33: Him And Not Him

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(A/N: What do you think? Hatherine smut or Zatherine smut?)__________________________________________________

Zayn's Pov

As much as I wanted to mark her and make her mine forever, I didn't want to do it, not right now. I wanted to mark her with her will to give herself to me ot forcing her.

But now that she was in love with the Volterra Prince, things got complicated and he was an obstacle between Katherine and I. I couldnt let him take Katherine from me, from Mother Queen, from yellow eyes.

Katherine will be my bride and noone else.

If you think that way, what her Mother told me was the right to do, now that Prince Harry was arrested and sentenced to death after the wedding, it was the perfect time to change Katherine's mind, to make her think straight, make her do the right thing for her, her Mother.

When she was most vulnerable. The easiest way so I wouldnt lose.

Let us go smooth with Katherine before the...bang or whatever you call it.

I knocked at her bedroom's door but obviously she didnt open so I took the liberty to open the door and enter the room myself. The scene in front of me made my heart shatter to pieces as i watched  a hysterically crying Katherine into her pillow, the unfamiliar red dress hugging her body perfectly ironically to the situation made me want her more but I controlled those thoughts and instead I sat by her side taking her head letting rest on my lap. Katherine didnt stop crying, so much as she didnt even acknowledge my presence.

"Ssh dont waste your tears for that prick, he's not worth it"I told her softly caressing her hair, immediately after hearing my voice, she sat up and pulled away from me.

"Wh-Wh-What are you doing here? Go away!"Katherine cried and tried to push me by my chest but I took it as my chance to grab her hands pulling her to me so that I wont leave and she wont leave either. She's mine and only mine.

"I know we started on the wrong foot together and I would like to start over with you, we could start our lives together"I said really smoothly as ny arms holding hers in place as she was struggling to get off but of course I refused to let go of her.

"We? There is no we between you and me and there will never be. My heart belongs to someone else"She snapped at me and I frowned at the thought that her heart was with someone else, even more frustrating knowing that that someone else was a fucking Red Eyed Prince of our worst enemie kingdom of all enemies.

"Prince Harry will not have you, you're already mine Katherine, you will marry me and you will realise how happy you will be happy"I told her and she scoffed in disgust and no interest.

"Never in your wildest dreams. There's noone as good , pure, soft as Harry, its not Mother or You that s gonna tear us apart"She said strongly and I sighed not knowing what to do. Katherine was stubborn, she wasnt gonna give herself to me anyday anytime at all, so I guessed she gave me no other choice for me to take her by force. Because of I dont mark her, Prince Harry will mark her and nothing will ever seperate them, we wont be able to do anything then, Katherine will be lost forever.

"Why do you hate me so much?"I asked  her softly, she always frowned not smiling at all at me. She wouldnt try to get to know me, she just plainly refused to marry me. Why?

"Zayn I dont hate you...so much, I'm in love and I dont care who he is , where he is from. I love him and he loves me, end of story. If you get to know him, you'll see the good in him, he's a lot similar to us, to any yellow eyes in every way except the diet"Katherine said softly, yeah looked like she calmed down so I loosened my grip on hers and she relaxed still sitted on the bed in front of me. But how could she believe the tricks of Prince Harry just like that? What if he was using her? Oh Katherine, so innocent.

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