18: Caring

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Katherine's Pov

Was Harry alright? I mean he looked fine like healthy as a horse but was he really? Ever since he bumped into me five days ago, he hasnt fed himself human blood at all and didnt even try animal blood when I suggested him te to time. Was it even healthy for a vampire? Not feeding himself, I heard it was deadly, worst than human dehydration as blood was like water for us.

We kept walking and walking and finally we werent in the woods, finally we were in a plain field, the scenery was nice and green and peaceful, no tall trees, just bushes, grass and flowers but not too much like a meadow it was plain green land.

"Harry? Are you sure you're not thirsty?"I asked him with concern as I noticed he kept his eyes almost closed most of the time, kinda like he was uneasy for some reason and his walk seemed to slow down and caught up with me as I wasnt walking fast but slow as I was following close to him. He tried his maximum not to show his face completely to me and it worried me.

"Nah...Im...fine...really"Harry managed to say and I didnt buy that by the sound of his voice, deeper than usual, still I had to admit, raspier it was, the more attractive. Ok Katherine you've officially gone mad! Stop it!

"You dont look fine, you need to feed or you wont make it to---"I started to say but he cut me off.

"I said Im fine Katherine! Im stronger than you think, Im not thirsty, I can wait to reach Volterra no problem"Harry snapped but softened his voice when he realised it. I let him not feed himself this time but something told me that he wasnt honest in his words. Was he stopping to feed or what? Thats not good!

Harry's Pov

Gosh! Ow! Argh! Ow! Damn my throat! It burned as fuck! Not that I've gone through it but it must be as painful as when a human gets bitten by a vampire and undergoes the transformation, it will burn the whole body on the inside, you'll want to die because it would hurt as fuck more than anything, probably more than a woman giving birth, I dont know, maybe, just saying.

I was so so do thirsty and I really needed, craved for human blood more than anything right now but I didnt want to hunt anymore, I didnt want to feed on humans anymore. I knew it wasnt right at all to kill innocent humans just for my hunger and power. Why was I thinking like this? Why was I changing my principles?


This yellow eyed Princess was changing me and for some reason I liked it, I likes the new me I was slowly becoming, I didnt feel upset that I didnt want to kill humans, I felt it was the right thing to do. With Katherine, I never felt more alive, I mean my throat was burning of thirst yes but she was around me right, so I didnt feel that much pain or better said I wasnt complaining about being in pain due to starving.

"Harry if you wont feed on humans, you should feed on animals, you have to feed on something you look weak!"Katherine insisted but her voice sweetened showing how she cared and was worried for me that something might happen to me. Not even Mother or Father would care that much for me. I felt loved. Well maybe because I was in love. What?

No Harry dont! She's a yellow eyed even if her kingdom is lost! Mother and Father would never approve you both!

They have to accept it. Katherine was the one to make feel happy, made me feel like...me, myself and I. Look she made me stop feeding on humans, realising that it was a barbaric thing, I dont care what my parents decision, they shouldnt decide with who I would spend my lifetime with.

And I choose Katherine.

"I...I...I dont know about that"I said as I didnt know it was safe to try animal blood. I've spent my whole life sucking the blood of humans so I guessed my body was now used to it, it was like mechanism so to change might be difficult, but that wasnt the main reason I wasnt daring to try animal blood. A dangerous reason!

"It isn't poison, it's nice , my favorite is lynx blood"Katherine said and I chuckled. She was officially the sweetest vampire I have ever met in my life.

"I never said it was disgusting Katherine, there is a reason why Im not feeding on it and its a dangerous one"I explained and she became a little tensed as she put her hand on my shoulder, did she really care about me? Was it even possible that someone could care for someone that much and it didnt have to be family? Well truthfully, Katherine cared more than Mother and Father, that was true!

"Its not like you're gonna...die right?"She asked me scared and I chuckled a little. This woman.

"Well, not by feeding on it. But it would risk my life"I explained and she continued to look straight into my eyes so I could continue but then I started getting lost into her beautiful shining golden eyes, but they were slightly darkening their shades, why? Because she was scared, for me.

"My Mother tracks red eyes vampires by the human blood running in our bodies that we drink, now that I dont have any at all, she wont find me, but if I have animal blood in my system she can sense it and trust it wont be pretty even if Im her son"I said and she gasped and squeezed my hand harder, it scared her so I hugged her taking her in my arms, loved how she fitted into me, her head in my chest, my arms around her.

"But you're sure you'll be fine till we reach Volterra?"Katherine asked as we pulled back and I nodded.

"Believe it or not love, just looking at you gives me so much energy, I'll be fine dont worry,"I said and she nodded smiling as we started walking again, I knew these plains we were at now, we were very very close to Volterra, we were in the right direction, I knew bringing Katherine was not the right thing because it was dangerous for her as a yellow eyed but I was willing to take the risk and swore to protect her, I just met her few days ago and already felt like she meant a lot to me even if she was from an enemie kingdom but which one I didnt know. I didnt know why I couldnt read her mind alone, there must be something special about her but what I didnt know.

"Harry move!"Katherine yelled interrupting my thoughts as she just like that threw a strong fire ball at a vampire that came towards us, that vampire fell from his horse and the horse ran backwards with...an army of other vampires. Not just an army WHAT?

"Ow since when a yellow eye master the fire element?...Harry?"The vampire got up panting for few seconds and looked at both of us shocked, but not more shocked than I was for two reasons.

1) He was right, no yellow eye master the fire element so how could Katherine know it, before she used the nature element. What the hell? Was she hiding something?

2) What the hell was he doing here with an army full armed?

(A/N: Oooohhh what do you think will happen next? Remember Harry doesnt know about who Katherine really is, or does he deep inside?😉 You'll see much later.

Dedications: HeyitsEthel and Harry-it-hurts 😊😁😍 )

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