Chapter 45 Broken At Last?

Start from the beginning

Instead of asking questions or trying to reason with me she simply pulls me into her embrace. "It's all going to work itself out." She whispers in my ear. I don't ask what she means by that, even though I can tell she's not given up on Hunter and I yet, it's just not her style. "Let's get going." She says softly and I nod.

No one speaks the whole ride home, we're all caught up in our own thoughts and unable to branch the distance between minds. Sam holds Tiffany's hand as she stares out the window and I hold back sniffling or crying until we say goodnight and take our leave.

My sleep is light and troubled, I can't even manage to shake the feeling that I'm laying in bed, cold and alone. Every new wave of almost sleep brings Hunter's face into my mind. Him holding my hand on the skating rink, sitting next to me in Mr. Grumby's basement, his hands claiming my face while his soft lips settle on mine-

'Bang Bang Bang Bang!'

The loud noise brings me to a sitting position and I throw my covers aside, jumping out of bed with little effort. But upon standing I sway on my legs, 48 hours with only a few hours of light sleep are taking a heavy toll. The sound of angry and surprised voices rises up the stairs and through my door and I open it a crack to see what's happening.

"Hunter?" I say, feeling like the wind has been knocked out of me.

Sam stands, blocking the door frame as Hunter seems ready to push past him, explaining that he needs to see me. He looks up at my door and his eyes flash as his gaze connects with mine. "Leah!"

Sam turns to look and just like that Hunter has slipped past him and is bolting up the stairs. I look down at Sam who shrugs his shoulders and turns, starting to look for the morning paper in the dim light of the starting day.

Hunter reaches me and pushes the door open, taking me in his arms and holding me tight to him. "You're not allowed to do that!" He says urgently in my hair as I stand there, feeling his heart racing and his breath coming fast against my neck.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were-"

He stops the words by kissing me roughly and urgently, surprising me so much that I bite down.

"Ow!" He lets me go, hand to his bottom lip.

"What part of 'ending it' didn't you understand?!" I take shallow breaths as I try to collect my thoughts.

"Do you have any idea how much you scared me?!" His voice raises like mine and he checks to make sure I didn't draw any blood.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" I shoot back, checking the clock on the wall to make sure it's after 5.

"Of course I do! I got on a plane in Denver at 12:45 to get here and I haven't slept since!" He balls his hands into fists and I stare back defiant.

"That was a waste! Why don't you get out! I don't want to talk to you! In fact, I don't want anything to do with you!"

"Why Leah? Because you're scared? Are you scared of us or scared of what everyone else is going to think?"

I know the door isn't soundproofed and I just pray no one else is listening to this conversation, or more appropriate term is shouting match. "I-I...I'm-"

"What Leah? You're what!?"

"Afraid of myself!" The fight goes out of my body and I sway again on my feet as I press my fists into my face.

"Leah? You're trembling." Hunter's voice softens and when I peek out at him he's inches from my face. Without a word he guides me to my bed and sits down beside me, holding me tight to his side.

"I can't do this again, be publicly humiliated and bring people I love down with me. I would rather be dead." This time the tears are unstoppable and I'm left gasping for air as I cry.

"Never talk like that! Don't even think it!" He squeezes my arm until it hurts.

"I'm sorry... It's just... How am I supposed to fit in to your world? All I know about music is how the lyrics touch my heart or make me laugh or make me cry... I don't know notes or instruments, just that they weave together into a melody."

Hunter sucks in a breath, "that was beautiful, I couldn't describe it any better."

"But that means nothing! You're so close to your music, if I can't understand music how can I understand you? You're better off if I was gone." The emotion that runs high drops off as I reach the end of my thought, realizing just how much I mean it.

"I can't lose you Leah. I need my best friend alive and in my life, especially if she loves me."

I realize my earlier words too late and I silently berate myself for calling him someone I love.

"Funny thing is, I've loved her for a while but we've been so used to not saying it that it seems we waited too long. And look at the result, I almost lost her today."

I look up at him to find his eyes fixed on me.

"But you know what? I think we're going to be okay."

"Really? Why is that?"

"Because we just made it through our first fight."

"It's not over yet." I sniff and he reaches up to wipe the last tear away.

"Wanna bet?" He lowers his face until it's millimeters away from mine. "I don't know about you but I'm done talking."

The anticipation of his kiss is too much to bear, I close my eyes.

The knock on my door is an unwelcome distraction. "What?" I ask as loud as I dare as Hunter moves away from me.

"Just wondering if you guys wanted breakfast." Tiffany asks through the door.

Hunter shrugs.

"I have bread and peanut butter and Oreos and tea." I whisper and he breaks into a smile.

"Sounds like a well balanced meal to me."

"We're fine!" I tell her as I stifle a yawn.

"Tired?" He draws closer again, sliding his thumb over my chin and sending a spasm of shivers down my spine.

"2 days of no sleep are getting to me."

"Well then," Hunter gets up and gestures to my pillow, let's nap before we eat."

"You don't mind?"

"Naw, I'm in enough trouble as it is, if I stay off the grid for a few more hours I doubt anyone is going to kill me."

"You ran off?" I feel awful as I crawl under the sheets.

"You'd better believe it. By the way phone break ups are mean, I mean it, you're not allowed to do that again."

"But if I try in person you convince me to change my mind."

He slides in next to me and yawns which causes me to yawn wider. "Exactly." His arms encircle my waist and he kisses me gently at an angle then let's me settle into his safe body. He talks for a while and I just lay still and enjoy listening to his voice and to his heart beating.

I need him as much as he needs me. I think I finally get it. With the clenched feeling in my stomach dissipating and the sharpness from my anger starting to fade I'm left to fall into an easy and relieved sleep.

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