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Kassie's pov
I woke up and didn't know where I was. The last thing I remembered is when I was in the back of the ambulance and we were rushing into the Emergency Room. "Ahhhh... your awake Kassie.. do you need anything?" A deep voice asked. I looked up at the man, he looked like a Doctor. "Kassie?" He asked. "What? What happened? Where am i? Who are you?" I asked. "Hi Kassie im Dr.Marnleiven, your at the hospital, and you broke your arm". He answered me. oh great I broke my arm... what else could go wrong? "Dr. Uh Dr. What's your name again?" I asked. "Dr.Marnleiven....". "Ok Dr.Marnleiven were there two boys and a girl with me?...". "Ummm yes one Blondie, one brunette, and one red haired one I believe". He answered. "Can I see them?". "Yeah, sure i'll go get them ok? What are their names?" He said. "Niall, Louis, and Raelynn". I told him

Louis pov
Me, Niall, and Raelynn were sitting in the waiting room waiting on Kas. "Niall,Raelynn,and Louis?" A voice called out our names it was a nurse, I could tell because her name tag said Nurse Kimberly. "Uh yeah that's us!" I said. "Ok well Kassie, is out of surgery and is requesting to see you all". The nurse said. As we got up the Nurse told us if we needed anything to press the red button on the wall above Kas's bed.

Raelynn's pov
I walked into Kas's room first then Niall and Louis. I ran over to Kassie and she had her cast on her arm and I think we were ready to go home.... "Lou?" He didn't answer. "LOU?". "what?". "Will you call Harry and the rest of the boys and tell then what happened?". "Whatever" he said. "Ugghhhhh can we go home!?!?!" Kassie screamed. "I dont know".I said. "Press the damn button Raelynn!" Niall shouted in a sarcastic manner. "Oh! Yeah! I forgot!" I said. I pressed the button and the nurse came running in. "Is everything alright?" She asked us. "Yes, we were just wondering when we can go home?" Niall asked. "I'll check with the Doctor i'll be back". She said. When she returned she told us we could go home and that Kassie needed to keep her arm propped up on a pillow, and she also told me not to forget to give her, her antibiotic.

Louis pov
"I called the boys and told them what happened and they said they would be waiting for us at your house..." I said to Niall. "Okay... they better not touch. MY FOOD!" Niall screamed. We arrived home and the boys were sitting on the couch, "Kassie is back!!" Harry screamed. "Yay!!" Liam said next. Then zayn said "Vas happnin?" (I know that's old but who cares?) I sat down on the floor and Kassie sat down next to me I just starred at her. "What are you starring at?" She asked me. "I don't know im not sure yet!" I told her. "Ugh that was mean!". "That's why I said it duh..."
I exclaimed. The boys stayed for a while and then left and it was just me and Niall ,Raelynn and Kassie. It was awkward and silent because nobody was talking, so I decided to break the silence and say "okay well it's getting late I should probably go home?". "Ok Louis you can go if you want to..." Niall told me. "Ok well im leaving... Bye"
"WAIT CAN I COME!?!?!?!?!" Kassie asked me. "I don't care..." I said. I left Niallers house and went home with Kassie.

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