37: Change Of Heart

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(A/N: Mind the Pov change between Katherine and...you'll see😁 )______________________________________________________

Katherine's Pov

I ran as fast as I could leaving the dungeons to go back to my room even if I knew leaving Harry alone in his cell was very risky especially because Mother was furious that he marked. I was praying hard that nothing will happen to him.

"Oh my Katherine! What have you done? I have never seen your Mother this furious!.I know you love him and everything but allowing him to mark you here, he''s gonna die sooner than pl--"I bumped into Niall who started lecturing me about my furious Mother, I cut him off not willing to hear about my Harry dying.

"Niall! You know the rules, Mother will die if she doesnt accept Harry and I. He marked me Niall! There s nothing--"I started and he pulled my hands and took me faster much faster to my room. Niall looked extremely worried, maybe even angry. Who knew with me or with my Mother?

"You think so? Really Kat really? Who is your Mother again? Nothing is impossible for her and there are smaller, slower steps to seperate two people so careful! "He told me and we sat on my bed talking, even if we were not having a proper nice conversation, I felt happy to be with my bestfriend after looooong time sharing our feelings. But why wasnt he supporting me like a bestfriend must? That thought made cry.

"What part of I love him and only him do you not understand? I dont care who he is and where he s from, Zayn would never make me happy the way Harry does. Don't you understand?"I cried and he hugged me caressing my hair gently to console as I cried on his torso little wetting his tunic but he didnt mind.

"Heyyy heyyy shhh Im on your side Kat. Please dont doubt that, I know you love him and he makes you happy, I want to help you both, trust me Harry and you will be together. Your Mother will understand someday"Niall said sweetly and I looked up to see his face that was fully honest in his words, it meant so much to me that my bestfriend accepted my relationship and was my side against everyone though it was unbelievable because noone was more loyal than him in the kingdom, well he was loyal to me then.

"But when and how?"I asked and he sighed thinking for a while.

"Only time could tell and we need a lot of convincing to do and I am willing to try even if I have to die"He said and I smiled a little hugging him more as I needed my bestfriend support more than anything now, Thank the gods to bless me wirh the bestfriend or brother by my side. Imagine in the future, I'll be with the best husband Harry and the best bestfriend Niall, what else do you want to be happy? Yeah nothing else. Oh yeah, out babies, Harry and I.

"Where's Mother?"I asked him as we pulled back and he frowned a little and with that I knew the answer. Oh no, I couldnt let her hurt Harry, I couldnt imagine Harry being hurt. I got up to run to the door until I felt arms pulling me back not letting me leave. Niall please? Harry needs me!

"Niall please!"I cried begging him to let me go.

"If you go, she'll hurt him more to test you. Both will get hurt, do you want that?"Niall asked holding me firm by my shoulders. I just bursted crying into his arms with my hear buried on his chest.

Since when love was a crime?

Katherine's Mom Pov

Noooo! Why? Why him? What did she see him to fall in love with him? What did she see in him to let him mark her? Why him, out of all vampires, out of all red eyes? Our worst enemies and the strongest red eyed of them all! Katherine was too innocent and too naive. Prince Harry of Volterra didnt know to love, no Volterra vampires had any value in life. I wanted Zayn to mark so she wouldnt be able to argue about marrying him not having a choice but look what happened? What I feared was that whoever tried to split them will pay the price. Bloody hell! But you know who I am right?

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