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Niall's pov
I don't know where to start. Being with Raelynn is well... It's akaward to be with her now. It just feels like there is something she is leaving out but I'm not quite sure what it is she might be leaving out. To keep that situation off my mind me, Louis, and Zayn all went to the pub to get a few pints. Both boys went off somewhere and I sit here at the bar, on a stool alone. "Another please?" I ask the server. She looks familiar but I don't know her, maybe she's served us before? "Yeah" she rolls her eyes, "actually never mind." I say and get up to try and find Louis or Zayn. I see Zayn first, but he looks very well occupied. I look around the bar and don't see Louis anywhere, maybe he's in the bathroom. I continue to walk to the back of the bar, and walk into the men's bathroom. Nope. Where is he? Damn it Lou. Where in the hell can he be? I walk out of the bathroom and back into the bar, found him. Jesus why are the boys so horny tonight damn. I mean Zayn has- wait is he still dating Perrie? I don't know. Louis has Kassie. Or dose he? What the fuck I don't know. I walk over to Louis and rip his tounge from the girls throat. "I'm going home"

"Ok why? And thanks for interrupting me before I got laid. Fucker." He smirks.

"Shut the fuck up" I roll my eyes, "and because I'm bored with the bar" I say that to keep them from knowing what's really on my mind. Touching Raelynn, being able touch her skin, making her feel good. I know I can and will do that.

"Ok well I guess I'll see you later" he turns back around and pulls some random girl towards him.
I shake my head and smile, "Have fun"
I walk out of the bar letting the cold air surround my skin as I try to find my car. When I finally find it I start it and pull out of the bar.

Raelynn's pov
I hear the hotel door shut, and then the light turns on. I jump a little because it scared me. That's a little odd I didn't hear it open, but I know it's Niall. Why is he here this early it's only twelve. Shouldn't he be fucking a drunk girl or something?
That was harsh my subconscious reminds me. Yeah I guess it kind of was, a few moments later I hear either his pants or his shirt hit the floor. I'm telling you this right now, he is not having sex with me when he is pissed drunk.

The other side of the bed sinks down, I think it was his sweatshirt that he took off because I can feel both his pants and his shirt rubbing on my skin. I feel two hands grab my waist, in an instant I am facing Niall, he smiles and runs his hand down my arm.

"What do you think your doing?" I ask.

"I don't know, I missed you and it's been so long since we fucked"

"No, Niall stop it"


"Because your drunk and that's not happening when your drunk"

"But I'm not drunk" he said and moves his hand down to my butt and gives a squeeze, I let out a low whimper.

"How many did you have?" I ask, "like two"

"Yeah right" I roll my eyes. "If your not drunk then get up and walk a straight line from the bed all the way to the door"

"That's ridiculous. I'm not doing that"

I stare at him with "your doing it or your not getting it" eyes, "Alright Alright fine!"

He gets up and mumbles, "This is so fucking ridiculous" before walking to the door in a straight line. He turns around once he reaches the door, "See I told you"

"Your still not getting it" I smirk.

"Such a tease Ms. Johnson, Such a tease" he smiles and walks towards the bed.

"Go away" I smirk, and scoot away from him, closer to the the edge of the bed.

"I will not go away" he gets on the bed and crawls towards me.

Niall hovers over me, his knees between my legs and his hands by my ears.

"You will if you want to live"

He gets closer to my face, "And if I don't, what are you going to do?"

"I told you. If you wanted to live you will go away. If you don't then stay here and keep doing what your doing"

His head disappears into the crook of my neck, making me already long for his touch. "What if I want to keep doing what I'm doing, and keep living?"
"You can't and you won't"

He chuckles and climbs off me, "That would be the day. The day that I didn't get what I wanted, but somehow I'd make it happen"

Niall takes his shirt off and starts to undo his pants, while I just sit and watch. Leaving his clothes a mess on the floor he joins me in the bed and cuddles up to me, he leaves small kisses on my neck. It tickles a bit but not enough to make me laugh. Niall nibbles and sucks on my skin lightly, probably long enough to leave a love bite. "Raelynn...I love you"

He loves me still? Do I love him? I think I still do. I bring my hand to his hair and play with it, "And I love- I love you too Niall"

Do you mean that? I ask myself, I think I mean it. I feel like I love Niall but do I really?

The next morning when I wake up, Niall is next to me, on his stomach, and his face in the pillow.

He looks so cute and I almost want take a picture of him, but I don't.

I don't want to wake him up but I want to see him and talk to him. It's one in the afternoon... I don't know should I wake him? yeah I'm going to, I think to myself with a smirk on my face.

"NIALLER!!!!" I scream, all he does is roll over.

"NIALL!" once again he dosen't wake up.

Oh! I got it!


He immediately sits up, "Where?" He rubs his eyes and looks at me. "Nowhere I just wanted to wake you up" I smile. "Jerk" he says and fake pouts.

I know this is out of nowhere but, "Niall, when are we leaving London to go see Harry's mom?"

"Actually, we aren't going to see Harry's mum. Only he is going and we all get to go home."

"I thought- what about the rest of the tour?"

"Well... We are going to stop touring for this year so we all have time to visit with our family's. It's going to be like a little break you know?"

Family. Something I haven't had in a while. Maybe I could visit my family. No that's a crazy idea. They all hate me anyway.

"The fans. They are going to get super mad"

"Actually we tweeted about it and surprisingly almost all of them were okay with it"

Speaking of the fans, did Niall ever mention me to them?
I don't know. It's better that they don't know I guess so Niall and I don't get any hate.
Niall gets up and walks into the bathroom, I sigh when he enters the bathroom. What if last night when I said I loved him, I didn't mean that I loved him?
That it was just my mind telling me to respond normally. Normally as in when someone says they love you, you usually say it back right?

I think that I meant it. I hope that I meant it, I'm just scared because what if I didn't and I think I love him but I don't? That would hurt him really bad, and neither of us would be happy.

Niall Horan Is My Neighbor???? (Horan A/U)Where stories live. Discover now