38: With You

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Katherine's Pov

I cried, cried and cried and cried like crazy into the arms of my supportive bestfriend in my room as I was really worried that something might happen to the love of my life because of my furious Mother. Why couldnt she accept the fact that I loved Harry and not Zayn? I wanted to marry Harry and not Zayn. What was so wrong of being marked by the one you truly loved? What was so wrong in falling in love?

"Kat! Stop crying! Please I hate to see you like this."Niall said consoling me and I felt bad for him as he was always there to comfort and he always made me happy. It it wasnt for Niall and Harry, I'd be dead by now. They were the reasons why I wasnt gonna commit suicide.

"Why Mother wouldnt understand that I love Harry more than anything and only him? I hope she wont hurt him in any way"I cried in his arms and before any of us could say anything, we were interrupted by the door opening and the sound of heels on the floor. Mother? Speak of the devil!

"No I didnt if that makes you feel better. Prince Harry is free and will lead our army to war against Volterra"Mother said and I turned to face her in complete shock to her words, looking at her checking whether she was telling the truth or not. What did she mean by she freed Harry and he was gonna fight against Volterra, his own kingdom? What did she do to him in the dungeons?

"What?"Niall and I asked at the same time in the same tone of shock. Mother chuckled coming closer taking my hand in hers but I didnt squeezed it back, too shock or scared to expect a catch. Never know with Mother.

"Katherine I'm sorry I misjudged him and didnt see the good in him like you did, I wish I knew it earlier he wouldnt suffer so much in our dungeons."She said and I just stood blank staring at her. Did I hear her properly? Was she accepting Harry and I after all?

"Mother, how the sudden change?"I asked her and she smiled.

"You'll know as soon as you will see him. He's in the training area"Mother explained and I gasped placing my hands to my mouth. Training area? Means one thing, Harry was alright and he will be. Right?

"Sir Niall! I want every soldier and archer to be ready for war, we have to defend ourselves against strong red eyes."Mother told Niall and he bowed with respect to her. Loyalty meant Niall, noone was more respectful than him to a Queen. Well Harry too but you get the point.

"Yes Your Majesty, victory will be ours but we will lose humans, red eyes are really strong"Niall said and he was right, the war we will win, but lot of human blood will be spilled in the process.

"Evacuate the humans, they cant stay in Vampiria during the war."I spoke out and now both Mother and Niall looked at me seriously, what did they forgot we have a refuge like place few miles from here?

"And where will they go?"Niall asked me. Yeah they forgot about it, they forgot about that fortress that once saved the whole vampire kin against wolves. That night, werewolves were extinct and we vampires endured. That was years ago, I wasnt born but how do I know about it? Well my tutor told me when I was little.

"How could you forget about our fortress of Nistrilla? It saved our kin long ago"I said and both looked at me with a warm smile proud of me.

"Good memory Kat. Yeah you're right. Your Majesty, I will lead the humans  to the Fortress of Nistrilla myself and come back."Niall said smiling proudly at me and I smiled back nodding at him.

"No sir Niall, I will lead them there myself, I need you to watch over the kingdom while I gone. Katherine I want you to practise more your shield, learn to shield the whole kingdom, if you succeed victory will be more spontaneous than you think"Mother said and I nodded. Oh my, we were really preparing for war, I didnt know how Harry would really take it, to fight against his parents, he may seek revenge for his sister's death but they were still his parents, I saw how his Mother really cared for him in Volterra. Would he have the full heart to be against his home?

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