30: Time Of The Truth

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Katherine's Pov

What? Was I dreaming? Was it even all real? Was he really here in this room? How could he survive the foul air as even I struggled to breathe but him? I thought I would never see him ever again from the day I left my kingdom, looks like I was wrong, but as much as I wanted to run to his arms like I missed him, I didnt know if I should in front of Harry because he'll suspect something.

Yes, it was Niall, my bestfriend right here. Oh oh what did he hear? Mixed feelings now.

"Niall you know her?"Harry asked him asked him as he stood up from the bed to go do something I didnt expect at all, he hugged him like I should say friendly. Ok now what? They knew each other? Niall didnt looked a hundred percent happy seeing him and me mutiple times. I was really nervous of what Niall will tell Harry, will he tell about me, about who I really am.

"Harry I dont want a girl to come in between our friendship. Im here to bring back our princess home, where she belongs"Niall said and I looked down gulping in fear of what will happen next. Harry gasped in disbelief. Harry and Niall were friends? I did not see that coming? How come a yellow eyed be friend with a red eyed?

How come a yellow eyed fell in love with a red eyed huh?

Ok ok touche

"Your Princess?Katherine is from--"Harry started and before he finished his sentence I cut him off standing between both of them.

"Niall you are mistaken, I am from Imperia, my kingdom is lost, this is my new home"I lied looking straight at Niall , back facing Harry so he wouldnt see my face reactions. I wasnt proud and happy to lie to my own bestfriend or brother, I hated it but I had no choice, if I went back to Vampiria, Mother will marry me to King Zayn, no more Harry, no more happiness, no more love. Niall looked at me like he didnt believe a thing, shocked of what I said.

"The bloody air here poisoned your mind Katherine, you forgot where you're really from, you are the Princess of---"Niall started raising his voice but I cut him off again before he said the name of my real kingdom. Harry stood there looking clueless.

"Imperia! I am not leaving Volterra, I am not leaving Harry"I said standing next to Harry holding his hand making him smile a little at me. It was enough for me to melt. Without him noticing I winked at Niall and spoke to him in mind like how I did before to Zayn.

Niall, I'm really happy to see you, I miss you terribly but I cant go back to Vampiria, I cant marry King Zayn, I hate him and I will never love him. Why so confident you may ask, well because I love Harry, I really love him and Im not leaving him. Since you guys are friends, you must know he reads minds so watch your thoughts about me or the secret is out. Please Niall, Im sorry but let me this do this one thing by my own choice. Mother cant control my heart.

Niall looked at me like I was delusional, like I didnt know what I was saying bt the truth was the I knew exactly what I was saying. He sighed in frustration to calm his nerves down and looked at Harry. What was he gonna tell him now?

"Niall, how do you know Katherine?"Harry asked him seriously, Niall looked at me from the corner, I gulped nervously next to Harry still holding me tight by my waist.

"Hmmm well...I dont know...I dont know anymore...who are you? You look like my bestfriend but you're not her."Niall started his choice choking turning to me. Ouch. I was still the same Nialler, I didnt change Right?

"Niall, I'm still the same. I'm still--"I started but he cut me off.

" My bestfriend, my sister would never let a red eyed lay his hand on her, she wouldnt let him any closer, she wouldnt fucking fall in love with him. She wo--"Niall said bursting in tears of both sadness and anger. Ouch again, now I was the one who had tears streaming down my face. What did I do? Was it a crime to fall in love?

"Niall dont say that! I love Harry but I love you too, you're like my brother to me."I said crying, Harry standing there like a spectator who didnt know what to say, what to do, how to react.

"He's my friend but he's still a red eyed Katherine. Somehow you can convince your Mother to just be friends with him but to approve your forbidden love? Are you out of your mind? I thought you were smarter than this Kat!"Niall said and before I could say something, Harry opened his mouth and said something I didnt expect him to say at all, it made Niall and I speechless as we couldnt spill anything that he shouldnt know.

"Your Mother is alive Katherine?"Harry asked me looked directly at me. Oh oh he caught that. Oh great, now what to tell him?

"Oh yes she is. She's immortal Harry! Nooone can kill her except with one weapon: The Black Blade"Niall said and I gasped not believing the fact that he was actually telling Harry , the truth about everything.

"Niall!"I shouted and he chuckled sarcastically. What happened to my brother?

"Why dont you tell him Kat? Tell him about who really here? Where you're really from? If you really love him"Niall said and I bursted crying as both stared eagerly at me, especially Harry. Oh no! Why did I had to tell him this way?

"Katherine, what is it? Something you're not telling me?"Harry asked me softly and I kept sobbing scared of what he will do to me when he will know the real me.

"I...I wanted to tell you...so many times...but I cant...and I'm scared"I said sobbing, Harry still looking at me softly, I hope he will stay that away.

"Scared of what Angel?"He asked lifting my chin up so I looked at his red eyes shining like rubies at me.

"Do you love me?"I asked him nervously and he chuckled as his hands delicately cupped my face.

"I love you more than you know Katherine. I always will. What are you afraid of?"Harry asked me nicely and I sighed nervously because I knew it was The Time Of The Truth.

"Even after I'll tell you, I'm not who I told you I am"I said softly and his face changed but not angry, not entirely, he was blank. But his words shocked me and Niall the most.

"You think I dont know! You think I dont know you're the Princess Of Vampiria?"Harry asked raising his voice makin me jump and gasp. Niall was as shocked as I was.

He knew me who I really was? WHAT AND HOW THE HELL?

(A/N: Dun dun dun! OMG Harry knows? Since when and how? Answer next chapter in Harry's Pov. Did you like this chapter? What do you think will happen next? What did you think about Niall and his change in behavioir towards Katherine, he was only hard on  her because he cares for her as a brother. And yes Niall and Harry were friends, even if Kat didnt know.

Dedication: SaharMagdy and HeyitsEthel 😊😍)

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