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Raelynn's pov
Why did Liam just kiss me?? I asked myself. I texted him to find out why the hell he kissed me......

To: Daddy Direction
Hey Ummm Liam Why the hell did you kiss me?

From: Daddy Direction
Well I wanted to see if the kiss would spark because if it did it meant that I love you...

To:Daddy Direction
Ok well it was akaward.. and li you you can't like me I already have 2 other boys that are in love with me....

From:Daddy Direction
Im sorry but I can't help it Rae and you know once I have my mind set to something I don't give up on it oh! And do you want to come over!?!?!?

To:Daddy Direction
Sure!! Just don't try anything??

From:Daddy Direction
What?? Never?? Lol ok see you soon. Xx bye love

To:Daddy Direction
Bye Xx

I thought I might text Niall now and ask if he wants to go hang out with Li...

Hey babe do u want to hang with li tonight tonight?

From:Nialler :*
Yeah sure hun

To:Nialler :*
Okay see you soon and i'll pick u up bye love you

From Nialler :*
Ok love bye love you too Xxx

I had picked up Niall and we headed off to Liams flat. "So what'd you do at the mall?". "Well we just talked and looked at some things". "Oh sounds fun" Niall said. "Nialler what's wrong?" I asked "well im scared that you ate food without me?". "No sexy I didn't eat with out you! Never would I!" we both broke out into laughter. We soon arrived at Liams flat and when he opened the door he greeted me and looked at Niall and he gave a small wave along with a "hi mate!I've missed you!" We waked into Li's flat and took a seat on the couch "so,what should we do?". "Maybe we could ki-" I got cut off by Liam saying "let's play truth or dare?". "But first Raelynn what were you going to say?". "Well I was going to say let's kiss Niall because that's fun but truth of dare is better than kissing that thing!" I said. "Hey, you know you love kissing me!' "Yeah I know but I honestly don't think Liam would want to kiss his best mate!" We all laughed.

Liam's pov
"Ok who should go first?". "I should!" Raelynn said. "Okay Raelynn truth or dare?". "Dare!" She yelled. 'Ok Ummm how about you lick the floor?". "Awe Liam why can't you clean the floor!". "Because I asked you to!" I said. "I am not kissing you ever again if you lick his floor you don't know what he's done to the floor..." Niall said. "OKAY!! I chicken out!" Raelynn said. "Awwwe please Rae?" I asked her. "NO!!" she said. "Fine go Raelynn...". "ok Ummm Niall truth or dare?". "Truth!" Niall said. "Ok what did you first think of me when you seen me in your flat the first time we met?". "Ummm... well I thougt that you would have a boyfriend but you didn't..". "ohhhh I see" she said. "Ok Nialler your turn". "Liam! Truth or dare?". "Truth" I said. "Ok Ummm do you like my girlfriend?". "Uhhhh.... ummmmmm........ can I chicken?". "Yes but me and you gonna talk about this later Mr.Payne..." Niall Said. "Ummm...okay...." I responded.

Niall's pov
"So, what should we do now because truth or dare gets boring after a while...". "I have an idea how about we watch Toy Story!?!?!?!" Liam yelled. "Or we could play monopoly?" I said. "Rae?". "Ummm I vote toy story sorry Nialler....." Raelynn said. "Fine!" I yelled clenching my heart and fake crying. "Awwwe babe don't cry" Raelynn said. "Kiss?" I asked her. "Oh fine you big baby!" She pecked my lips. "Oh come on you loser you can do better than that!". "No I can't" she argued. "Yes yo-" I got cut off by Liam "oh Niall get some!" LIAM JAMES PAYNE!!" Raelynn yelled. "What??". "No! He's not getting some!". "Ow Nialler, im sorry" Liam said. "Its okay she's not that good anyway!". "Niall James Horan!" Raelynn screamed. "Ohhh Bbuurrrrnnnnn!!!!" Liam said. "Raelynn got burned!" He shouted. "Can we just watch the damn movie?" I asked. Liam grabbed the movie and put it into the DVD player and we watched the movie. "I'll be right back I gotta go to the bathroom" Raelynn said. "Ok hurry when you get back your cuddling me!". "Oh fine..." she said. Liam got up, "where you going mate?" I asked. "room to change into my pajamas..." he answered. "Oh okay."

Raelynn's pov
I got done with the bathroom and walked into the hallway only to get pulled into what I thought was a bedroom. I was right it was Liams bedroom, "hey rae" Liam said. "Hi li!" I answered back and walked out if his room only get caught by Liams grasp again his hands on my waist, looking into my eyes. "Liam?" I said. "What love?" "Can you- can I have a hug?" He asked. Uh sure??" I gave him a hug and he let me go back to Niall. "Hey babe". "Hey, cuddle me NOW HORAN!!". "ok ok calm down jeez." There was a blanket on the floor that was laid down and then another layed on top of it, which Niall was covering up with I layed down next to him and put my head into his chest and he was holding me. I fell asleep.

Niall's pov
Liam came out in his pajamas and looked at me weird. "What? Nothing,where is Raelynn?" He asked. Right here i pointed to her. "Oh I didn't see her..." Liam said. We both started laughing. "So you gonna answer my question payne?"

Liams pov
"What question?" I asked Niall. The one I asked you when we were playing truth or dare remember?" Niall answered. "Oh yeah....". "so do you like her?". All the sudden there was a lump in my throat. "Yes, I like a Raelynn but just as a friend" I lied. "Okay that is all I needed to know" "Alright..."
"Since Raelynn is asleep do you just want to stay over?" I asked Niall. "Yeah, why the hell not?" He asked yawning. "I dont know" I said and laughed.

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