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Zayn's pov
The mysterious blonde that I was sitting next to on the plane, Yeah her name is Kate. We got to talk for half the plane ride, I told her that the song she was singing was One Direction and she deleted it off her phone. She gave me her number and I gave her mine, I don't want to tell her that I'm from One Direction because then she will probably pin roll me to the ground with a truck. When she isn't complaining she is quite nice to talk to, Louis dose not like her, I found that out the hard way. It's going to be hard to keep my "little" secret from her when she knows Louis and Liam are from One Direction, thanks to Louis. Yeah so that happened. I texted her about an hour ago but I have gotten no reply. She must be the type of person that sees the message and doesn't reply right away to make it seem like they were either busy or just to get you mad. Anyways I haven't heard anything about Niall or Raelynn. The last time I talked to Raelynn was at the airport only to ask her to get my bag from the belt. Niall has been ignoring everyone but Louis, from what I've seen he's only spoken to him. Raelynn only talks to Kassie, barely. Liam looked pretty angry, I mean he was glaring at Niall and eyeing Raelynn like he wanted something from her but he wasn't quite sure what he wanted. I don't know anything about anyone any more, when I ask what's wrong they deny telling me anything or just ignore me, like earlier with Raelynn. I just wanted to help her and she wouldn't spill. What could she have done to make someone especially Niall, that mad and why would I think of her differently? I don't really know her, whenever everyone goes out no one really bothers to ask me if I want to go; so I can't judge her if I don't know her well enough to. My phone chimes, I pick for up and I have a text message,

Kate- Hey :)
Well. She finally answered.
Me- what's up?

Raelynn's pov
I stand and wait patiently for my things to come down the belt, "Grab my bag would ya?" Zayn's familiar voice rings through my ears. I point to the black suit case and look back at him, he nods his head and I grab the heavy luggage off of the belt. I hand it over to him, "Thanks"
I just smile at him, moments after that I see my purple carry on coming toward me. I grab it and set it next to my feet on the floor. The next one coming is Niall's. Without thinking I grab it and hesitantly walk over to him tapping his shoulder. Niall is talking to Louis, he stops in the middle of his sentence and slowly turns around meeting my eyes. He stays silent and crosses his arms, "I um- here" I say and set his things to him. He grabs the handle and brings his luggage next to his feet as he turns around and continues to talk to Louis. I sigh and walk back to the belt waiting for my other bag, once it comes I grab it and walk over next to Kassie. "Hey" I say and glance past her at Niall. "Hey... Um Niall told me to tell you that you're riding home with him"
I roll my eyes, "Great. Why does he-" I grunt and furrow my eyebrows together, "Why the hell does he want me to ride home with him when he is pissed at me? He won't even talk to me. Kassie what?"

"I don't know Rae" she laughs, "I can't help you"

Niall and I waited for our ride to get to the airport for about 30 minutes after we each received our bags. I climb in the back of the car and sit on the left side with Niall next to me on the right side. The whole ride home was completely silent and to be honest quite akaward, the only noise was the traffic and the faint country music playing in the background. Every once in a while I would glance over at Niall, only to find him not looking back at me but out the window, bouncing his leg up and down instead. I know it hasn't been that long since he found out about my... Mistakes but I just really wish we could discuss the whole situation. Maybe I should try and talk to him right now, he probably won't answer me about anything but I at least want to try. I try to clear my throat as quiet as possible, "Niall" I barely whisper. He slowly turns his head in my direction, "What?" He snaps. "Um do you think when we get home we could maybe-"
"No." He cuts me off.
I sigh and stare back out the window, at least I tried right?
The car rolls up to the apartment building and parks right outside our section. Niall immediately gets out and slams the door, I look out the window and open the door, steeping out and do the opposite of Niall. I softly shut the door and go to the back waiting for Niall to grab his things before I even try to put my hands near his. He grabs his things and quickly walks away heading up the stairs to his flat. I grab my things and shut the trunk waving to the driver as a quick thanks before I turn and jog up the stairs with each of my things in either hand. I am hesitant about opening the door, Niall did say that he didn't want me staying with him anymore. I open the door and look around for him. I don't see him. I look over to the bedroom door and it is shut, I set my stuff on the floor and walk over to the only thing separating Niall and I. I slowly raise my hand to knock and swallow hard. My hand meets the wood and I softly knock a couple of times, I hear nothing but silence for a moment, then I hear Niall's faint voice. "No"

"Louis I said no I need to be away from her. I don't want to be around her and I am far from forgiving and forgetting just like that. It's not happening. If she wants to talk she can come to me. I'm not going to her."

I blink a few times and step away from the door wanting to cry. Niall doesn't even want to be near me let alone talk to me.
I panic as the sound of footsteps come closer to the door, it opens and Niall runs into me. Fuck. "What the hell were you doing? What did you hear?"

"Um I - I didn't hear anything. I was just checking to see if you were - if you were in your room"

"Raelynn don't lie to me, What the fuck did you hear?"

"Ni- Niall I swear I didn't hear anything" I look at him with apologetic eyes.
He glares at me and takes a couple more steps toward me, my back is now touching the wall. "Raelynn, I am done. Done with all of the lies and secrets." Niall looks at into my eyes, "How long?"
I know exactly what he is talking about. He wants to know how long I was with Liam. "Niall please-"
"All I want to know is how long you were with him for." He cuts me off, "Niall it was only that time. And the one time he-"
"That's all I needed to know" he says getting closer to my face, "Why did you do it?" He asks.
"I honestly don't know..."

"Bullshit. Was I not good enough for you?, was it because you feed off of drama?, or was it because you wanted to be a slut and have a different dick every night?"
I look away from his intense stare and to the floor, "You think I'm a slut?" I quietly ask my voice shaky.
"Yes I honestly do Raelynn. Why? Because first you do stuff with Louis, then you kiss Harry, and then you go behind my back and fuck Liam for I don't know how damn long!" He yells, "this has probably been going on since you two first met, hasn't it?" He asks. I stay silent and don't answer him, "Hasn't it!?" He yells again. "Niall please stop yelling. The people next door can here you" I tell him and swallow hard. "You know what I don't fucking care if all of Japan can hear me. You're a little whore and you know you are! You are constantly thirsty for male attention! You know what Raelynn? Fuck you! Go call your pussy pleaser to come and get you" he says and tears prick my eyes. "No fuck you Niall! I am not "thirsty for male attention"! If anything I'm thirsty for your attention god damn it!" I tell and he just stares at me, I push past him going into the bathroom locking the door behind me. A couple seconds after I get in the bathroom I hear Niall's bedroom door shut, I pull my phone out of my back pocket and quickly find Kassie's contact. It rings a couple times before she answers, "Kassie please come get me from Niall's flat and please hurry" I start to cry and you can hear it in my voice when I talk. "Raelynn what's-"
"I'll tell you later. Please Kassie?"

"Ok I will be there in ten" she says and I hang up.

I unlock the door and walk into the living room grabbing my suit case and walking out of the apartment. I don't know how long I'm going to be with Kassie so might as well take a suit case.
I walk down the stairs and sit down on the side walk, waiting for Kassie to get here.

Niall's pov
I hear the front door open and close telling me that Raelynn is outside. I am assuming she is waiting for someone to come get her. Anyway I don't care what anyone thinks about me calling Raelynn a slut. I know it was not necessary but it just came out. I am really not sorry for calling her that, it's true she is a slut if she fucks a different guy every night, even worse they are my band mates and I am forced to work with them. It's probably a good thing Simon has us on break so I won't have to see Liam or anyone unless we have a meeting. I get up from my bed and walk out to the kitchen to get something to eat, I haven't eaten since I got off the plane. I grab a fork out of the drawer, I know exactly what I want. An instant Nandos meal in the little container thing. Oh yeah. I open the freezer and find the Perri Perri chicken one and take it out peeling back the top and sticking in the microwave for four minutes, while I wait I go and sit on the couch and watch television, Supernatural. I've never seen this before but it seems pretty good from the description.

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