Chapter Forty-Four

Start from the beginning

"I've started it and I'm going to finish it. I've never quit anything before in my life and I don't plan on starting on it now." Alice said with determination in her voice and stood up as Liam watched her with a small smile.

"That's my girl." Liam said softly and Alice blushed slightly, looking back down at their hands.

"Will you keep holding my hand though?" Alice asked unsurely and Liam nodded, gently squeezing her hand for comfort.

"I won't let go until you want me to." Liam whispered and she gave him a shy smile before kissing his cheek sweetly. The couple walked back into the house and took their seats on the couch. Alice glanced around the room and noticed that everyone's face was pale and their eyes were red rimmed. She took a shaky break and Liam squeezed her hand to remind her that he was right next to her and that he would continue to be.


"Crying in my neighborhood was a sign of weakness and you couldn't show weakness if you hoped to survive to the next day. One day when I didn't want to go home I found myself standing front of the local gym and one of the trainers let me inside. We got to talking and I ended up trading boxing lessons for cleaning the gym after it closed. Mark, the trainer, not only taught me how to box but he also tutored me in my school work. He talked me into participating in boxing matches and I fell in love with it. One day the owner caught me working out after hours and talked to me. He watched me train and attended one of my matches. He decided to let me continue to train but he paid me for each match I won and for cleaning the gym. My mom was so high off her drugs that she never knew that I was gone. When I graduated high school I immediately moved out of my mom's house and never looked back. I moved in with Mark and his family and they helped me get one my feet. I fought with myself for a year over what I should do. I was involved in a few bad relationships that year and did a lot of things that I regret but I never got into drugs. Any time someone would offer them to me I'd walk away because I knew what they do to people. The relationships I was in that year were all abusive and deadly but eventually I ended them and moved forward. After being stuck for that year I finally realized what I wanted to be a teacher so while I continued to box, train, and work at the gym I went to school full time. Every day I would come back to the house with barely any energy but somehow I found a way to do my homework. I kept fighting and now here I am. I graduated valedictorian and a job offer awaiting me." She said, finishing off her story. Everyone stared at her in shock for a while before Harry spoke up.

"May I ask what happened to your mum?" Harry asked hesitantly and Alice gave him a sad smile, squeezing Liam's hand tightly.

"She died a few years ago. She was killed in a gang shooting in Saint Louis. I didn't have enough money to bury her and we had no other family so I just had her cremated." Alice explained and Harry nodded.

"Do you mind I ask what you did with her ashes?" Harry asked, treading lightly.

"I spread them in her most favourite place. The beach." Alice said softly and Harry smiled softly.


"I'm very happy that she's finally at peace." Harry said softly and everyone nodded in agreement. Liam glanced at the time and squeezed Alice's hand gently.

"Love, it's almost time for your match. Mark said he wants you there early because he wants to discuss your tactics for this fight with you." Liam whispered in her ear and she nodded, standing up and stretching slightly.

"I need to leave unfortunately. Mark needs me at the gym before my match." Alice said and everyone nodded, standing up and giving her and Liam hugs. "I would love for all of you to come to one of my matches sometime." She said as she slipped her shoes on. Harry nodded and leaned over to whisper in Louis' ear. The couple talked softly for a few minutes before Harry turned back to Alice.

"Do you mind if some of us come to your fight tonight?" Harry asked and Alice shook her head.

"I'd love that but what about Adaley?" Alice asked and Liam helped her slip on her sweater over her sundress. Ali sat forward with a smile on her face as she squeezed Zayn's shoulder.

"I shouldn't go to violent events like that so Zayn and I can stay here and keep an eye on Adaley and the house if you'd like. We can also watch Emery if Tayler and Michael would like to go." Ali said with a smile and Tayler looked over to Michael to see her boyfriend nodding furiously.

"I guess Mikey and I will go." Tayler said and Michael jumped up, yelling in happiness. Harry looked down at Niall and Emma and then over at Breana and Josh.

"What about you four?" Harry asked and the two couples nodded.

"We're in." Josh said and high fived Niall. Moments later Ashton, Luke, and Calum appeared in the doorway and they looked at the conversing group with confused glances.

"What's going on?" Ashton asked and Alice smiled at them.

"Would you boys like to go to my boxing match tonight?" Alice asked and Ashton's eyes widened.

"Really?" Ashton said excitedly and Alice nodded with a laugh.

"Harry, Louis, Josh, Niall, Liam, Emma, Tayler, Breana, and Michael are all going. Would you three like to attend as well? It's on me." Alice said happily and Ashton nodded, answering for the entire group.

"We'll be there!" Ashton cheered and Alice laughed. She gave Harry the address of the gym and Alice and Liam left a few minutes later. Harry gave everyone the address and they agreed to meet back at Harry and Louis' house in half an hour and everyone but Ali, Zayn, and Emery left soon after. Harry smiled widely at Louis and winked at him.

"Looks like we have to get ready for a fight."

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