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Louis pov
I pulled into Kas's driveway, and she just sat there. It was silent and akaward, until I broke the silence. "Kassie, im sor-". "don't be..." she cut me off. "Why shouldn't I be, I made things akaward between us". 'No lou you didn't,you made things better". She said. "Look Kassie I like you, I like you alot and I-". "Louis I like you alot too, and we should hang out more together you know just me and you?" She cut me off again. Oh great the 'friend zone' I thought to myself. 'Well I should probably go..." she said. "Yeah, its getting late".

Kassie's pov
I got out if the car, and walked to the door unlocking it and walking into my flat. I went to the couch,sat down and turned in the t.v. about five minutes in my show I heard a knock at my door. I got up and thought who could be here at this hour? I looked through the peep hole, it was Louis. I opened the door, "Hey lou what's up?" "Nothing you just forgot this...". "Forgot wh-". "this", he said as he pecked my lips. Oh, um, "Goodnight Kas". He said. "Goodnight lou...". "bye" he said with a smile. "Bye".

Niall's pov
I opened my eyes, and fluttered them. I sat up in bed and looked around, I didn't see Raelynn I figured she was in the t.v. room. I got up and went to the t.v. room and she wasn't there, replacing her was a note it said:

Niall went shopping with Kas, be back around 2ish? I love you behave!

~love Raelynn~

I smiled at the note and went to the Kitchen.

Raelynn's pov
"Ooooooooo!" Kassie yelled, "can we go to the Aeropostalé store?" She asked. "I don't care what we do Kassie" I told her. So we went to the Aeropostale store and we looked around. "Rae come here!' Kassie said. I walked over to where she was. "Do I look good in these pants,and do you think that Louis will like them?" She asked. "Yeah you looks amazing and since when do you care what Louis thinks?" I asked. "Since last night..." she trailed off. "What happened last night???" I asked confused. "Louis told me that he liked me alot and we have kissed twice..." she explained "Someones got a lover, someones got a lover!" I chanted. " Shut up!" She said. We were in the Aeropostale store for like 20 more minutes, when we finally got to the checkout. Kassie put some pink sweat pants,blue jeans, an Aeropostale shirt the color teal, a bright green zip up sweatshirt, and some socks. I got basically the same things she did except my sweat pants were blue, my shirt was purple, and my sweatshirt was neon green. The cashier ring us up and the total was like $130, we split the payment in half so each of out ended up paying $65. We finally left the mall, I dropped Kassie off at her flat and drove home. I walked into the house and Niall was eating imagine that. "Hey im home!" I yelled to Niall. He ran over to me, and smirked. "What?" I asked. "Nothing", he pecked my lips. 'Well okay then", I said as Niall ran back to his food. For the last three hours me and Niall just cuddled on the floor watching Disney Channel and Niall fell asleep. Then, I got a text from Liam.

Niall's pov/dream of Liam and Raelynn

From:Daddy Direction
Hey Raelynn we should hang out today?

To:Daddy Direction
Yeah, sounds great just me and you?

From:Daddy Direction

To:Daddy Direction
Ok where at?

From:Daddy Direction
How about meet me at 7:00 at the ally way in 67th street?

Why at an ally way?

To:Daddy Direction
Yeah, ok see you soon. Bye

From:Daddy Direction

Rae's pov/ dream

"Hey, Ni?" I asked. "What?" He asked. "You don't mind if I go hang out with
Liam do you? he wants to hang out just me and him". "Yeah, go I dont care you haven't seen him ages! What time you leaving me?" He asked. "7:00 I should be back atleast before 10:00". I told him. "Ok, go get ready!" He told me. "Are you rushing me Horan?" I asked. "No, I just think that you need to get out more". He said. "I was just out with Kassie!". "Yeah, I know" he laughed. I took a shower, I decided I didn't need any makeup because it was just Liam. I put on my new jeans,shirt,and sweatshirt that I got today with Kassie. I had like 20 minutes before I had to meet liam,so I went back to the t.v. room. Niall was laying on the floor, I walked over to him and 'sat' on his back leaning over to see his face. He turned to look at me and when he did he flashed his famous smile, which still makes me want to go crazy. I got up and went to the kitchen to get water and I sat on the counter, Niall came out to get food I assumed, but actually i guess he came to get me! He came over to me and grabbed my waist lifting me off the counter to my feet, he smiled at me. "What's up with all the smiling?" I asked him. "You..." he said. "We-" I got cut of by Niall kissing me. He pulled back, "thank you for that I was trying to talk!" I pouted We laughed. "What where you going to say love?" He asked. "I have to go, ill be back before or a little after 10:00pm ok?' I told him. "Yeah, but don't forget to text me on the way home?" He said. "I wont now I have to leave". I said as I walked out the door. "Bye!' Niall screamed. 'Bye Nialler I love you!". "I love you!". I drove to the ally way on 67th street, to be honest I was kind of scared. When I pulled up I didn't see Liam, so I got out of the car to look for him. I was about halfway down the ally way when something grabbed me.

Liam's pov
Raelynn was looking for me, she was halfway down the ally way when I grabbed her and started tickling her till she fell to the ground. When I finally stopped tickling her she looked at me confused. "Liam why did you want to meet me here?" She asked. I helped her up. "Because I needed to talk to you alone where no one knew where we were". I said. "Mmmmm..." she said. I walked closer to Rae and she didn't move at all. I was so close that our foreheads almost touched. I started to walk closer and she backed up until she ran into the wall. "Liam what are you doing?" She asked me. "Just let me do what I need to do". I told her. I leaned in till our lips almost touched, then I kissed her. She didn't really resist, and I was surprised because she is dating Niall. I pulled back and stepped away. I just looked at her, she starred back. "Raely-". "save it Liam" she cut me off. She walked closer and put her arms around my neck, I put my arm around her torso and she kissed me, I just went along with it and kissed her back. What if NiallI found out? I like Raelynn alot and apparently so does Harry, Louis, Zayn, but Niall loves her more than any of us. When she pulled back, she walked to the other end of the ally way, "come on Li!" She yelled. I went to her. We were walking down the street passing the movie thrtre and then she stopped to wait for me to catch up. When I got to her I took her hand and began walking again. This felt like a dream...

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