47: The Vision Was Wrong

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Harry's Pov

Pain, Pain, Pain.

That was what I was feeling right nkw, both physical and moral pain but it was my feelings that was in a worst condition. I did not care that I was going to die but it bloody hurt me so much to know that my Katherine my love was getting married to someone else even if she herself did not want it. That hurt me so much more.

Why was our love forbidden?

Two people fall in love with each other and they accept everything about each other , they didnt care about what people think, they didnt care which kingdom they were from. Only one thing mattered: Love.

They loved each other truly madly deeply.

That was Katherine and I. What was wrong in that?

More than my pain, I was feeling more for Katherine's pain that she was forced into something she didnt want. I felt bad because I promised that we will always be together no matter what and get through all this shit and look where we ended up.

In addition to this, the plan, the crazy plan my two friends Louis and Niall told me was brilliant but it put a lot at risk but we had to try anything, it might be called as fight for love. As Louis held me as we left the hall with Niall and Zayn, everyone was looking at us leaving the hall. I followed yhr lads to a dressing room god knew whose room it was but it was very neat room.

"As much as I love this plan, are you sure this is the best way?"I asked as Niall helped to exchange clothes woth...Zayn. He was gonna wear my tunic and I will wear his more valuable wedding silk tunic. Yeah exactly what you are probably thinking now. No matter what people will say, it will happen.

"Do you love her?"Louis asked me.

"Yes"I replied spontaneously.

"Do you want to kiss her?"Niall asked me and I was confused of why he asked dumb questions like this.

"Yes"I said obviously.

"Do you want to hug her?"Zayn asked. What he too? Guys?

"Yes" I said

"Do you want to make love to her? To impregnate her?"Louis asked me. I blushed just like that at his words. Heyy I have feelings alright.

"Yes and only me"I said

"Yes. then its the only way. No matter what Queen Mother Of All Vampires say, Katherine is yours to marry and you are Katherine's to marry. End of story. "Niall said and Zayn smiled nicely like he was finally on my side.

"You're a really lucky man Harry, don't lose her, she loves you sooo sooo much. You guys are made for each other."Zayn said and hugged like a brother, like Louis and Niall. Well when they say weddings bring people together, they got that damn right.

"Thanks Zayn, I will never lose her, never nothing can come between her and I. Im also glad to have you guys by my side. You guys and Katherine are my true family with Gemma."I said hugging the three of them.

"Aww Hazza stop you ll make me cry. Lets not make people question out abcense right?"Louis said trying to act like a drama queen. Aww Boobear chill man.

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