Chapter 6- Lies

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all rights go to Eric Kripke

chapter 6/20

The next day, Dean went about his normal day. Wake up next to Castiel, then take a shower. After that, its eat breakfast that Cas made and head off to work. Dean thought it was just going to be a normal day, but there was one thing a bit off. The whole time, Sid seemed to be giving Dean the cold shoulder and ignoring him. Nothing could have prepared Dean, when Sid explained. Dean went up to him at break.

“Hey man, whats up with you?” Dean said, expecting him to just tell him that he was tired. Instead when he asked Sid, he took a big sigh and calmly told him to sit down, which, made Dean a bit nervous, but he did anyways because he was also super curious.

“I don’t know how to say this-” Sid said making Dean want to roll his eyes but he didn’t in fear of being rude. Sid sighed one more time before saying

“Haley told me something the other night, after we left your house that i think you should know, because i cant not tell you.”

“Sid can you please get on with it” a now impatient Dean said, still resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

“okay okay, Haley said that when she was just trying to help out Castiel the other night, when he hit on her and tried to kiss her. He got mad when she rejected him and thats why he made us leave.” Sid said fast, nervously. Deans stomach dropped. He wanted to scream, or punch something, but he just sat there, blinking and unmovable. Dean wanted to say that he was just lying because Cas would never to that, because hes an angel of the Lord. Except he didn’t he just said

“Oh” and got up, and went back to work, uncertain about the last couple of days. He wanted to be certain that Sid was lying but to be truthful, he didn’t know anything. The rest of the time at work he had an anxious feeling at the pit of his stomach. He rarely got this horrible feeling, after being a hunter most of his life, nothing really scared him, apparently the possibility of the one he loves not really loving him back scared the crap out of him. When Dean drove home he didn’t know what he was going to do, he was contemplating how to go about this, should he ask Castiel? How? But when he got home he found himself not bring able to get the words out when Cas noticed the pained look on his face. Instead of saying anything about what Sid said, Dean just said that he was tired. Castiel offered to give him a good shoulder massage which Dean happily obliged. Again they fell asleep in each others arms, except this time when Castiel got out of bed to watch TV, he thought Dean was asleep. He wasn’t, and when Castiel got up, he turned onto his side and cried silent tears, unsure about his lover. Eventually, he fell asleep. In the morning, Castiel woke Dean up. When Dean looked at the clock, next to the bed on the side-table he freaked out, jumping up and trying to quickly get dressed when Castiel put a hand on his shoulder.

“Dean relax, you’re taking a sick day.” Cas said, confusing Dean.

“What the-” Dean started, cut off by Castiel saying

“Dean we need to talk, so your going to take a break.” Dean signed and dragged his tired body to the kitchen and sat down at the table.

“Can i at least have breakfast first?” Dean asked Castiel, looking at him with tired forest green eyes.

“Sure” Castiel said giving him a kiss on the head and getting to work, cooking. After Dean ate happily, waking up a little bit, Castiel sat down with him, apparently it was time to talk about what ever he was fussing about to give him a day off work. 

“Dean i know you were awake last night, so, are you going to are you going to tell me whats wrong or am i going to have to make you?” Castiel said.

“ooo sounds hot.” Dean said leaning over the table, and winking.

“Dean..” Castiel said, tapping his foot impatiently. Dean sighed again

“okay. fine. i heard something at work yesterday that unsettled me.” Dean felt anxious again, but he knew it would help to get this out and learn the truth about what really happened.

“what was it?” Castiel asked sweetly, putting his hands on Deans. For what felt like the thousandth time, Dean sighed and went into detail of what happened at work yesterday and what Sid told him about what Haley said about Castiel, that day. When he was done with his story Castiel looked about the same amount of anger the day it happened. Castiel groaned and rubbed his temples as if he had a headache.

“Its not true, is it?” Dean asked, softly

“Of course not Dean.” Said Castiel, looking at him with that face that made him look like a tiny kitten, it warmed Deans heart and once again, he got that feeling of complete trust in Cas. 

“I knew it. what really happened?”

“She kissed me, i pushed her away, and then i didn’t want her in our house so i kicked them out.” Castiel said casually, making Dean smile. He was happy that he got the truth, while he realized that now he had to tell Sid about his wife and he didn’t know if he should or not. What Dean needed now was some advice and knew that castiel wouldn’t know, neither would Bobby. Later that day he remembered someone he could ask that could help, maybe. hopefully. he went to the address book, and dialed Elise’s number. it rang a couple times before he heard the familiar voice.

“Dean? you’re lucky its a slow day, what do you need?”

“I need some advice from a female mind.” 

“Are you and Cas having problems cause-”

“no, nothing like that, just, my friends wife..” Dean told Elise the whole messy story and when he finished he asked

“well? what do you think I should do?”

“hmm, now. i can see why you would be confused in what to do.. Sid was nice enough to tell you when he thought it was Castiel, right?”

“right” Dean agreed, knowing deep down were she was going with this.

“so.. Don’t you think you should repay him the favor by telling him the truth?” Elise said to Dean making him realize that she was right. She then said that she was getting another call so Dean thanked her and hang up. He went to bed knowing what the right thing to do was.

It was after work and Dean went up to Sid and asked him if he wanted to go to the same bar they went to the first day they met, he liked that atmosphere. So they met up there, and sat down across from each other. After ordering, Dean had finally, slowly built up the courage to tell his friend the truth. He took a deep breath, and, told him, not expecting him to get mad, accuse him of being the liar and calling him insulting names, finally getting up and telling Dean to just not talk to him anymore and leaving.

“There goes another friend.” Dean said softly to himself, then went home, glad he still had Castiel. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2013 ⏰

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