27: Prepare For War

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Katherine's Mom's Pov

Why was our army taking so long? Didnt they find her? Was my Katherine back with them on the way here? Was she alright? I couldnt do anything else than just stay in my bed thinking about my daughter, I couldnt think of anything straight until I knew that my daughter was safe and sound and on the way back home, back to me.

Unfortunately, no such news.

"Your Majesty! The army is back"A servant Elise came to my room to inform me that the army was back. Awww please gods, Katherine better be here as well. My teary eyes looked up with hope as I stood up, ran full speed to the Great Hall where hopefully Sir Niall will be here along with Katherine.

I stood at my usual spot in front of my royal seat, soon I watched Nora approaching with not the face I expected if the princess was back. Oh oh this was not good.

"Your Majesty...I am sorry"Nora said sadly and out of words, not knowing what to say.

"Did you find her, where is my daughter?"I asked her desperately and she looked down with a sorrowfull face.

"We didnt find her Your Majesty. She has crossed a land no yellow eyed can cross, a foul land where the air would kill us in seconds."Nora said and I froze in shock and most sadness or even unbeaten heartbreaking. Foul land that killed yellow eyed by the foul smell? Was there even a land like that? Ooooh yes of course there was one! Oh no of all those places why did she had to go to that kingdom?

"The Black City"I said confirmly and Nora looked at me blankz

"Your Majesty?"She asked politely.

"The Princess is stuck in the Black City. Volterra, our worst enemies"I said and she was jawdropped and was suddently lost in her own thoughts.

"Of course"She mumbled to herself but I heard her. What did she know now? Did she have a solution? Another vision? A good one?

"What is it Nora?"I asked her and she looked at me still in shock.

"Prince Harry of Volterra! Your Majesty, if what you say is true, the Princess is not safe and doesnt know what she s doing there. We need to get there. We have to make this vision of mine wrong or we lose Princess Katherine forever"Nora said.  Prince Harry? Could he be the one in Nora's vision where Katherine will love a red eyed? No no no it shouldnt happen! I would never accept this. I would not bow down to the worst red eyed king Des and Queen Anne! I knew nothing about their son but he must be even more evil than them. Queen Anne kept boasting that her son was the strongest vampire ever, little did she know Katherine my daughter was the strongest and could even kill her pathetic son.

I had to do something. I guessed the war will be sooner than planned.

"Prepare a much bigger army as soon as possible! With my powers the foul air of Volterra lands wont kill us"I said strongly and she nodded.

"A war? But they're red eyed Your Majesty and we dont---"Nora said and I cut her.

"It will be our victory Nora have some faith. With King Zayn and Sir Niall, nothing to worry"I said and she sighed which made me wonder. Now what? Anything happened to Zayn and Sir Niall?

"Actually...King Zayn went to the lands of Volterra himself by telling us to retreat. Sir Niall took the lead since them but suddently, he went missing yesterday"Nora said trembling and I placed my hand in front of my mouth  controlling the anger building up inside me.No Zayn or Niall but I shouldnt get distracted by anything, I needed to find my Katherine and stop her from doing further mistakes in her life.

"Prepare for war, we're leaving now"I said walking out with Nora behind me.

Time to destroy Volterra once and for all, most important, bring Katherine back and kill that Prince Harry.

More than Katherine falling in love with him or any red eyed, I was most scared of one thing.

Katherine being marked by him.

(A/N: Oh oh Katherine's mom knows and war is coming! You know what else is coming very very very veryyyyy soon?...Hatherine officially! Not just that but also Niall. What do you think will happen next?

Dedication: @RavenBrookes and boroform 😍😊 )

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