32: I Hate You

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Katherine's Pov

Pain. Was the one word that would describe how I felt right now. I was already nervous like hell when my bestfriend appeared all of a sudden at Harry's room, even more shocked learning that they were friends for a long time. Just when it was heart warming to hear that Niall my brother was ok with me loving Harry and Harry loving me, My Dear Mother had to show up and ruin everything. Mother was so so so furious of me and Harry even more. What I couldnt digest was that she arranged mariage for me and King Zayn but the most unbearable was that Harry will be sentenced to death here in Vampiria.

There was no way I would let that happen. I had to convince Mother.

Mother took me harshly and quickly to my room, man it has been so long since then, but I didnt I would ever come back, I really didnt want to come back. My place was with Harry, if I had to marry someone, it will be him and only him. Not some random Moonland King.

"Katherine out of all vampires you had to fall for him?"Mother asked me controlling her temper standing crossing her arms to her chest and I refused to look at her out of hatred as I sat on the bed crying worried about Harry.

"What do you know about him? Nothing because if you did, you would gladly approve our love! Not that I care about your approval anyway"I told boldly except the last part I mumbled softer but she heard and it was her turn to raise her voice.

"Volterra are our worst enemies and Prince Harry is the strongest and most dangerous. He could have kill-"She started but I cut her before she could tell bullshits about my sweet Harry.

"Harry is not enemie. You know nothing about him and his intentions because if you would, you wouldnt judge him blindly just because of the kingdom he's from"I shouted in the same tone as her and she was furious looking at me very shocked like she didnt believe a thing I have said.

"I will not bow to that Volterra King and Queen and call their son as my son in law ever. Katherine  , they're the worst vampires in the history of worst vampires and Him, he -"Mother said and I have completely lost , I cut her off refusig to hear anything more.

"He loves me and I love him. End of story, I will marry him and noone else"I said sternly and she scoffed in disgust.

"What do yoy know about love? You dont even know which kingdom is allie or enemie!"Mother said and I rolled my eyes.

"More than you think! Unlike I look into things at a deeper level, our kingdoms may have a bad past but its up to us to change it. Harry and I could start it"I said and she gasped not knowing what to do or tell me because I knew that she knew that nothing would change my mind about Harry.

"Harry and You? Are you serious?"Mother asked me chuckling sarcastically. Damn serious Mother!

"You wanted an alliance right? Why Moonland when we can have stronger allies like Volterra? Mother the Black City was not always Black, trust me when I say this Harry wants to bring its past beauty and glory, he's a red eyed physically but a yellow eyed by heart. Marry me to Harry, not Zayn"I told her as soft and desperate as I was with tears around my eyes.

"You're so innocent Katherine! He's being playing you, fooling you , red eyed are terrible they dont know anything other than violence. Zayn is the one and only for you, there s noone as gentle as him. He loves you so so much"She said. Wont she ever understand that I loved Harry and only Harry and my heart will remain with him?

"But I dont Mother!"I shouted and she slapped me hard again.

"Stop answering back to me. You'll be arranged to marry Zayn and only him. Prince Harry will watch you marry King Zayn before being sentenced to death. Thats what will happen whether you like it or not. I gasped and bursted crying like ceazy.

"Get out of my room! I Hate You"I said crying like ceazy not looking at her as I was sitted on my bed. She sighed before turning to leave my room. Yeah leave me the hell alone!

"Its for your own good, you'll thank me one day"Mother said before leavung and closing my bedroom door. When I was all alone in my room , I lied on the bed bursting crying in my pillow thinking about Harry. Why why why?

Was love a crime?

Katherine's Mother's Pov

I couldnt believe a single word she said. She trusted him so deeply, so easily and blindly without taking into account that he was a fucking red eyed, our worst enemies. Queen Anne and King Des were the worst vampires ever and I would never bow to them as my daughter's parents in law. No way!

One more reason I should plan the wedding as soon as possible. After that, Prince Harry will pay the price of playing around with my Katherine.

"Katherine's back Your Majesty?"Look who's here, my rightful soon to be son in law, King Zayn. He was waiting so impatiently for Katherine's safe return, he was so worried for her like how I was and was furious to hear from Nora that his fiamce was in love with someone else, especially a red eyed. Perhaps, Zayn could help everyone into this.

"Yes and good thing you came Zayn, I need your help, well Katherine needs your help"I started and he nodded.

"Anything for my future Queen"He said and I smiled.

"The Princess is a wreck, she doesnt think straight, talk to her Zayn, court her, make feel better, make her yours you what I mean by that right?"I asked him and he was clueless or not sure of what I meant. Oh Zayn as innocent as Katherine, perfect match.

"But Katherine loves the Volterra Prince"He said and I frowned. I didnt want to hear that name again.

"Zayn I want you to make her forget about him. I want you to mark her before he does. Once she's marked, noone could seperare the both of you"i said and he nodded before walking to Katherine's room with a smirk on his face.

Prince Harry will not take Katherine from me.

(A/N: Poor Hatherine! Do know what did the Queen mean by marking Katherine? Means making love! You think next will be a Zatherine smut? I dont know hehe we'll see! Remember Harry's dehydrated in the dungeons! What do you think will happen next?

Dedication: warriorwithabook thank you for the cover its awesomeee and it pictures Hatherine perfectly.  )

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