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Niall's pov
"So... What should we do?" I ask. "I don't know about you but I think we should get to know eachother" Rae laughed. I let out a small chuckle. "No shit dipstick!" I laughed so did she. "Thats probably the reason why I asked you to hang out with me babe!"

Raelynn's pov
"Well we could prob"- I got cut off by Niall's really loud scream. "LETS GO TO NANDOS!". "Ok uh I just have a question what the hell is nandos? "Oh my god rae your serious!?". " Yeah....." "Ok well its my favorite resturant, and its the best in the world!"

Niall's pov
Me and Realynn walked out to the car she was running, and damn those jeans made her ass look so good! This may seem crazy but I wanted her, I mean her long legs, and her hazel eyes, and her red hair. I just wanted her to be mine I wish I could hold her in my arms. I was going to make that happen somehow someday. I opened up the car door for raelynn, and I hoped in starting the engine to my chevy ( truck ) and we headed off.

Raelynn's pov
I was running Niall was walking, I knew he was looking me over. I could feel it. (meanwhile) when we arrived at what was supposed to be the best resturant in the world "Nandos" a waitress seated us and gave us menu's to look at. She left and Niall burst out laughing. I started to laugh at him because he was laughing so hard for no absolute reason at all! The waitress came back asking if we were ready to order. "I will take a salad please." She looked at Niall and smiled, then she looked back at me glares at me. I glared at her for looking at him like that, what? She earned it! And besides Niall was something special and I think I was even starting to like him a little bit. The waitress then asked Niall what he would like and to my surprise he ordered like four plates of food!
Niall's pov
"What was that about?" I asked rae. "What was what about?". "You know the whole stare down between you two?" . "Well she looked at you like you were her prey, and I gave the he's my man look I figured you already had a girlfriend" she shrugged her shoulders. "Well I don't..." I looked at her, but she quickly looked away.

Raelynn's pov
"Ok how can you fit all that food in your golf ball sized stomach without getting so fat?!?!?!" I laughed. Niall looked at me with spegetti sauce on his lips, "I guess I just don't get fat..." he smiled. When we were finished we left the resturant and headed back to my flat. "What should we do now?" Niall asked. "Umm I dont know..." "Want to watch a horror film?" He asks. "Yes! Okay which do you like?" "Got insidious?' Niall asked. "Yes, I do!" I grabed the movie and put it in the Blue-Ray player. It was about half way through the movie and Niall face was focused on the giant t.v. Screen while my face was focused on Niall.

Niall's pov
I looked over at Raelynn to find her eyes locked on my body. "Like what you see?" I asked her, her cheeks started to turn red I laughed at the sight of the tomato at the other end of the couch. I patted the same couch cushin I was sitting on and motioned her to come over and sit next to me. She slowly scooted next to me looking very nervous. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "Y-yeah " she says. "Oh well you look a little nervous"

Raelynn's pov
"Im not nervous, im scared of the movie Niall" I said. "I know this is weird but can we cuddle?!?!?" Niall asked. "Umm yeah sure "I said. I was nuzzled against Niall's chest and he had his chin on top of my head and both his arms were around my shoulders and I looked up at him he was asleep, he kind of reminded me of someone. OMG is it? No it couldn't be, oh but it was I was laying on my idol Niall Horan from One Direction!!! How did unnoticed notice this before!?!?! Okay Raelynn calm down your okay and just try to go to sleep, It was hard to go to sleep knowing that the person you idol was letting you lay on him!! Oh my god wow... My eye lids started to get heavy, after all the fangirling I had just did. Eventually I slowly fell asleep to the sound of Niall's soft braething, and snoring.

Niall Horan Is My Neighbor???? (Horan A/U)Where stories live. Discover now