell. "What?" She asks. "Your, fully clothed..." I say. She slaps my arm playfully, "What two nights in a row isn't good enough for Nialler?" She asks. "No, it perfectly fine... I haven't gotten dressed yet". I say and she looks down. And meets my eyes again, "Well you better because you have practice today at the studio" she says. "And maybe after that... We could go hang out with the boys and Kassie or do whatever..." I say. "Yeah, sounds like a plan Stan!" She yells. "Okay well Stan better go get ready because she is going with me to the studio, and may I remind you that we go on tour in three days oh and we leave tomorrow because Simon said that we need to be well rested..."I say. "Oh my god I totally forgot!" She says. "We have to pack, and we have to, find a hotel to stay at and-". "Babe I've already got everything figured out, besides packing your bags you can do that..." I say. Raelynn laughs, and walks out of the kitchen to take a shower I'm assuming.

Raelynn's pov
I walk out of the kitchen and go into the bedroom to get clothes for after my shower. I pick out a pair of black shorts whith white lace at the end. My shirt is dark blue and in white letters it says Aeropostale. I walk to the bathroom, and start my shower. When I'm finished I feel refreshed, and clean. "Your turn!" I yell as I walk out in the living room. Niall frowns, "I don't want to leave yet..." He whines. "Just go take a damn shower..." I say. "Fine!" He yells, and pecks my lips on the way to the bathroom. Since we have to leave tomorrow I have to call Kassie and then pack my suit case. I go to my room and grab my suit case, I fill it with random articles of clothing and my make-up, and things like that. "Packing?" Niall asks, when he enters the room. "Yeah, and I have to call Kassie to..." I say. "Well I can call Kassie while you pack?" Niall offers. "Okay that's fine thanks" I say. "I love you" he winks. "And I love you" I say.
"Kassie said she will see us and I also told her to be at the airport by 5:00", Niall walks back in the bedroom. 'Ok, this is going to be great, I've never been to Colorado or Alabama before..." I say. Niall starts laughing "we're not going to Colorado or Alabama" he says. "Where are we going?" I ask. "We're going to London and Michigan, calafornia,Delaware,Flordia,New York,and Illinois I think yeah.." he answers. "Oh", I say and laugh. "We have to go and get you to practice, we will pack your bag when we get home" I say. "Okay", he says. I walk out of the bedroom and grab Nialls car keys. "What are you doing?" He asks. "I'm driving your car..." I say. "No your not..." He says. "Why?" I whine. "Because I dont want it wrecked..." He laughs. "Okay whatever" I glare at him. He grabs the keys from me and opens the door. "Are you coming or are you just gonna stand there like an idiot?" He asks. I roll my eyes, "I'm coming..." When we get to the car I put my seatbelt on and we take a thirty-five minute drive to the studio, so the boys can practice for the last time before they go on tour. Everyone else is already there when we arrive. "I think I know why you two were late..." Harry says and winks. "Shut up Harry, We did that last night!" He says and smiles big. My eyes go wide, I slap Niall on the arm. "Chill babe", he says and puts his hand on my thigh. I just sit back in my chair, "Are you boys almost ready?" Siomon asks. "Yeah' they say. They all pile into the small room and begin to sing Steal My Girl. "Hey Rae bae!" A voice like Kassies yells out. "Hey I didn't know you were here!" I say. "Oh, Yeah Louis invited me..." She says. I nod my head, "So what's up with the whole Laim, Louis situation?" I ask. "Oh um well I don't really know but Liam says he wants me and so does Louis and they are both really great people, but I don't know who to choose..." She explains. "Oh, I'd go for Louis..." I say and wriggle my eyebrows. She laughs, "Thanks for the great advice..."Me and Kassie talked like the whole time the boys were practicing, and now I know she truly wants to be with Louis.

"You almost done?" I ask, and prop myself up on my elbow. "Yeah I'm done packing now", Niall says and comes over to the bed. "So? Want to fuck?" He asks. "Uhm... No not really I'm too tired" I laugh, and Niall gives the pouty lip. I get up and turn the lights out, and shut the t.v. off. "Well, I'm going to bed..." I say. Niall pulls the covers up and cradles me in his arms while we drift to sleep...

Niall's pov
I slowly open my eyes, and look at the clock it's 4:43! "Raelynn!!! Get your ass up and get ready!!" I scream. She groans and sits up. "We only have ten minutes to get ready!" I say. The drive to the airport was ready twenty minutes, I go to the bathroom and do my normal routine. First, I brush my teeth, then deodorant, and I gel my hair. I walk out of the bathroom, "okay go hurry! Get ready!" I yell. Raelynn gets out of bed and runs to the bathroom, when she comes out she looks hot! She is wearing dark purple skinny jeans, with a bright green crop top with out a tank top underneath. "Tank top or nah?" She asks. "Nah..." I say, and walk over to her and turn her around in my arms. (Her back is against my stomach.) You look hot, I whisper, and kiss her neck. "Thanks, babe but we have to go, like now...' She turns around and points to the clock. Shit we only have fifteen minutes to get there... "Okay lets go" I say. We grab our suit cases, and passports, and our keys to the car and flat. On the way out I lock the door, when we get to the car I pop the trunk and we put our suit cases in. I quickly pull out of the parking lot, and speed a little to the airport, I don't get pulled over thank god.

We walk into the huge airport, "5 minutes till the first plane boards to London!" The lady says through the intercom. I walk over to Louis and Kassie, "Hey Lou where are the others?" I ask. "Oh hey their getting candy..." He says. "Oh" I say. The next thing I see is Harry fall on his face because Zayn tripped him. We all immediately start to laugh. "Shut up!" Harry yells. We still continue to laugh. "Oh, would you guys stop it this is a public place!" Liam says through gritted teeth. "2 minutes until the plane boards to London!" The lady says again. We walk up to the desk and wait till she asks us for our tickets, We give her them and board the plane. I have to sit by zayn, and Louis, Kassie sits by Raelynn and Harry, and Louis sits behind me with two old people... Our seating arrangement is all fucked up.
"Excuse me, the plane is ready for flight, please buckle up, turn off all devices until I let you know you can turn them on, stay seated until we take off and have a great flight!" A lady with brown hair and Hazel eyes says. "Okay thanks bye" I mumble really quietly. The plane takes off and I'm really tired, I don't know if I can stay awake... My eyes get heavy, I glance over at Rae, she is sleeping on Kassies shoulder. I look around one more time before I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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