19: Joining The Red Army

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Harry's Pov

What the hell was he doing here with a huge army with him? I was the one to lead the armies of my kingdom as I was the Prince so what was he doing , where was he heading with such an army without me?

Yes it was my kingdom's army that was here with the lead of the one and only, my bestfriend Louis. Sir Louis but he was just Louis to me.

"Louis? Where are you leading my army to without me?"I asked him normally and he chuckled playfully as he got down his horse to walk towards me, it kind of scared Katherine a little so she moved closed behind me sorta hiding her face to my back. Don't worry love, I won't let him hurt you, besides Louis wouldnt hurt you.

"Dude five days ago you said you went hunting outside Volterra and now looo how I found you, you look dehydrated like fuck and it looks like you havent been hunting blood this time"Louis said as he glared at Katherine at the end, I rolled my eyes at him, seriously he was teasing me? Actually no he didnt look very pleased of Katherine presence by my side especially her being really close to me, why was that do you think? She was a yellow eyed. People in Volterra seriously needed to change.

"I got distracted when I met the Princess of the lost kingdom Imperia, the only survivor, this Katherine, Katherine meet my bestfriend Louis. He wont hurt you, I wont let him or anyone"I said sternly and Louis hesitantly nodded , I knew deep inside he didnt like that. Katherine wasn't like Louis upset, actually she was scared so she showed a small smile at Louis still not raising her face from my back, yeah I was taller than her, not much height difference but still there was.

"Hello Louis!"Katherine managed to speak nicely, Louis gave her a forceful smile but it was genuine at least.

"Hi! So you've met a yellow eyed princess and now you wont come home?"Louis mocked me in a not nice way and I sighed squeezing Katherine's hand in mine.

"Actually, we were---"I started to say slowly and Louis interrupted once he understood and freaked out.

"Woah woah dont tell me you were planning to take her to Volterra with you? Harry tell me you re not stupid, do you have a dead wish ? Both of you!"Louis yelled which made Katherine jump.

"You should see someone beyond the looks Boobear, Katherine is not like the rest and she has nowhere to go, she could start new with us, be one of us right Kat?"I said with optimism smiling at Katherine who returned a cute smile from her lips. Jesus Christ her lips!

"Prince Harry of Volterra , she will never be one of us, wanna know why ? Look at her eyes, she doesnt feed on humans,she makes peace with them, you know very well your parents hate that more than anything, even if I let you guys in Volterra, they wont let her in, they will kill her"Louis said and I growled slamming down on the ground with anger and he looked at me super shocked. The thought of people killing Katherine disturbed me more than anything, more than my blood starving feeling inside me, my throat burning was nothing compared to the pain of losing Katherine.

Wait, what did just I say? What did it mean?

It means you love her you idiot!

Did I?

"No fucking way! Nobody will lay they hands on her, Katherine is under my full responsibility and will always be with me, no matter what Mother and Father will say or even think, they may rule the kingdom but not my heart!"I growled at him and he panted slightly until I felt like a strong force pulling me away from Louis, like a strong wind, was it Katherine?

"Stop it! Stop fighting! I'll just go to another yellow eye kingdom, its ok Harry I told you noone would want me there"Katherine said after releasing me and I was shocked, how could she use three different elements so easily? Who was she? Now I realised one thing!

She was not your average Vampire Yellow Eyed Princess. She was important.

Not just to them but to me as well, to my unbeating heart.

"No! Katherine you're staying with me, Im not asking you, dont listen to Louis, he s my bestfriend but Im the Prince and he should obey me, you're coming with me in Volterra and start all over again there, you'll be one of us and I wont force you to feed on human blood, its your choice"I told her as I came closer to her cupping her face with my hands caressing her soft cheeks, she was doing something to me, her lips , her eyes calling me, aaahh control yourself Harry! The look on her face was priceless but had mixed emotions like she was thinking about a lot of things, she was thinking a lot, damn why couldnt I read her mind? Why her mind alone? She was indeed very very special.

"This is all nice to hear but are you practical? Harry its your kingdom, your people, your family, you cant go against them, especially for me I cant let you do that. Your kingdom must be at peace now and I dont want to be a disturber of peace alright?"Katherine said softly and I smiled shaking my head for no like what she said may be right but it was no problem for me. I just couldnt let her go somewhere far way from me, I needed her with me. Woah really Harry? Did she have such an effect on me like this?

"No I dont care about any of this Kat! You're staying with me and I wont let anybody hurt you whether physically, verbally, emotionally..."I said and Louis gasped as he couldnt digest all the things I said from yue beginning.

"My bestfriend's gone mad"Louis said looking at Katherine and I like we were two insane persons. I would prefer madly in love yeah that would be more accurate. Wait what what what what? Did I just say madly in love? Did I love Katherine? No no no I cant, I could never love her, with lots of convincing I could make Katherine stay in the kingdom with me but Mother would never accept both of us because of our differences. Why these rules?

"Shut up and now I along with Katherine will lead my army to Volterra! Katherine, we re going to your new home"I said with authority and Katherine smiled nicely at me. She's so beautiful.

"Dammit! Get him a horse quickly!"Louis ordered someone and they brought forward a brown horse so I climb on it, extended my hand to the beautiful yellow eyed princess for her to join me.

"Come love!"I told her as she took my hand so I helped her climb on the horse behind me, her body super close to me, her front to my back, I knew it was nothing wrong but I was getting for some reason weird thoughts and some kind of frustrations if you know what I mean. Stop it Harry! Control!

"Alright lets ride to Volterra!"Louis said and I rode first with the army following behind me, now I knew the way to Volterra we werent far at all, we'll soon make it. I was now nervous about what Father and Mother would say about Katherine...well actually no! I didnt fuck of what they ll think of her, if they didnt want her in Volterra. I shall leave along with her.

"Remember love, stay close to me, always"I told Katherine as the horse galloped faster and her small arms wrapped spontaneously around my torso which was more than enough to grow a bulge you know where, I loved it when she hugged me like that. But what surprised the most was the word that escaped those beautiful perfect lips of hers.


(A/N: Hehe small Hatherine moment here, well they re not officially Hatherine but yeah, maybe beginning stage of feelings developing for each other? What do you think will happen next? Any thoughts on Niall, Zayn and Nora with their army? Will they continue searching for Katherine or just give up? Well one hint: Zayn/Niall , one of them wont give up...you'll see who later.

Dedication: @helloprincess20 and BirishLads 😊😁😍 )

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