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Raelynn's pov
All the boys were settled sitting on the floor,couch, and chairs. I was in between Niall and Harry, Louis sat next to harry. Liam was sitting on the chair, And on the floor was Zayn by himself.
I got up and turned the corner to the kitchen, "where you goin?" Nialler asked. "kitchen!". I got into the fridge to get myself some carrots I knew Louis would be mad when I returned without any carrots for him. I mentally laughed to myself.

Harry's pov
I got up "where are you going?" Niall asked. "Uhmm bathroom" I said. "Okay don't touch my baby!!" He said. "Okay I wont don't worry!" I lied to his face, and walked into the kitchen.

Raelynn's pov
I was standing in front of the fridge when all the sudden I felt someone come behind me and grab a hold of my waist, and that someone started to kiss down my neck. "Nialler! Not now, not while the boys are here!" I whisper yell. "But baby I want to make you moan and scream!". "Niall James Horan you keep that Horny Horan to yourself! For now atleast". I turned around to see not Niall. "Harry!?!?!?!". "Yes sexy it's Harry", he replied. I slapped him in the face, "Dont even touch me again you bastard!". I marched out of the kitchen pissed off. I sat next to Niall, with my mad face. He put his arm around me "babe what's wrong?" I looked up at him, got up,and motioned for him to follow. He did what he was told. "Uh we will be right back" Niall told the boys.. "Okay!" they all said.

Niall's pov
I followed Rae into her room,"Okay so what is wrong?". "I-it's Harry......". "w-what the fuck did he do? Did he touch you!?!?!?"
"y-yes". She spat. "Alright where is that bastard!?!?!". "Niall! Nialler!" She called. "What!?!?". "Stop, I need to tell you the rest!". "Okay but im going to beat his ass" I said. "Ummmm well it started when I was in the kitchen someone grabed my waist and started kissing down my neck and I thought it was you, I told you to stop not right now because the guys were here, and I told you well I thought is was you. to keep your Horny Horan to yourself until later!
I turned around and it wasn't you. It was Harry. Yes sexy its me he said. I slapped him, and walked away." she explained the story. "Oh and he said he wanted to make me moan and scream."

"Okay Harry I told you Not, to put you hands on my girlfriend and what do you do? You tell her you want to make her moan and scream!!!!??" I yell. turning the corner to find Harry wide eyed as well as the other boys. "Harry!!!!" All the boys said in unison. Rae soon followed me, out into the living room. I looked at Harry,walked over to him and punched him in the face, leaving a mark. "Don't you ever fucking touch my girlfriend again or you'll get worse! And you wont ever be able to be around Raelynn again understand??"
Harry's pov

"I said do you understand?!?!" Niall yelled. I gulped "y-yes I understand".
"Good! Niall yelled. Now get out Harry!". I got up and walked to the door of Raelynn's flat and walked out.
Niall's pov
"Uhhhh... I think we should leave..." Liam said.
"Okay bye mates see ya later". "Niall?". "What babe?". 'Remember when you told harry no or you would cut his fingers and his dick off?" She asks. "Yes, I do" I say. "Why did you say that?". "Because he told me in a text that he wanted to fuck you and I told him not to touch you, when he walked into the door he looked at you like you were his treat. I know what he as thinking inside of that dirty mind of his". "Oh... im sorry I am sorry!!". Rae said. "What are you apologizeing for? You didn't I anything.". "Yes I did...". "what did you do!?!?!?". "I committed a crime of being to sexy!!" She laughed. "Oh your way past sexy, your roasting hot!!!"

Raelynn's pov
I walked over to Niall. He was sitting on the chair, I sat on his lap and heard a grunt. "Oh jeezzz im not that fat!!" I earned a laugh from him.
"That's a horrible nickname!" Nialler laughed. "Okay fine ill just call you sexy!". "Okay that works..." he said.
"And ill call you roasting!!". "Oh my god Niall see this is why I love you." "Your Weirdo, and we both love food. Food brings us close," Niall said and broke out into a trial of laughter.

Niall Horan Is My Neighbor???? (Horan A/U)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz