9: Sudden Proposal

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As usual I watch from my window in my room how Katherine was training with Niall how to masters. Crazy how fast she was learning and doing so well. I couldnt wait to show Queen Anne and King Desmond what my daughter could do, she will beat their "so powerful" son in seconds and his powers would have no effect on her, nothing will work on her.

Katherine was preparing herself for fighting, like all vampires of our kingdom, our army was training harder and harder day and night because we all knew fighting red eyes vampires would be really hard because undeniably they were really really strong, because of feeding on human blood. But that wasnt our doing, we wouldnt feed or kill innocent lives just for our living, we yellow eyes believed in making peace with the humans and we were lucky enough they agreed with us unlike some vampire kingdoms.

"Your Majesty, someone would like to see you"A guard called me.

"Who is it?"I asked still looking at my daughter through the window, she was managing the combine the power of earth and water by creating a strong yet beautiful energy ball, it looked beautiful green, yellow, light pink shining nicely, she launched it on Niall who flew few meters away but he was alright instead he just laughed making her laugh as well.

"He wouldnt speak Your Majesty"The guard said and I turned around telling him to let him in. Who would be anonymous to me? Which big personality would do that? The guard brought in someone who was cloaked si I couldnt see his face clearly but he was dressed in a black tunic, looked fancy though, might look royal. Was he some king or either prince?

"Welcome to Vampiria, may I know who desires to speak to me?"I asked him formally and he took off his cloak and I gasped seeing that he looked quite young, like around Katherine's age, he must be a prince. His hair was thick black looked like a quiff, I dared to say it he looked very very handsome and good thing he was a yellow eye vampire.

"Your Majesty Mother Of All Vampires, I am King Zayn of the Moonland kingdom, pleasure to meet you"He said nicely in his best voice and I raised my eyebrows in confusion, didnt I see Queen Trisha of the Moonland kingdom yesterday? He wasnt her husband I knew that since he died long ago so how could he be king?

"King? What about Queen Trisha may I ask?"I asked nicely and his expression faded a little. Ok there was a reason, what happened?

"Queen Trisha is my mother Your Majesty...she died yesterday on the way back home from the Council, thats why Im now King"Zayn explained and I gasped in horror covering my mouth. Queen Trisha was my friend and very supportive to me, hearing her sudden death from her son felt like being staked to my unbeating heart.

"How did she die Zayn? You can tell me?"I asked him placing my hands to his shoulders.

"Our private guard said that she was arguing with some king and queen, they were like...fighting verbally about something...I think about what you discussed at the Council, then the king... snapped her neck and ordered to  burn her right there...luckily our guard managed to carry her body to us...she's gone"Zayn said his voice getting weaker as he started to sob but not too much as he wanted to stay strong as being a new king. Could you guess which king killed innocent Queen Trisha? I do have a name in mind! Bloody tell these people!

"I'm sorry King Zayn for your loss, your mother was a very close friend of mine. Do you know which king killed her?"I asked him hugging him supportively.

"I think you and I both it, the worst red eyes vampires ever"He said and I nodded. I knew it, Volterra king and queen, could anyone be more cruel? No!

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